State Field Office Records, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, Abandoned Lands (454 Reels)
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AL 1865-1872 Accounts of Stores Issued to Agents v.(46) Inspector Genl and Dsbrsg Ofcr Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(28) QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs Rcvd and Sent v.(38) Apr.-July 1866 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.1 (39) Sept. 1866-June 1867)
AL 1865-1872 Commissary of Subsistence Weekly, Trimonthly and Monthly Rprts and Returns of Rations and Provisions Issued Coosa-Randolph 1866 Benton-Bibb 1866 Employees-Pest House 1866-67 Rprts of Subsistence Stores Issued and Rcvd July 1867-Aug. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Demopolis Ltrs Rcvd May 1867-Dec. 1868, Rgstr of Complaints v.(141) Feb. 1866-Aug. 1868, Misc Recs Jan. 1866-Nov. 1868 Misc School Recs of C.L. Drake v.(194) May 1866-Oct. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Demopolis Rgstr of Patients, Frdmn's Hospital v.(142) June-Nov. 1867 Elyton Ltrs Sent v.(153) May-Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(152) May-July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd May-July 1868 Eufaula Ltr Rcvd by H. R. Burton Jan. 1868 Eutaw Ltrs Rcvd by J. A. Yordy Apr-June 1868 Labor Contrs 1866 Garland Ltrs Sent by the Surg v.(145) May-Oct. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd and Sent and Rgstr of Prescriptions v.(146) 1867-68 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (143) v.2 (144) Ltrs Rcvd Account Book v.(147) Rgstr of Patients v.1 (148) v.2 (149) Rgstrs of Prescriptions v.1 (150) v.2 (151) Monthly Rprts of Destitute Dschrgd Soldrs List of Expenses Incurred for Treatment of Frdmn Jan. 8-Oct. 15, 1868 Oct. 10-Dec. 31, 1868 Mar.-Aug. 1867 Oct. 1867-Oct. 1868 May 1867-Oct. 1868 May 1867-Oct. 1868 1867 1868 June-Nov. 1867 May 3, 1866 Girard Ltrs Rcvd by J. B. Healy and a Labor Contr 1867-68 Greenville Ltrs Sent v.1 (123) Sept. 1865-Oct. 1866 v.2 (124) June 1866-Apr. 1867 v.3 (125) Feb. 1867-July 1868 v.4 (126) Aug. -Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (121) Apr. 1867-Sept. 1868 v.2 (122) Sept. - Nov. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Greenville Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (70) Sept. 1865-Jan. 1868 v.2 (71) Feb. - Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(57) July 1865-Mar. 1866 Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (58) Mar. - Oct. 1866 v.2 (59) Oct. 1866-July 1867 v.3 (60) July 1867-Jan. 1868 v.4 (61) Jan. - Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1865-Jan. 1869)
AL 1865-1872 Greenville Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1866-Dec. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Greenville Reg i sters of Contrs v.1 (128) May-Dec. 1865 v.2 (129) May-Dec. 1865 Rgstr of Complaints v.(130) Feb. 3, 1867-Dec. 1868 Misc Rec Book v.(127) Sept. 1865-Aug. 1867 Misc Recs June 1866-Feb. 1869 Haynesville Ltrs Sent by W. H. Hunter v.(192) Aug. -Nov. 1868 Huntsville (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (62) July 1865-Apr. 1866 v.2 (63) Apr. 1866-May 1867 v.3 (64) Apr. 1867-Jan 1868 v.4 (65) Feb.-Nov.1868)
AL 1865-1872 Huntsville (Frdmn's Hospital) Special and Genl Orders and Circular Ltrs Rcvd v.(86) May 1865-Aug. 1866 Rgstr of Sick and Wounded v.(89) Jan. 1866-July 1868 Monthly Rprts of Destitute Dschrgd Soldrs and Families Treated July 1867-June 1868 Jacksonville Ltrs Sent v.(131) May-Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd May-June 1868 Contrs June-Dec. 1865 Livingston Ltrs Sent and Fair Copies of Ltrs and Orders Rcvd by Agent John L. Stelzig v.(157) Aug-Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(158) Aug-Nov. 1868 Court Recs 1866-67 List of Contrs No Dates)
AL 1865-1872 Huntsville (SubAsst Commr) Special Orders Issued v.(72) Apr. 1866-Apr. 1868 Rgstr of Rations Shipped to Agents and (cent) Issued in the Counties v.(80) Jan.-Oct. 1866 Fair Copies of Contrs v.1 (81) Sept. 1865-Jan. 1866 v.2 (82) Jan. 1866-Jan. 1867 v.3 (83) Jan. 1867-Jan. 1868 Docket of Trials v.(84) Jan-Mar 1866 Rosters of Ofcrs and Employees Jan.-Mar. 1866 Misc Recs 1865-67 Huntsville and Athens (Claims Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (66) Apr. 1868-July 1869 v.2 (67) July 1869-Jan. 1870)
AL 1865-1872 Huntsville and Athens (Claims Agent) Census of Black Citizens and Rgstr of Bounty Claims Rcvd and Forwarded v.(79 ) 1865 and June-July 1868 Rgstrs of Claims Allowed v.1 (78) Apr. 1868-May 1870 v.2 (79) Sept. 1868-Jan. 1872 Rgstrs of Claims Forwarded v.1 (74) May 1866-July 1870 v.2 (75) July 1870-Jan. 1872 Rgstrs of Disbursements v.1 (76) Jan. 1868-Apr. 1870 v.2 (77) Apr. 1870-Jan. 1872 Rgstr of Claimants v.(73) June 1868-Dec. 1871 Misc Recs on Claims and Copies of School Rprts 1865 71 Huntsville (Frdmn's Hospital) (Ltrs Sent by the Surg v.(87) Feb.-Mar. 1866 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent by the Surg v.(88) Sept. 1866-Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(85) Feb. 1867-June 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Huntsville and Athens (Claims Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1868-Jan. 1869 Ltrs Rcvd Jan-Dec. 1869)
AL 1865-1872 Huntsville and Athens (Claims Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1869-Jan. 1872 Receipts for Claims 1867-72)
AL 1865-1872 Huntsville and Athens (Claims Agent) Ltrs Sent v.3 (68) Feb. 1870-Apr. 1871 v.4 (69) Apr. 1871-Jan. 1872 Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 1870-Dec. 1871)
AL 1865-1872 List of Book Recs State of AL 1 v.OFFICE OF THE Asst Commr Corr Name Indexes v.(6)* Other Recs Misc Name Index 1 v.OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Commissary of Subsistence Ltrs and Endrsmnts Sent and a Rgstr of Subsistence Stores Rcvd and Issued v.(113) 1865-68 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(37) Feb. 1867-May 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(50) Feb.-July 1867 Ltrs Rcvd Pertaining to Subsistence Mar.-Dec. 1867 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Mar.-Oct. 1867 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by M. H. Cruikshank Jan. 1866-Aug. 1867 Weekly, Trimonthly and Monthly Rprts and Returns of Rations and Provisions Issued Demopolis-Talladega 1865 Autauga-Conecuh 1866)
AL 1865-1872 List of Heads of Families Who Have Rcvd Relief ("Certs of Appls") 1867-68 Applications for Relief Jan. 1866, May-July 1867, May 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Mobile (SubAsst Commr) "Time Book," Swayne School Construction v.(112) 1868 Mobile (Frdmn's Hospital) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent by the Surg v.(116) Aug. 1866-Nov. 1867 Ltrs Sent and Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(115) Jan.-Dec. 1866 Misc Rec Book v.(117) Sept. 1865-Sept. 1867 Monthly Abstract of Provisions Issued v.(118) Oct. 1866-Oct. 1867 Rgstr of Patients v.(119) Aug. 1865-Nov. 1867 Rgstr of Patients v.(No Number) June 1865-Nov. 1867 Morning Rprts of Sick and Wounded v.(120) Aug. 1865-Nov. 1867 Monthly Rprts on Treatment of Destitute Dschrgd Soldrs and Their Families June-Oct. 1867 Mobile (Claims Agent) Rgstr of Claimants v.(111) Dec. 1867-Mar. 1872 Montgomery (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1(92) Oct. 1865-Mar. 1867 v.2 (93) Jan. 1867- Feb. 1868 v.3 (94) Feb.- Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (90) Mar. 1867- May 1868 v.2 (91) June - Dec. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Mobile (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1865-Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Contrs and Complaints v.(114) Jan. 1866-Aug. 1868 Transcripts of Mayor's Docket Aug.-Sept. 1865 Misc Recs 1865-68)
AL 1865-1872 Mobile (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.(108) Apr. 1865-Apr. 1868 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.(109) Apr.-Dec. 1868 Press Copies of Ltrs of Transmittal Sent v.(110) Feb. 1866-Sept. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (106) Nov. 1865-Apr. 1868 v.2 (107) Apr.-Dec. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Montgomery (Frdmn's Hospital) Accounts of Subsistence Stores Purchased and Issued v.1(99) Jan.-Apr. 1867 v.2 (100) May-Sept. 1867 Rprts of Patients v.(103) Rgstrs of Patients v.1 (104) Aug. 1865- May 1866 Volume2(105) May 1866-Nov. 1867 Monthly Rprts on Treatment of Destitute Dschrgd Soldrs and their Families June-July 1867 Misc Rgstrs of Food Purchased for use at the Hospital v.(176 Ark.) 1865-67 Sept. 1865-Nov. 1867 Montgomery (Home Colony Hospital) Rgstr of Patients v.(102) Sept. 1865-July 1866 Opelika Ltrs Sent v.1 (133) June 1867-Feb. 1868 v.2 (134) Feb.-Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(132) Feb.-Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd May 1867-Dec. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Montgomery (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Jan.-Dec. 1868 Special and Genl Orders and Circular Ltrs Rcvd July 1865-May 1868 Fair Copies of Contrs v.1 (196) 1865 v.2 (197) 1865 (one list, 1866) v.3 (198) 1865 v.4 (199) 1865)
AL 1865-1872 Montgomery (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd May 1865-Dec. 1867)
AL 1865-1872 Montgomery (SubAsst Commr) Rgstr of Claimants v.(95) Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr Misc Recs 1867-July 1868 July 1865-Oct. 1868 1865-68 Montgomery (Frdmn's Hospital) Ltrs Sent by Surg v.(98) Jan.-Nov. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(96) Jan.-Nov. 1867 Special Orders and Circular Ltrs Rcvd v.(97) Jan. Nov. 1867 Surg's Rec Book v.(101) Aug. 1865-Jan. 1867)
AL 1865-1872 Opelika Rgstr of Complaints v.(330) Monthly Rprts of Operations Circular Ltrs Issued and Orders Rcvd June 1867-Jan. 1868 Aug.-Nov. 1868 June-Oct. 1868 Selma (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (175) Mar. 1866-Jan. 1867 v.2 (176) Jan.-Sept. 1867 v.3 (177) Sept. 1867-Oct. 1868 v.4 (178) Oct.-Dec. 1868 Ltrs Sent Relating to Bureau and QrtrMstr Stores v.(179) July 1867-June 1868)
AL 1865-1872 QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent v.(42) Jan.-Apr. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(36) Jan. 1867-Jan. 1869 Ltrs Rcvd A-G 1868 G-K 1868)
AL 1865-1872 QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs Rcvd M-W 1868 B-W 1869 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles HiredSept. 1865-July 1869)
AL 1865-1872 QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Misc Memorandums v.(45) Jan. 1866-Apr. 1867 Account Book of Stores Purchased v.(48) Sept. 1866-July 1870 Account Book of Stores Issued in the Counties v.(47) Jan. 1867-May 1868 Account Book of Stores Transferred by and to the Chief QrtrMstr v.(49) Apr.-Oct. 1867 Surg Ltrs Sent v.1 (31) Sept. 7, 1865-July 21, 1866 v.2 (32) July 21, 1866- Mar. 16, 1867 v.3 (33) Mar. 18, 1867- Dec. 31, 1868 Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (34) Sept. 1865- Aug. 1867 v.2 (35) Aug. 1867- Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (29) Oct. 1865-July 1867 v.2 (30) Aug. 10, 1867- Jan. 1, 1869)
AL 1865-1872 QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.2 (40) June 1867-Aug. 1868 v.3 (41) Aug. 1868-July 1870)
AL 1865-1872 Selma (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Dec 10,1867-Dec. 24,1868 Special Orders Rcvd Nov. 1865-Feb. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints v.(180) Aug. 1865-Apr. 1868 Rgstr of Employed Frdmn v.(181) 1865)
AL 1865-1872 Selma (SubAsst Commr) Rgstr of Rations Issued to Frdmn and Destitute Whites v.(182) July 1866-Sept. 1867 Morning Rprts of Frdmn in Camp and Hospital Aug.-Dec. 1865 Complaints June-Sept. 1866 Misc Recs 1856-69 Selma (Frdmn's Hospital) Ltrs Sent by the Surg v.1(185) Aug. 1867-June 1868 v.2 (186) May 1866-July 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(190) July 1867-June 1868 Rgstr of Patients 1 v.(No Number) Feb. 1866-July 1867 Rgstr of Patients v.(187) Oct. 1866-June 1868 Accounts of Subsistence Dept v.(188) Aug. 1867-June 1868 Rgstr of Prescriptions v.(183) May 1867-Dec. 1868 Morning Rprts of Patients and Attendants v.(189) Aug. 1867-July 1868 Talladega (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1(164) May 1866-Feb. 1867 v.2 (165) Feb 1867-Mar. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Selma (SubAsst Commr) Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (173) Jan.-Nov. 1867 v.2 (174) Nov. 1867-Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Sept 6,1865-Nov.29,1867)
AL 1865-1872 Sugeon Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865-Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Invoices of Medical Supplies Rcvd v.(195) Nov .-Dec. 1865 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES Ashville Labor Contrs Aug. 1865 Bluffton Ltrs Sent v.(156) Apr.-July 1868 Fair Copies of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(155) Apr.-July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd May 1868 Cahaba Contrs, Rgstr of Contrs, and Rgstrs of Transportation and Rations Issued v.(191) 1865-66 Claiborn Ltrs Rcvd May-July 1868 Demopolis Ltrs Sent v.1(138) 1866 v.2(139) Jan. 1867- June 1867 v.3 (140) June 1867- Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent Volume(137) Apr. 1867-Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Aug. 1865-Apr. 1867)
AL 1865-1872 Talladega (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.3 (166) Mar.-Aug. 1868 v.4 (167) Aug.-Dec. 1868 Copies of Ltrs Sent Mar.-July 1866 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (161) May 1867-Feb. 1868 v.2 (162) Feb.-June 1868 v.3 (163) June-Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent v.(168) June-Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865-Dec. 1868)
AL 1865-1872 Talladega (SubAsst Commr) Special Orders Issued and Rcvd v.(169) June 1867-Nov. 1868 Genl and Special Orders and Circular Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865-Nov. 1867 Misc Recs 1865-68 (some deeds, 1859) Talladega (Frdmn's Hospital) Ltrs Sent v.(170) Aug-Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Patients v.(172) Feb. 1867-Nov. 1868 Morning Rprts of Sick and Wounded v.(171) Sept. 1867-Dec. 1868 Tuscaloosa Ltrs and Endrsmnts Sent and Ltrs Rcvd v.(135) Mar.-Oct. 1866 Ltrs Rcvd Feb. 1866-May 1868 Genl and Special Orders and Circular Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1866-May 1867 Contrs Dec. 1865-Apr. 1867)
AL 1865-1872 Tuscaloosa Rgstr of Complaints v.(136) Jan. 1866-July 1868 Misc Recs Jan. 1866-May 1867 Tuscumbia Ltrs Sent v.(159) May-Aug. 1868 Fair Copies of Contrs v.(160) Nov. 1865-Mar. 1868 Tuskegee Ltrs Sent v.(154) Sept. 1865-Apr. 1866 Monthly Rprts of Rations Issued Feb.-Apr. 1866 Rgstr of Patients from Unidentified Hospital v.(175) 1865-66)
AR 1865-1872 Camden (Ouchita County) Ltrs Sent and Rcvd v.1 (56) Oct. 1865June 1867 v.2 (58) June 1867Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd July 1865July 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd and Special Orders and Circulars Issued and Rcvd v.(59) July 1865Oct. 1868 Genl and Special Orders Mar. 1866June 1868 Rgstr of Labor Contrs v.(61) 186768 Rgstr of School Children and Rgstr of Attendance of School Children v.(63) Feb.June 1867 Affidavits and Depositions Jan. 1866May 1868 Monthly Statements of Accounts Current and Rgstr of Complaints v.(62) July 1865June 1868 Fiscal Papers of Supers Carhart and Cole July 1865June 1866 Lewisburg (Conway County) Ltrs Sent v.1 (67) Aug. 1866July 1867 v.2 (68) Feb. 19 and Mar. 11, 1867 v.3 (69) Aug. 1867Mar. 1868 Ltrs Sent Feb.Mar. 1866 and Aug. 1867Dec. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(66) Dec. 1866Mar. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd v.(65) May 1866Mar. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd June 1866Oct. 1868 Special Orders of the Asst Commr of AR v.(70) May 1866Apr. 1867 Labor Contrs, Amnesty Oaths, and Marr Certs v.(72) Jan. 1866Jan. 1867 Oaths of Amnesty Feb. 1866 Affidavits, Petitions, and Labor Contrs 186667)
AR 1865-1872 Chief Dsbrsg Ofcr and Claims Agent Ltrs Rcvd AW Dec. 1868Dec. 1869)
AR 1865-1872 Chief Dsbrsg Ofcr and Claims Agent Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1870Dec. 1871)
AR 1865-1872 Chief Dsbrsg Ofcr and Claims Agent Ltrs Rcvd Jan.Dec. 1870)
AR 1865-1872 Chief Dsbrsg Ofcr and Claims Agent Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.2 (39) Sept 1869Feb. 1870 v.3 (40) Feb.Oct. 1870 v.4 (41) Oct. 1870May 1871 v.5 (42) May 1871Jan. 1872)
AR 1865-1872 Chief Dsbrsg Ofcr and Claims Agent Rgstr of Claimants v.(43) July 1866Oct. 1871 Rgstr of Claimants v.(44) 186871 Rgstr of Claimants v.(113) Feb. 1868Oct. 1871 Misc Recs Relating to Accounting and Disbursements 186568 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES Arkadelphia (Clark County) Ltrs Sent, Ltrs and Orders Rcvd, and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(46) July 1865Jan. 1866 and Oct.1866Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(47) Aug. 1865May 1868 Rgstrs of Labor Contrs v.1 (49) July 1865Dec. 1866 v.2 (50) 1867Jan. 1868 Rgstr of Marrs v.(48) 186567 Misc Recs 186566 Augusta (Woodruff County) Ltrs and Endrsmnts Sent v.(51) Jan.Feb. 1867 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Nov. 1865Aug. 1866 Rgstrs of Labor Contrs v.1 (52) Dec.1865Sept. 1866 and Jan. 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (53) Jan.Sept. 1866 Fiscal and Legal Papers 186566 Batesville (Independence County) Ltrs Sent v.1(54) Aug. 1866Jan. 1867 and Feb. 1868 v.2 (55) Apr.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865Dec. 1868 Special Orders and Circulars 186568 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired MayDec. 1867 Court Writs, Summons, and Other Legal Papers 186668 Contrs, Specifications, and Plans of a Frdmn School 1867)
AR 1865-1872 Devalls Bluff (Prairie County) Ltrs Sent and Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(73) Oct. 1865Oct. 1868 Labor Contrs v.1 (75) Jan. 1865July 1865 v.2 (74) Dec. 1865July 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, Orders and Circulars Rcvd, and Accounts Current Nov. 1865Oct. 1867 Fort Smith (Sebastian County) Ltrs Sent and Rcvd v.1 (76) MarchOct. 1866 v.2 (77) Oct. 1866May 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 1866Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Labor Contrs v.(78) Mar. 1866Feb. 1867 Rgstr of Application for Restoration of Property, Rgstr of Marrs, and Rgstr of Persons Drawing Rations v.(80) 186567)
AR 1865-1872 Fort Smith (Sebastian County) Rgstr of Refugees Issued Rations v.1 (81) Jan. 1865June 1866 v.2 (82) Mar. 1865July 1865 Rgstr of Frdmn and Refugees Issued Rations v.(83) Mar.May 1866 Rgstr of Rebel Property in Counties Subject to Confiscation v.(79) No Dates Misc Recs 186567)
AR 1865-1872 Hamburg (Ashley County) Ltrs Sent v.(87) July 1866July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, Orders Issued to Local Citizens, and Monthly Rprts of Operations v.(86) 186768 Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.1 (88) Apr. 1866Nov. 1866 v.2 (89) Sept. 1865July 1868 Rgstr of Contrs v.(169) 1867 Misc Recs Sept. 1866July 1868)
AR 1865-1872 Hampton (Calhoun County) Ltrs Sent and Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(85) Feb.Aug. 1867 Misc Recs Dec. 1865Jan. 1867 Helena (Phillips County) Copies of Rprts 186467 Rgstr of Claimants v.(90) Oct. 1869June 1871 Jacksonport (Upper White River District) Ltrs Sent v.(95) Jan. 1866Mar. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (91) Mar. 1866Dec. 1866 v.2 (92) Dec. 1866Feb. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd May 1866Mar. 1867 Circular Ltrs Issued v.(99) Apr. 1866Jan. 1867 Court Papers and Vouchers 186667 Rgstr of Contrs and Accounting Recs of Capt. W. W. Willis, Super of Frdmn v.1 (132) May 1865 v.2 (133) June 1865 Jacksonport (Jackson County) Ltrs Sent v.1 (94) July 1865Nov. 1866 v.2 (96) Nov. 1866Feb. 1867 v.3 (97) Mar. 1867May 1868 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent Aug.Sept. 1866 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(93) Mar. 1867July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1867July 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Aug. 1865Aug. 1868)
AR 1865-1872 Jacksonport (Jackson County) Special Orders, Circular Ltrs, and Ltrs of Instruction Rcvd v.(98) Apr. 1866Jan. 1867 Ltrs Sent, Rprts, Affidavits, and Court Papers Aug. 1865Jan. 1867 Rgstr of Contrs and a Rgstr of Marrs v.(101) 186568 Rgstr of Complaints v.(100) Jan. 1866Aug. 1868 Lake Village and Luna Landing (Chicot County) Ltrs Sent v.1 (103) July 1866June 1868 v.2 (106) Jan.July 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(102) Jan. 1867Feb. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Jan. 1867Jan. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs and Rgstr of Major Landholders v.(104) Apr. 1867Aug. 1868 Accounting Books of Fawnwood Plantation v.1 (105) 1867 v.2 (171) 186567)
AR 1865-1872 Lewisville (Lafayette County) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.(109) Nov. 1866July 1868 Ltrs Sent JulySept. 1867 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(107) June 1867Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(108) July 1867Jan. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd JulyDec. 1867 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1866Dec. 1868)
AR 1865-1872 Lewisville (Lafayette County) Rgstr of Complaints v.(110) JulyNov. 1867 Misc Recs Sept. 1866Feb. 1868 Little Rock (Pulaski County) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.(112) Jan. 1867Apr. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Rcvd and Sent v.(111) Apr. 1867Oct. 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Dec. 1865Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(113) Apr. 1866May 1868 Rgstr of Marrs v.(121) 186466 Rgstr of Frdmn Employed on Plantations v.(120) 186566)
AR 1865-1872 List of Book Recs State of AR 1 v.OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Claims Division Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.(25)* Apr.Nov. 1866 Ltrs and Misc Case Papers MayOct. 1866 Chief Dsbrsg Ofcr and Claims Agent Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.1 (38) Jan.Sept. 1869)
AR 1865-1872 Little Rock (Pulaski County) Employment Rgstrs v.1 (116) 1864 v.2 (117) 1865 v.3 (118) 1865 Misc Rgstrs and Memorandums v.(114) 186465 Leases, Misc Court Papers, Rprts 186568 Misc Rgstrs Relating to Home Farm at Little Rock v.(115) Jan. 1865Feb. 1866 Misc Accounting Recs of Home Farm v.(119) Nov. 1864Feb. 1865 Little Rock (Super of Frdmn) Ltrs Sent and Circulars Issued v.(36) 186465 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Jan. 1864Sept. 1865 Special Orders Issued v.(37) Jan. 1864Oct. 1865)
AR 1865-1872 Little Rock (Super of Frdmn) Narrative School Rprts from Teachers and Supers of Frdmns Schools Dec. 1864June 1865 Retained Copies of Rprts, Rprts Rcvd, and Misc Papers 186465 Madison (St. Francis County) Ltrs Sent v.(123) Apr. 1867Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(122) Apr.Aug. 1867 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Mar. 1867 Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(124) June 1867Apr. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs v.(125) Apr. 1867July 1868 Narrative Rprts, Affidavits and Court Papers 186768 Magnolia (Columbia County) Ltrs Rcvd and Affidavits of Frdmn May 1866Apr. 1867)
AR 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1866Feb. 1867 Special Orders Rcvd v.(164) Nov. 1865Dec. 1867 Special Orders and Circulars Rcvd Nov. 1865Feb. 1867 Wash (Hemstead County) Ltrs Sent and Orders Issued to Local Citizens v.(160) Feb. 1866Mar. 1867 Ltrs Sent v.1 (162) Mar. 1867Aug. 1868 v.2 (163) Nov. 1867Jan. 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Apr. 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs v.(165) Nov. 1866Sept. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints v.(166) Aug. 1866Feb. 1868 Marr Certs v.(167) Oct. 1865Feb. 1867 Accounts Current, Marr Certs, Court Papers, and Teachers School Rprts 186568)
AR 1865-1872 Marion (Crittenden County) Ltrs and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (127) June 1867Nov. 1867 v.2 (128) Nov. 1867Jan. 1868 v.3 (129) Jan. 1868Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(126) Jan. 1867Oct. 1868 Single Unbound Ltr Rcvd Oct. 21, 1867 Monticello (South Eastern District of AR) Ltrs Sent v.(131) July 1865Dec. 1866 Ltrs Rcvd v.(130) Aug. 1865Dec. 1866 Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1865Jan. 1867 Rgstr of Contrs for Bradley County v.(168) Jan.Mar. 1866 Court Papers and Rprts 186566 Monticello (Drew County) Rprts 1866 Napoleon (Desha County) Ltrs Sent v.1 (135) Apr. 1867Mar. 1868 v.2 (136) Feb. 1868Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(134) Apr. 1867Feb. 1868)
AR 1865-1872 Napoleon (Desha County) Ltrs and Orders Rcvd June 1866Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs and Rgstr of Complaints v.(137) 186667 Misc Recs Jan. 1866Jan. 1868 Osceola (MS County) Ltrs Sent and Rgstrs of Claims, Marrs, Contrs, and Indentures v.(138) 186668 Rgstr of Complaints v.(139) Mar. 1867June 1868 Ozark Rgstr of Destitute Citizens of Franklin and Johnson Counties Issued Rations v.(140) June 1866 Paraclifta (Sevier County) Ltrs Sent and Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(177) Dec. 1866Dec. 1867 Ltrs Sent v.(179) Dec. 1867Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(178) Nov. 1867May 1868 Orders Issued to Local Citizens v.(180) Apr. 1867Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Marrs, Copies of Indentures, and Rgstr of Purchase Vouchers Issued v.(181) 186567 Rgstr of Complaints v.(176) Jan. 1867July 1868 Rgstr of Employers and Employees v.(182) No Dates)
AR 1865-1872 Pine Bluff (Jefferson County) Ltrs Sent v.(146) 1864, 1865, 1866, and 1868 Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (142) Jan. 1866Dec. 1868 v.2 (141) Sept. 1866July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Special Orders Rcvd v.(147) Oct. 1865July 1868)
AR 1865-1872 Pine Bluff (Jefferson County) Rgstr of Marrs v.(151) Mar. 1864July 1865 Copies of Marr Certs v.(150) Dec. 1864June 1867 Rgstr of Abandoned Property v.(149) 186467 Rec of Account Book of Mrs. Bayners Plantation v.(148) Feb.Dec. 1867 Misc Recs 186468)
AR 1865-1872 Pine Bluff (Super of AR River District) Ltrs Sent v.(144) July 1866May 1867 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd July 1866Feb. 1867 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired July 1866Feb. 1867 Pine Bluff (Jefferson County) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.1 (143) Jan.May 1866 and Jan.July 1868 v.2 (145) May 1867Dec. 1867)
AR 1865-1872 Princeton (Dallas County) Contrs and Monthly Statements of Property v.(170) 186668 South Bend (AR County) Ltrs Sent v.(153) Feb. 1867July 1868\ Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(152) Jan. 1867Mar. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Feb.Aug. 1867 Orders Issued to Local Citizens v.(154) Oct. 1867July 1868 Proceedings of Cases v.(155) Nov. 1867Apr. 1868 Union (Fulton County) Ltrs Sent and Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(156) Jan. 1867Sept. 1868 Ltrs Sent and Retained Copies of Rprts June 1866June 1867 Ltrs Sent v.(158) Oct.Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(157) Oct.Dec. 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Mar. 1866Nov. 1868 Wash (South West District of AR) Ltrs Sent v.(161) Jan. 1865Mar. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd v.(159) Sept. 1866Sept. 1868)
Washington, DC
DC 1865-1870 SubAsst Commr (Sub District 1) Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(85) Oct. 5, 1867Sept. 3, 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 523, 1867 Barry Farm Press copies of Ltrs Sent and Rcvd by the Super v.(100) Sept. 18, 1867Mar. 9, 1869 Frdmns Village Ltrs Sent by the Super v.(111) July 18, 1867Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 26, 1864Dec. 9, 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd v.(99) Oct. 14, 1865Feb. 24, 1868 Special Orders and Circular Ltrs Rcvd Feb. 21, 1866Oct. 29, 1868)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 4, 1868Sept. 21, 1868 Entered in v.2)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 9, 1866Nov. 17, 1866 Entered in v.1)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs Rcvd Nov. 20, 1866Dec. 6, 1867 Entered in volumes 1 and 2)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 23, 1868Aug. 26, 1869 Entered in v.2)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent, Requisitions, and Receipts v.1 (66) Sept. 26, 1864Apr. 28, 1866 v.2 (67) Apr. 27, 1866Feb. 19, 1867)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Rgstrs of Ltrs Sent v.1 (58) June 1, 1865Oct. 31, 1867 v.2 (59) Nov. 1, 1867Aug. 31, 1869 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.1 (60) June 17, 1864Dec. 15, 1866 v.2 (61) May 27, 1866Oct. 31, 1867)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Transportation Orders Rcvd from Hqtrs June 18, 1867Mar. 20, 1869 Rgstrs of Disbursements v.(73) Sept. 21, 1865Dec. 3, 1868 Super of Marrs Rgstr of Marrs v.(30) Nov. 1866July 1867)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 4, 1866Aug. 27, 1869 Ltrs Rcvd v.(57) Aug. 31, 1865Aug. 18, 1866 Contrs for Labor and Services Mar. 1865June 1869)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr v.2 (56) Nov. 1, 1867Aug. 26, 1869 Ltrs Rcvd May 16, 1865Jan. 8, 1866 Entered in v.1)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr v.3 (62) May 2, 1866Apr. 4, 1868 v.4 (63) Jan. 3, 1867July 1, 1867 v.5 (64) Apr. 8, 1868Aug. 31, 1869)
DC 1865-1870 Asst QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr v.3 (68) Feb. 26, 1867Aug. 18, 1868 v.4 (69) Aug. 22, 1868Aug. 13, 1869 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (55) June 1, 1865Oct. 31, 1867)
DC 1865-1870 Frdmns Village Rprts 186568 Labor Contrs June 8Oct. 12, 1864 Rgstr of People Arriving at Frdmns Village v.(84) Jan. 1, 1867June 27, 1868 Rprts of Sick and Wounded Jan. 1867Aug. 1868 Receipts and Expenditures at Abbott Hospital 186668 Receipts for Materials Rcvd, Rent Rcvd from Super of Frdmns Village Dec. 1864Apr. 1867)
DC 1865-1870 List of Book Recs DC v.(no number) OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Asst Inspector Genl Name Index to Ltrs Sent in v.53 v.(53)* Ltrs Sent v.(53) Mar. 21, 1866Sept. 7, 1868 Name and Subject Index to v.52 v.(52) Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(52) Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1866Aug. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 26, 1866Aug. 26, 1868 Inventory and Inspection Rprts of QrtrMstr Stores and Medical Property Nov. 1866Oct. 1868)
DC 1865-1870 Local Super for Wash and Georgetown Corr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (80) July 22, 1865June 27, 1867 v.2 (81) June 6, 1867Sept. 16, 1868 Name Index to Ltrs Rcvd in Vol. 76 v.(no number) Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (74) July 14, 1865Aug. 17, 1865 Oct. 18, 1866May 22, 1867 v.2 (75) May 14, 1867Apr. 6, 1868 v.3 (76) Apr. 13, 1868Sept. 11, 1868)
DC 1865-1870 Local Super for Wash and Georgetown Corr Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 17, 1867Aug. 20, 1868 Entered in volumes 1, 2, and 3)
DC 1865-1870 Local Super for Wash and Georgetown Corr Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 8, 1866Feb. 4, 1867 Entered in v.1)
DC 1865-1870 Local Super for Wash and Georgetown Corr UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Aug. 1865, Feb. 24, 1866 Oct. 3, 1868 Rprts Rprts Forwarded to the Asst Commr v.1 (95) July 1865Oct. 1867 v.2 (97) Dec. 1866Oct. 1868 Monthly Rosters, Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, and Time Rprts June 1866Aug. 1868 Monthly Rprts from Supers of the Industrial Schools of Materials and Clothing Apr. 1867Apr. 1868)
DC 1865-1870 Local Super for Wash and Georgetown Recs Relating to Employment of Frdmn Ltrs Rcvd by Employment Agents Jan. 19, 1866Nov. 7, 1867 Employment Rgstr v.(88) July 3, 1867Oct. 9, 1868 Employment Rgstrs from Wisewell Barrck v.1 (91) Aug. 2, 1866Aug. 10, 1868 v.2 (96) Aug. 2, 1866Aug. 6, 1868 Employment Rgstrs from East Capitol Street Barrck v.1 (90) Dec. 10, 1866Feb. 26, 1868 v.2 (94) Dec. 4, 1866Feb. 26, 1868 Labor Contrs Aug. 1865Mar. 1867)
DC 1865-1870 Local Super for Wash and Georgetown Recs Relating to Employment of Frdmn Monthly Rosters from Employment Agents and Supers of Barrck Nov. 1866Aug. 1868 Cash Accounts of Employment Office v.(93) July 31, 1865 Feb. 1, 1867 Other Recs Con Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Frdmn Feb. 9, 1867July 11, 1868 Rgstr of Frdmn Departing Masons Island, VA v.(92) May 18, 1864July 18, 1865 Rgstr of Patients in Female Ward of Lincoln Hospital v.(no number) July 1, 1866Mar. 22, 1867 Agents and Supers Monthly Lists of Articles Rcvd, Expended, or On Hand Mar. 1867Aug. 1868 Accounts of Materials Used in Industrial Schools and Misc Lists v.(98) June 10, 1863Mar. 31, 1868 Accounts v.(82) Aug. 31, 1865July 31, 1867 Misc Recs of East Capitol Street Barrck v.(79) May 1, 1866Jan. 24, 1868 Name Index to Tenement Book v.(38) SubAsst Commr (Sub District 1) Ltrs Sent v.(86) Oct. 4, 1867June 13, 1868 Endrsmnts Sent v.(87) Oct. 3, 1867Sept. 7, 1868)
DC 1865-1870 Super of Marrs Ministers Rprts of Marr Certs Issued to Frdmn Nov. 1866Jan. 1867 and Oct. 7, 1869 Surg in Chief Ltrs Sent v.(no number) Feb. 1867Sept. 1870 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(no number) Feb. 15, 1867Mar. 26, 1870 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(no number) Feb. 1867May 1870 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES (cont.) Local Super for Wash and Georgetown Corr Name Index to Volumes 77 and 78 v.(78) Ltrs Sent v.1 (77) July 15, 1865Sept. 10, 1867 v.2 (78) Sept. 9, 1867Sept. 12, 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Atlanta (Frdmns Hospital)\ Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1865Aug. 1868 Rprts of the Surg in Charge 186568 Rgstrs of Patients v.1 (110) Oct. 1865Jan. 1867 and Mar. 1867Aug. 1868 v.2 (108) Jan. 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Patients at the Dispensary of Atlanta Medical College v.(107) Aug. 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Employees under Contr v.(106) Jan. 1866Mar. 1867, Mar. 1865Apr. 1865, Dec. 1865Jan. 1866, and May 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Subsistence Stores Issued v.(113) Feb.Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Commissary and Subsistence Stores Rcvd v.(111) Feb.Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Furniture, Cooking Utensils, and Bedding in Use v.(109) Feb.July 1868 Rgstr of Commissary Supplies Expended, Lost, or Stolen v.(112) Mar.Sept. 1868 Augusta (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (150) July 1865Mar. 1866 and 186566 v.2 (151) Apr. 1866Mar. 1867 v.3 (152) Mar. 1867Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(155) Oct. 1866Apr. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Jonesboro (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(280) June 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(279) June 1867Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd June 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(281) June 1867Aug. 1868 LaFayette (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(284) June 1867Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(283) May 1867Feb. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd and Rgstr of Complaints v.(285) 186768 LaGrange (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(288) May 1867June 1868 v.(289) JulyDec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(286) May 1867 June 1868 v.(287) Apr.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd May 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1866May 1868 Monthly School Rprts and Receipts for Notes in Trust for Frdmn 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(290) June 1867Nov. 1868 and MayJuly 1867 Lexington (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(282) Aug. 1867Sept. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1867Oct. 1868 Rprts, Contrs, and Misc Recs Relating to Complaints 186768)
GA 1865-1872 Macon (Asst. Super of Educ.) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.(298) Feb.May 1869 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(295) Jan.May 1869 Ltrs Rcvd Jan.Mar. 1869 Macon (Frdmns Hospital) Ltrs Sent and Ltrs and Orders Rcvd v.1 (301) Oct. 1865Jan. 1866, 186768, and Nov. 1865 v.2 (302) Feb.Sept. 1868, Sept. and Dec. 1866, and Feb. 1867 Rgstrs of Patients Treated At Hospital v.1 (303) Nov. 1865Nov. 1867 v.2 (308) Nov. 1865June 1868 Rgstr of Patients v.(310) 186668 Monthly and Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded and Monthly Rprts of Attendants 186568 Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded v.1 (304) May 1866Oct. 1867 v.2 (307) JuneDec. 1868 Rgstr of Medications Administered to Patients v.(309) 186667 Trimonthly Ration Returns v.(305) JuneOct. 1867 Monthly Statements of Hospital Funds v.(306) JuneNov. 1868 McDonough (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(315) Oct. 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(314) Jan. 1867Sept. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(316) Oct. 1867Aug. 1868 Misc Recs Relating to Complaints and Contrs 186566)
GA 1865-1872 List of Book Recs of Ofcrs State of GA 1 Volume, OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.1 (62)* Oct. 17, 1865July 11, 1866 v.2 (63) July 10Nov. 27, 1866)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.3 (64) Nov. 27, 1866Apr. 27, 1867 v.4 (65) Apr. 27June 21, 1867)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.5 (66) June 21Aug. 16, 1867 v.6 (67) Aug. 16Nov. 26, 1867)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.7 (68) Nov. 30, 1867Apr. 10, 1868)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.8 (69) Apr. 13Oct. 8, 1868)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.9 (70) Oct. 9, 1868May 31, 1869)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt July 1868Apr. 1869)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Rgstrs of Ltrs and Endrsmnts Rcvd v.1 (59) Jan. 1867May 1867 v.2 (60) May 1867Oct. 1867 v.3 (61) Aug. 1867May 1869)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Ltrs Rcvd Entered in Volumes Entered in v.1 (59) AW 1867)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Entered in v.2 (60) AM 1867)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Entered in v.2 (60) MW 1867 Entered in v.3 (61) AB 186769)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Entered in v.3 (61) BE 186769)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868Entered in v.3 (61) FH 186769)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Entered in v.3 (61) HM 186769)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Entered in v.3(61) M R 186768)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Entered in v.3(61) R W 186769)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Entered in v.3(61) W Y 186769 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1865Apr. 1866)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd MayAug. 1866)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1866Apr. 1869)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, Sent to Bureau Hqtrs v.1 (81) Oct. 1865Jan. 1868 v.2 (82) Feb. 1868Aug. 1870 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, Rcvd from Staff and Subordinate Ofcrs June 1866Apr. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, Rcvd from Staff and Subordinate Ofcrs MayOct. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, Rcvd from Staff and Subordinate Ofcrs Nov. 1867May 1868)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, Rcvd from Staff and Subordinate Ofcrs June Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS Chief QrtrMstr and Dsbrsg Ofcr Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (71) Aug. 4, 1867July 3, 1868 v.2 (72) June 20, 1868May 24, 1869 Ltrs and Rprts Rcvd by Endrsmnt Entered v.72 JuneJuly 1868 Accounts Current Aug. 1866Mar. 1867 Special Orders Rcvd Relating to the Issuance of Transportation May 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Freight Rcvd and Forwarded v.(86) Apr. 1867Mar. 1869)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Ltrs Sent and Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(52) Sept. 1865July 1867 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.1 (53) July 1867Oct. 1868 v.2 (54) Oct. 1868Jan. 1869 Name Index v.(51) Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (49) July 1867July 1868 v.2 (50) July 1868Jan. 1869)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (49) AT July 1867Mar. 1868 Entered in v.2 (50) 1342 JulyOct. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.2 (50) 343518 Oct.Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1865Aug. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Circulars and Circular Ltrs Issued v.(55) Aug. 1867Nov. 1868 Monthly and Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn Forwarded to Bureau Hqtrs v.(57) Oct. 1865Dec. 1868 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn Oct. 1865Dec. 1868 Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn from Asst Surgs Oct. 1865Apr. 1866)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn from Asst Surgs May 1866Feb. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn from Asst Surgs Mar.Dec. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn from Asst Surgs Jan.Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Surg in Chief Monthly Rprts of Medical Attendants Forwarded to Bureau Hqtrs Feb. 1866Dec. 1868 Returns of Commissioned Medical Ofcrs Forwarded to Bureau Hqtrs Dec. 1865Dec. 1868 Contrs with Hospital Attendants and Surgs Oct. 1865Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Rprts and Returns Rcvd from Asst Surgs and Forwarded to Bureau Hqtrs in Wash v.(56) 186768 Misc Accounting Recs v.(58) 186568)
GA 1865-1872 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES Albany (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (234) Feb. 1866Jan. 1867 v.2 (120) Feb.Nov. 1867 v.3 (123) Nov. 1867Nov. 1868 v.4 (125) Nov.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(126) Apr. Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (114) Feb. 1866Nov. 1867 v.2 (117) JulyDec. 1867 v.3 (118) Apr. July 1867 v.4 (119) Jan.Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES Albany (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Entered in Volumes 1 (114), 2 (117), and 3 (118) AW 1867 Entered in v.4 (119) AC 1868)
GA 1865-1872 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES Albany (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.4(119) DY 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd 1866)
GA 1865-1872 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES Albany (SubAsst Commr) UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd 186768 Affidavits of Frdmn and Charges and Specifications Against Citizens and Military Personnel v.(237) June 1866Sept. 1867 and Jan.July 1868 Rgstr of Contrs v.(240) 186667 Albany (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (121) Mar.June 1867 v.2 (122) June 1867Feb. 1868 v.3 (124) Feb.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(127) MayDec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (116) Feb.Dec. 1867 v.2 (115) Aug. 1867 Dec. 1868, and June 1867July 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Albany (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (116) BW 1867 Entered in v.2 (115) 186768)
GA 1865-1872 Albany (Agent) Orders Rcvd, Affidavits, and Misc. Papers 186768 Albany (Dispensary) Ltrs and Orders Rcvd and Ltrs Sent v.(130) Nov. 1866May 1867 and Nov. 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(128) Feb.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Jan.Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Attendants and of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn 186768 Rgstrs of Patients v.1 (131) Jan.July 1867 v.2 (132) Feb. 1867 Jan. 1868 and Jan.May 1867 v.3 (133) Feb.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Sent by the Surg at the Dispensary at the Military Station at Albany v.(129) JuneJuly 1868 and Jan.May 1868 Americus (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(136) July 1866Nov. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (134) May 1866 and Nov. 1867 v.2 (135) Jan.Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Americus (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd May 1867Nov 1868 Rgstrs of Contrs v.1 (138) Jan.Mar. 1866 and June 1866 v.2 (137) Jan. 1867June 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(139) Aug. 1867Nov. 1868 Misc Recs 186568 Americus (Dispensary) Ltrs Sent v.(140) Aug.Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Aug.Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Aug.Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Patients v.(141) Aug.Nov. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Athens (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (169) Feb. 12, 1867Mar. 31, 1868 v.2 (170) Apr. 1Dec. 9, 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (165) Feb.Dec. 1867 v.2 (166) Jan.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (165) AW Feb.Dec. 1867 Entered in v.2 (166) AW Jan.Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Athens (SubAsst Commr) UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 1867Nov. 1868 Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr 186768 Rgstr of Complaints v.(174) Feb. 1867Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Frdmn Receiving Rations and Furnished Transportation v.(177) Mar.Apr. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Athens (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (171) May 1867Feb. 1868 v.2 (172) Feb.Sept. 1868 v.3 (173) Sept.Nov. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (167) May 1867July 1868 v.2 (168) JulyNov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd May 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstrs of Complaints v.1 (175) Apr. 1867July 1868 v.2 (176) July Nov. 1868 Atlanta (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (98) Oct. 1865Dec. 1866 v.2 (99) Mar. 1867Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(100) Jan.June 1866 and May 1867June 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Atlanta (SubAsst Commr) Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (96) Feb.Dec. 1867 v.2 (97) Jan.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Nov. 1865Dec. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Atlanta (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Jan.Oct. 1868 Special Orders and Circulars Issued v.(101) Jan.Oct. 1866 and May 1867Jan. 1868 Rprts from Agents of Cases Tried in Courts July 1867July 1868 Rprts from Agents of Destitute Whites and Frdmn Mar. 1867 Misc Court Papers and Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr 186568 Charges and Specifications against Frdmn and White Citizens Sept. 1865Mar. 1866 Orders Sent to Local Citizens and a Rgstr of Complaints v.(103) Oct. 1865Dec. 1866 and May 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs v.(102) Dec. 1867June 1868 and Nov. 1865Feb. 1868 Accounts v.(104) May 1867Dec. 1868 Atlanta (Super of Education) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.(45) Jan.May 1869 Atlanta (Frdmns Hospital) Orders and Ltrs Rcvd and Ltrs Sent v.(105) Oct. 1865Aug. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Augusta (SubAsst Commr) Name Indexes 2 Volumes Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (146) Aug. 1865Feb. 1867 v.2 (143) Mar.Nov. 1867 v.3 (144) Nov. 1867Apr. 1868 v.4 (145) Apr.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd v.(142) Feb.May 1867 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in Volumes 3 (144) and 4 (145) A W Sept. 1867May 1868 Entered in v.4 (145) Jan.Dec. 1868 Entered in v.(142) Mar.May 1867 Entered in v.(155) Mar. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Augusta (SubAsst Commr) UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Aug. 1865Oct. 1868 Orders and Circulars Rcvd 186568 Orders Rcvd v.(160) Feb.May 1867 and Apr.Sept. 1866 Rprts Forwarded to the Asst Commr Aug. 1865 Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.1 (158) JuneSept. 1865 v.2 (157) Oct. 1865Apr. 1867 Affidavits and Other Papers Relating to Frdmns Complaints AY 186568)
GA 1865-1872 Augusta (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(153) JulyDec. 1867 and Apr.Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(147) May 1867Oct. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd June 1867Mar. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1866Aug. 1867 Contrs v.(159) Aug. 1865Feb. 1866 Name Index 1 v.Rgstr of Complaints v.(156) Apr.July 1868 Augusta (Asst. Super of Educ.) Ltrs Sent v.(154) Jan.May 1869 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(149) Jan.May 1869 Augusta (Frdmns Hospital) Ltrs Sent and Orders Rcvd v.(161) Oct.Dec. 1865 Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1865May 1868 Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Oct. 1865May 1868 Rgstr of Patients v.(164) Sept. 1865Apr. 1868 Monthly Statements of Hospital Funds and Ration Returns v.(162) Oct. 1865May 1868 Rgstr of Patients at Smallpox Hospital and Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded at Smallpox Hospital v.(163) Oct. 1865July 1866)
GA 1865-1872 Bainbridge (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (182) June 1867 May 1868 v.2 (183) MayDec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (178) June 1867May 1868 v.2 (179) Jan.Mar. 1868 v.3 (180) Feb. Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (178) BW June 1867Mar. 1868 Entered in v.2 (179) CW Jan.Mar. 1868 Entered in v.3 (180) BW Jan.Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Feb.July 1867 Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr and Contrs 186568)
GA 1865-1872 Bainbridge (Agent) Rgstrs of Complaints v.1 (185) June 1867July 1868 v.2 (186) Aug.Dec. 1868 Bainbridge (Asst. Super of Educ.) Ltrs Sent v.(184) Jan.May 1869 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(181) Jan.May 1869 Bairdstown (Agent) Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(190) Aug. 1867Sept. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd July 1866Apr. 1868 Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr and Court Papers 186667 Rgstr of Complaints v.(191) Aug. 1867Sept. 1868 Barton (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(188) Oct. 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(187) Oct. 1867July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Nov. 1867July 1868 Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr and Affidavits 186768 Rgstr of Complaints and Orders Sent to Local Citizens v.(189) MayJuly 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Blakely (See Fort Gaines) Brunswick (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent 1 v.(201) Mar. 1867 June 1868 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.1 (202) June 1868Jan. 1869 v.2 (203) Feb.May 1869 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (197) Mar. 1Dec. 31, 1867 v.2 (198) Jan. 1Dec. 31, 1868 v.3 (199) Jan. 1May 5, 1869 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (197) 1867 AW Entered in v.2 (198) 1868 AR)
GA 1865-1872 Brunswick (SubAsst Commr) Entered in v.2 (198) RW 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd July 1866Apr. 1868 Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr and Misc Papers 186668 Brunswick (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(204) June 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(200) May 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd July 1867Dec. 1868 School Rprts and Quarterly Statements of Stores 186768)
GA 1865-1872 Brunswick (Dispensary) Ltrs Sent v.(206) May 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(205) May 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1867, May 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Apr. 1867Nov. 1868 Weekly Rprts of Number of Patients at Dispensary v.(207) Sept.Nov. 1866 and June 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Patients v.(208) Nov.1866Nov. 1868 Butler (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(195) May 22Oct. 16, 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(194) MayAug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr.Nov. 1868 Campbellton (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 1866Apr. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints v.(209) Feb. 1866 May 1867 Carnesville (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(211) June 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Rcvd and Sent v.(210) Sept. 1867Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1867June 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Carnesville (Agent) UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd MaySept. 1867 Contrs and Monthly Rprts of Contrs 186768 Rgstr of Complaints v.(212) Nov. 1867Aug. 1868 Carrollton (See Dawson) Cartersville (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (214) Aug. 1867June 1868 v.2 (215) June 30Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(213) Apr. 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(216) Aug. 1867Dec. 1868 Clarksville (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(218) JuneOct. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(217) JuneNov. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd JuneNov. 1867 Monthly Returns of Bureau Stores JuneOct. 1867 Columbus (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (222) Apr. 1866Feb. 1867 and Mar. 1867Nov. 1868 v.2 (223) Mar. 1867Jan. 1869)
GA 1865-1872 Columbus (SubAsst Commr) Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(219) Mar. 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Feb. 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1867Feb. 1868 Orders Rcvd and Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr 186768)
GA 1865-1872 Columbus (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(225) June 1868Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(221) July 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1867 June 1868 Journal v.(226) May 1867Nov. 1868 Columbus (Asst. Super of Educ.) Ltrs Sent v.(224) Jan.Mar. 1869 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(220) Jan.Mar. 1869 Columbus (Dispensary) Rgstr of Patients v.(228) Nov. 1865Dec. 1867 Ration Returns, Rgstr of Outdoor Patients, and Receipts v.(227) 1865, 186768 Crawfordsville (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(262) Apr. 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(261) June 1867Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1867Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Crawfordsville (Agent) School Rprts, Contrs, Receipts, and Affidavits 186668 Rgstrs of Complaints v.1 (263) Nov. 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (264) JuneNov. 1868 Cumming (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(230) May 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(229) Apr. 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(231) July 1867Oct. 1868 Cuthbert (See SubAsst Commr, Albany) Cuthbert (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (235) June 1867Mar. 1868 v.2 (236) Mar.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.(232) June 1867Feb. 1868 v.(233) Feb.Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Cuthbert (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.(232) CW 186768 Entered in v.(233) 1868 Orders Rcvd, Contrs, and Misc Court Papers 186568 Affidavits of Frdmn v.(239) Sept. 1867 and Mar.Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(238) June 1867Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Dahlonega (Agent) Ltrs Sent\ v.(242) Jan.Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(241) Jan.Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(243) 1868 Dalton (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (246) JuneDec. 1867 v.2 (247) Jan.Nov. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (244) June 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (245) JanOct. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd July 1867Oct. 1868 Rgstrs of Complaints v.1 (248) June 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (249) Jan.Oct. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Darien (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd and Contrs 186668 Darien (Dispensary) Ltrs Sent and Rcvd by the Asst Surg v.(255) Mar.Sept. 1867 Weekly Rprts of Numbers of Patients at Dispensary v.(256) Mar. 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Patients. v.(254) Apr. 1867Sept. 1868 Prescription Book v.(253) Apr. 1867July 1868 Dawson (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (367) July 1867Oct. 1868 v.2 (251) Sept.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(252) Sept.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (366) July 1867Mar. 1868 and JuneAug. 1868 v.2 (250) Sept.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Mar. 1867Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Dawson (Agent) Rgstr of Complaints v.(368) Dec. 1867Aug. 1868 Papers Regarding Complaints 186768)
GA 1865-1872 Dorchester (Agent, see Hinesville) Eatonton (Agent, see Milledgeville) Elijay (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Sept.Nov. 1867 Forsyth (Agent, see Dawson) Fort Gaines (Agent) Name Index v.(260) Ltrs Sent v.1 (258) June 1867Mar. 1868 v.2 (259) Jan.June 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (192) AW July 1867Feb. 1868 v.2 (257) Jan.June 1868 Ltrs Rcvd and Misc Papers Relating to Complaints 186768 Rgstr of Complaints v.(193) June 1867May 1868 Rgstr of Cases Tried in Frdmns Court v.(260) July 1867Apr. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Fort Valley (Agent) Greensboro (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd and Contrs Mar. 1866 and May 1867 Greensboro (See Crawfordsville) Griffin (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (267) July 1866Feb. 1867 v.2 (268) July 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (269) July 1866Feb. 1867 v.2 (266) Aug. 1867Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd v.(265) June 1866Feb. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd Aug. 1867Nov. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Feb. 1867July 1868 Contrs, Settlements between Frdmn and Employers, Affidavits, and Monthly Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr 186568 Rgstr of Complaints v.(270) Feb. 1866Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs v.(271) Nov. 1865 July 1868 Accounts v.(272) Jan.Nov. 1868 Griffin (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1866Apr. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Halcyondale (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(274) July 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(273) July 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd July 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd JuneDec. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints v.(275) JulyNov. 1867 and JuneAug.1868 Misc Papers Regarding Complaints 186768 Hawkinsville (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(277) Mar.Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(276) Mar.Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Feb.Aug. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1867Sept. 1868 Contrs and Rprts 186768 Rgstr of Complaints v.(278) Mar.July 1868 Hinesville (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1867Nov. 1868 Contrs and Rprts 186768 Irvinton (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Aug.Dec. 1868 Isabella (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Apr.Aug. 1867 Returns of Stores and Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired 1867 Jackson (Agent)\ Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1865Apr. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Macon (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (296) Dec. 1865Mar. 1867 v.2 (297) Jan. 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.1 (291) Dec. 1865Mar. 1867 and Apr.Oct. 1866 v.2 (292) Jan.Oct. 1867 v.3 (293) Nov. 1867Aug. 1868 v.4 (294) Aug.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (291) 1133 Apr.Oct. 1866)
GA 1865-1872 Macon (SubAsst Commr) Entered in v.2 (292) AW Jan.Dec. 1867 Entered in v.3 (293) AW Oct. 1867Aug. 1868 Entered in v.4 (294) Aug.Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Macon (SubAsst Commr) UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865Oct. 1868 Rgstrs of Complaints v.1 (299) Jan.Apr. 1866, Feb.May 1866 v.2 (300) Mar. 1867Dec. 1868 Orders Rcvd, Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr, Contrs, and Misc Court Papers 186568)
GA 1865-1872 Marietta (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.(312) Dec. 1866Dec. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(311) Dec. 1866Jan. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd May 1866Jan. 1868 Contrs and Recs Relating to Complaints 186567 Rgstr of Complaints and Orders Sent to Local Citizens v.(313) Jan.Dec. 1867 Marietta (Agent, see Cumming) Marion (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1866Aug. 1868 Contrs and Misc Recs Relating to Complaints 186768 Milledgeville (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(318) June 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(317) June 1867Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Feb.June 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865Nov. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Milledgeville (Agent) Rprts, Contrs, and Affidavits May 1866Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints and Orders Sent to Local Citizens v.(319) June 1867Aug. 1868 Monroe (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1866Apr. 1867 Newman (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(328) May 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(327) May 1867Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Jan. 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(329) May 1867July 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Newton (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (322) May 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (323) Jan. 1868Aug. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.1 (320) Apr.Dec. 1867 v.2 (321) Dec. 1867July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (320) AW MayDec. 1867 Entered in v.2 (321) BW Dec. 1867July 1868 Monthly Rprts of Contrs Sept. 1867July 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(324) JulyAug. 1868 and Sept.Dec. 1868 (Dawson) Newton (Dispensary) Ltrs Sent v.(325) Dec. 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(326) Dec. 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Nov. 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Dec. 1867Nov. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Perry (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(332) Sept. 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent v.(331) Sept. 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd May 1867 and Sept. 1867 July 1868 Rprts 186768 Labor Contrs and Misc Court Papers 186668)
GA 1865-1872 Quitman (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(334) Apr. 1867July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(333) Apr. 1867June 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1867 Aug. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Contrs Apr. 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints and Trials v.(335) Oct. 1867June 1868 Riceboro Agent (See Hinesville) Rome (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (340) June 1866Mar. 1867 v.2 (341) Mar.Dec. 1867 v.3 (342) Jan.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs and Endrsmnts Rcvd v.1 (336) Feb.Sept. 1867 v.2 (337) Sept.Dec. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Rome (Agent) Rgstrs of Ltrs and Endrsmnts Rcvd v.3 (338) Jan.June 1868 v.4 (339) JuneDec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (336) AW Feb. 1867Dec. 1868 Entered in Volumes 2 (337), 3 (338), 4 (339) Feb. 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd June 1866Dec. 1868 Orders and Ltrs Sent Relating to Complaints v.(343) June 1866Mar. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints v.(344) June 1866Nov 1868 Misc Recs Relating to Complaints 1866 Rgstr of Contrs v.(345) 186668)
GA 1865-1872 St. Marys (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.1 (373) Sept. 1867July 1868 v.2 (374) Aug.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Endrsmnts Rcvd v.1 (371) June 1867Oct. 1868 v.2 (372) Sept.Dec. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd May 1867Nov. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd May 1867Dec. 1868 St. Simons Island (Agent) Land Rprt and Rprt of Planters Who Had Sent Their Frdmn Away Unpaid Aug.Sept. 1865 Sandersville (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(364) MayNov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd v.(363) Apr. 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(365) May 1867July 1868 School Rprt Affidavits June 1867 and Apr.May 1868 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (347) Feb.Dec. 1866 v.2 (397) Feb.Mar. 1869 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.(398) Mar. 1869July 1872 Endrsmnts Sent v.(349) Mar. 1866Jan. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst\ Commr) Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (394) Mar.Dec. 1867 v.2 (395) 186768 v.3 (396) Jan. 1869Aug. 1872 Ltrs Rcvd Entered in v.1 (394) AW Mar.Dec. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) Entered in v.2 (395) AW 186768 Entered in v.3 (396) Jan. 1869Aug. 1872)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1865July 1869)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) Special Orders and Circulars Issued v.(399) Feb.July 1867 Orders and Circulars Rcvd July 1865Nov. 1867 Rprts Sent to the Asst Commr Sept. 1865June 1872)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) Affidavits and Papers Relating to Complaints June 1865Apr. 1867 Labor Contrs BrooksEmmanuel 186568)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) Labor Contrs JohnsonTattnall 186568)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) Rgstrs of Complaints v.1 (352) Feb.Aug. 1866 v.2 (351) Aug.Oct. 1866 v.3 (353) July 1867June 1868 Rgstr of Claimants v.(350) Dec. 1867Feb. 1872 Misc Recs July 1865Apr. 1872)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (SubAsst Commr) Recs of the Asst Adjutant Genl Relating to the Restoration of Property in the Savannah Area Jan. 1865Jan. 1867 Savannah (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(348) June 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(346) Dec. 1866Apr. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Sept.Oct. 1865 Savannah (Lincoln Hospital) Ltrs Sent v.1 (354) Dec. 1865Jan. 1868 v.2 (355) Feb.Sept. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Savannah (Lincoln Hospital) Ltrs Rcvd Nov. 1865Sept. 1868 Rprts Sent to Bureau Hqtrs Oct. 1865 Sept. 1868 Rgstrs of Patients 186568 v.1 (359) 186568 v.2 (356) 186568 v.3 (357) 186568 v.4 (361) 186568 Rgstr of Sick and Wounded at Lincoln Hospital v.(362) Sept. 1865Apr. 1867 Case, Diet, and Prescription Book v.(358) Jan.Mar. 1867 Morning Rprts v.(360) Mar.Nov. 1865 Smithville (Agent, see Dawson) Stockton (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.(370) JuneDec. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(369) JulyDec. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd MayAug. 1867)
GA 1865-1872 Thomasville (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent v.1 (379) Nov. 1865June 1866 v.2 (380) JuneDec. 1866 v.3 (381) Feb. 1867Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.1 (382) Nov. 1865Dec. 1866 and Mar. 1867 v.2 (383) Mar.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Rcvd and Sent v.1 (376) Feb.Oct. 1867 v.2 (377) Oct. 1867Mar. 1868 v.3 (378) Mar.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd v.(375) Nov. 1865Dec. 1866)
GA 1865-1872 Thomasville (SubAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Nov. 1865Dec. 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Thomasville (SubAsst Commr) UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1865Sept. 1868 Genl and Special Orders and Circulars Rcvd v.(384) May 1865Aug. 1868 Rprts and Misc Papers Relating to Complaints 186568 Rgstr of Complaints v.(385) Nov. 1865Oct. 1866 and Mar. 1867Oct. 1868 Warrenton (Agent) Ltrs Sent v.(387) Apr. 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd v.(386) June 1867Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Apr. 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs and Complaints v.(388) June 1867Nov. 1868 Misc Recs 1866, 1867, and 1868)
GA 1865-1872 Wash (Agent) Rgstr of Complaints v.(392) Dec. 1865Nov. 1866 Watkinsville (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865Mar. 1867 Waynesboro (Agent) Ltrs Sent June 1866Feb. 1867 Ltrs Sent v.(390) Mar.Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Rcvd and Sent v.(389) Mar.Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Dec. 1865Feb. 1867 and Jan.Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints v.(391) JuneNov. 1868 Misc Papers Jan. 1867May 1868 Woodville (Agent) Ltrs Rcvd Sept. 1867Aug. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, Contrs, and Papers Relating to Complaints 186768 Unidentified Name Index 1 Volume)
KY 1865-1872 ISSUANCES Genl Orders and Circulars The single v.of Genl orders and circulars, March 1866April 1869 (36), is arranged chronologically. v.(36) Mar. 1866Apr. 1869 Special Orders The single v.of special orders, March 1866October 1870 (35), is arranged by year and thereunder numerically. v.(35) Mar. 1866Oct. 1870 REPORTS Narrative Rprt of Bureau Operations for January 1868 Unbound narrative Rprt of Bureau operations for January 1868 is dated February 15, 1868. The Rprt may have been compiled by the chief of staff of Asst Commr Sidney Burbank. The last pages of the Rprt are missing. Feb. 15, 1868 Inspection Rprts Rcvd Concerning Frdmn Conditions and the Operations of the Bureau in KY The single v.of inspection Rprts Rcvd concerning Frdmn conditions and the operations of the Bureau in KY, June 1867October 1868 (37), is arranged chronologically. These are Rprts to the Asst Commr made by the Asst inspector Genl. v.(37) June 1867Oct. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 179585 1871 1162 Jan.Mar. 1872)
KY 1865-1872 Affidavits and Recs Relating to Complaints Unbound affidavits and Recs relating to complaints, September 1863 and 186567, are arranged by initial Ltr of the surname of the complainant. CS 1863 and 18661867)
KY 1865-1872 Affidavits and Recs Relating to Complaints Unbound affidavits and Recs relating to complaints, September 1863 and 186567, are arranged by initial Ltr of the surname of the complainant. TY 18661867 Warrants Issued in Response to Frdmns Complaints Unbound warrants issued in response to Frdmns complaints cover the period JanuaryDecember 1866. Those covering the period JanuaryDecember 1866 are arranged by initial Ltr of the surname. Warrants covering the period JanuarySeptember 1866 are arranged numerically. AY Jan.Dec. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, July 1866June 1869, 1 (55) and 2 (56), are arranged chronologically. Included in v.1 (55), July 1866May 1867, are copies of Endrsmnts sent and a list of men for whom Certs of disability were forwarded to the Dschrg depot, dated July 1863June 1864. v.1 (55) July 1866May 1867 v.2 (56) May 1867June 1869 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, MayDecember 1868 (57), is arranged chronologically. Endrsmnts sent May 1867May 1868 are entered in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd listed below. v.(57) MayDec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, May 1868February 1869 (54), is arranged and numbered in chronological order by date Rcvd. The 1st part of the Rgstr consists of Endrsmnts sent, May 1867May 1868, arranged in chronological order and numbered. Endrsmnts are a separate series and are continued in the single v.of Endrsmnts sent mentioned above. v.(54) May 1868Feb. 1869)
KY 1865-1872 CYNTHIANA (SUPERINTENDENT) Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, MarchJuly 1866, are arranged chronologically. The series includes orders and circulars Rcvd. Mar.July 1866 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, AugustOctober 1866, are arranged by type of Rec. The series includes testimonies taken at cases tried August 1866 and Marr licenses (October 1866). Aug.Oct. 1866 DANVILLE (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The three volumes of Ltrs sent, June 1866June 1868, 1 (100), 2 (101), and 3 (102), are arranged chronologically. v.3 (102) also contains a Rgstr of Ltrs sent (AugustSeptember 1867), arranged in chronological order and numbered. This v.has a name index. v.1 (100) Feb.June 1868 v.2 (101) Apr.June 1868 v.3 (102) June 1866Sept. 1867 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd (cont.) The four volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, September 1866July 1868, 1 (98), 2 (99), 3 (96), and 4 (97), are arranged chronologically. However, v.3 (96), which is dated FebruaryApril 1868, overlaps in dates with the other Rgstrs and appears to include Ltrs filed in the office. The other Rgstrs consist almost entirely of Ltrs forwarded to other Ofcrs. For Ltrs entered in Rgstr 3 (96), see the series of Ltrs Rcvd FebruaryApril 1868 mentioned below. v.1 (98) Sept. 1866Dec. 1867 v.2 (99) Dec. 1867Apr. 1868 v.3 (96) Feb.Apr. 1868 v.4 (97) Apr.July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryApril 1868, are arranged according to their entry in Rgstr (96) mentioned above. PP10PP254 Feb.April 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Endrsmnts Sent The five volumes of Endrsmnts sent, February 1866December 1868, 1 (127), 2 (128), 3 (129), 4 (130), and 5 (131), are arranged chronologically. v.2 (128) contains a name index to volumes 1 (127) and 2 (128). v.1 (127) Feb.Sept. 1866 v.2 (128) Sept. 1866Feb. 1867 v.3 (129) Feb.Oct. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Endrsmnts Sent The five volumes of Endrsmnts sent, February 1866December 1868, 1 (127), 2 (128), 3 (129), 4 (130), and 5 (131), are arranged chronologically. v.2 (128) contains a name index to volumes 1 (127) and 2 (128). v.4 (130) Oct. 1867June 1868 v.5 (131) JuneDec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, 1 (119) and 2 (120), are arranged in chronological order and numbered. There is a name index in v.1 (119). For Ltrs Rcvd, see the Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, mentioned below. v.1 (119) Feb.Dec. 1866 v.2 (120) Dec. 1866Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Endrsmnts Sent The five volumes of Endrsmnts sent, March 1866August 1870, 1 (30), 2 (31), 3 (32), 4 (33), and 5 (34), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (30) Mar.Sept. 1866 v.2 (31) Sept. 1866Feb. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Endrsmnts Sent The five volumes of Endrsmnts sent, March 1866August 1870, 1 (30), 2 (31), 3 (32), 4 (33), and 5 (34), are arranged chronologically. v.3 (32) Feb.Sept. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Endrsmnts Sent The five volumes of Endrsmnts sent, March 1866August 1870, 1 (30), 2 (31), 3 (32), 4 (33), and 5 (34), are arranged chronologically. v.4 (33) Sept. 1867 Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Endrsmnts Sent The five volumes of Endrsmnts sent, March 1866August 1870, 1 (30), 2 (31), 3 (32), 4 (33), and 5 (34), are arranged chronologically. v.5 (34) Jan. 1869 Aug. 1870 Name Index to Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The index, July 1871April 1872 (13), is an index to v.(12) of the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned below. v.(13) July 1871Apr. 1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The twelve volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd are dated March 1866April 1872 (112).Entries in the 1st nine Rgstrs, March 1866February 1870, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder chronologically. However, each Rgstr does not contain all alphabetical divisions. For example, the As are in volumes (1), (3), and (9) only, and the Gs are in volumes (1), (2), (3), (6), and (9) only. The v.listings below show the initial Ltrs of surnames included in each volume. The entries within each alphabetical division are numbered with a separate numerical sequence for each year, but dont always span the time period listed below. The last three Rgstrs, January 1870April 1872, are arranged by time period. The entries in volumes 10 and 11 are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder in chronological order and numbered. The entries in v.12, July 1871April 1872, are arranged in chronological order and numbered with a separate numerical sequence for each year. The name index to v.12 is v.(13) above. The Ltrs Rcvd relating to the Rgstrs, March 1866February 1872, are listed below. v.(1) AZ Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 v.(2) BH, J, L, QT, W May 1866Dec. 1868 v.(3) AB, D, FH, JM Sept. 1866Dec. 1868 v.(4) B, F, H, RS Apr. 1867Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, May December 1868 (42), is arranged chronologically. v.(42) MayDec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd are dated MayDecember 1868, 1 (39) and 2 (40). Entries in v.1 (39) are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder in chronological order and numbered. v.2 (40) is a supplemental volume, and it contains entries continued from v.1 (39) for the Ltrs B, C, H, M, and S. For the Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868, see the unbound Ltrs Rcvd mentioned below. v.1 (39) AW MayDec. 1868 v.2 (40) Aug.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Frdmns Contrs The single v.of Frdmns Contrs, January 1866July 1867 (150), is arranged chronologically. v.(150) Jan. 1866July 1867 Indentures (cont.) The single v.of indentures, January 1866November 1867 and AprilAugust 1866 (149), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains special orders Rcvd, AprilAugust 1866, that are arranged chronologically. v.(149) Jan. 1866Nov. 1867 and Apr.Aug. 1866 Rgstr of Applications Forwarded for Bounty Claims The single v.of applications forwarded for bounty claims, May 1866June 1868 (147), is arranged chronologically and numbered. v.(147) May 1866June 1868 Rgstr of Claimants for Bounties The single-v.Rgstr of claimants for bounties, AugustDecember 1868 (148), is arranged chronologically. v.(148) Aug.Dec. 1868 Station Book of Ofcrs in the Louisville Subdistrict The single-v.station book of Ofcrs in the Louisville subdistrict is undated and not arranged. The v.has a name index. v.(146) No date Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs cover the period October 1865October 1868 and are arranged by Rec type. The Recs include money receipts (June 1866September 1868); affidavits and declarations (January 1866); bonds relating to Frdmn (October 1865May 1866); a promissory note (October 1868); a table of unfortunates among Frdmn (September 1867); and Rprts of outrages and murders (December 1865October 1866). Also included is a memorandum of condition of affairs in Lexington and central subdistricts of KY (May 1866); a list of persons Dschrgd from Frdmn and refugee hospitals (July 1868); an opinion of the Board relating to clothing deficiencies in the return of the Asst Surg (February 1867); and a list of persons refusing to pay taxes for the hospital (April 1866). Oct. 1865Oct. 1868 MAYSVILLE (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr, MASON COUNTY) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1866July 1868, 1 (157) and 2 (158), are arranged chronologically. Following the Ltrs in v.1 (157) are circulars and special orders (January 1867May 1868) that are arranged chronologically. v.1 (157) MayDec. 1866 v.2 (158) Jan. 1867July 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) The three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (154), 2 (155), and 3 (156), cover the period July 1866July 1868. The volumes also include Endrsmnts sent. Volumes 1 (154) and 2 (155) are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. v.3 (156) is arranged in chronological order by the date Rcvd and numbered. The volumes have overlapping dates. v.2 (155) also contains a Rgstr of bounty claims, AugustSeptember (no year), that is arranged by the month the claim was forwarded. The v.also contains a Rgstr of widows claims, November 1866, that are arranged by the date the claim was forwarded. v.1 (154) July 1866May 1867 v.2 (155) MayDec. 1867 v.3 (156) Jan. 1867July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Genl Orders, Special Orders, and Circulars Rcvd Unbound Genl orders, special orders, and circulars Rcvd, August 1865December 1868, are arranged by type of issuance and thereunder chronologically. Aug. 1865Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly Rprts of operations, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes Rprts from subordinate Ofcrs and Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. Feb.Dec. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 LEBANON (DISBURSING OFFICER) Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, AugustDecember 1871, are arranged chronologically. Aug.Dec. 1871 Papers Relating to the Claim of John Spalding and Lists of Claimants Unbound papers relating to the claim of John Spalding and lists of claimants are dated 1871. 1871 LEXINGTON (CHIEF SUPERINTENDENT AND CHIEF SUBAsst Commr Ltrs Sent The four volumes of Ltrs sent, February 1866December 1868, 1 (122), 2 (123), 3 (124), and 4 (125), are arranged chronologically, and v.1 (122) has a name index. v.1 (122) Feb.Oct. 1866 v.2 (123) Oct. 1866Nov. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 LEXINGTON (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent are dated June 1866October 1867 and July 1868, 1 (123) and 2 (126).v.1 (123) covers the period October 1867July 1868 and is arranged chronologically. v.2 (126) covers the period June 1866September 1867 and is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.1 (123) Oct. 1867, Nov. 1867 and July 1868 v.2 (126) June 1866Sept.1867 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, July 1866October 1867 (132), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(132) July 1866Oct. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, July 1866October 1867 and July 1868 (121), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. For Ltrs Rcvd, see the Ltrs Rcvd (September 1866September 1867) mentioned below. v.(121) July 1866Oct. 1867 and July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, September 1866September 1867, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (121) mentioned above. Sept. 1866Sept. 1867 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, June 1866October 1867, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Oct. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, AprilSeptember 1866 (135), is arranged Genlly chronologically. v.(135) Apr.Sept. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 LIST BOOK RECORDS OF OFFICERS State of KY The single-v.list of book Recs of Ofcrs in the State of KY (no date) is arranged by office, with Recs of the Asst Commr listed 1st, followed alphabetically by locations of the subdistrict offices. Included in the list of book Recs are the type of Rec in each book or volume, the dates of the volume, and the v.number. In the Table of Contents below, the Adjutant Genls Office (AGO) v.number appears in parentheses in the series descriptions. The Adjutant Genls Office (AGO) of the War Dept assigned the v.numbers shown in parentheses after the Recs came into its custody. The v.numbers not in parentheses were assigned by the National Archives and Recs Administration. 1 v.OFFICE OF THE Asst Commr CORRESPONDENCE Name Indexes The three volumes of name indexes, February 1868December 1869 and July 1871April 1872, 1 (20), 2 (22), and 3 (27), are indexes to volumes 6 (19), 7 (21), and 9 (26) of the Ltrs sent mentioned below. v.1 (20) Feb.Dec. 1868 v.2 (22) Jan.Dec. 1869 v.3 (27) July 1871Apr. 1872 Ltrs Sent The nine volumes of Ltrs sent, March 1866December 1870 and July 1871April 1872, 1 (14), 2 (15), 3 (16), 4 (17), 5 (18), 6 (19), 7 (21), 8 (23), and 9 (26), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (14) Mar.Sept. 1866 v.2 (15) Sept. 1866Feb. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 LOUISVILLE (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The two volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, July 1865October 1867, 1 (139) and 2 (140), are arranged chronologically, and both volumes have name indexes. v.1 (139) July 1865Aug. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Labor Contrs Unbound labor Contrs, 186568, are arranged by year and thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the employer. AQ 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Labor Contrs Unbound labor Contrs, 186568, are arranged by year and thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the employer. EM 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Labor Contrs Unbound labor Contrs, 186568, are arranged by year and thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the employer. NY 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Labor Contrs Unbound labor Contrs, 186568, are arranged by year and thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the employer. RW 1867 AW 1868 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS DISBURSING OFFICER Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MayDecember 1868 (41), is arranged chronologically. v.(41) MayDec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 List of Teachers Assigned to Schools The single-v.list of teachers assigned to schools, October 1869March 1870 (38), is arranged alphabetically by name of town. The list of teachers was apparently written in a v.that was formerly a name index to another volume. v.(38) Oct. 1869Mar. 1870 Labor Contrs Unbound labor Contrs, 186568, are arranged by year and thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the employer. MayDec. 1865 AD 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd A1H116 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd A1H683 1870)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd A3W1 1871 1178 1871)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd H120H621 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd H623S46 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd H684Y 1870 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Jan.Dec. 1870)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Oct. 1867Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd S51Y 1869 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Jan.Dec. 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, June 1866December 1867 (58), is arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered, and the v.has a name index. For Ltrs copied into this volume, see the series of Ltrs Rcvd, June 1866June 1868, mentioned below. v.(58) June 1866Dec. 1867 Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, June 1866June 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the v.of Ltrs Rcvd (58) and the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, 3 (61), 4 (62), 5 (63), mentioned above. 142 JuneDec. 1866 29286, and B3K9 Jan.June 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866July 1868 Special Orders Issued The single v.of special orders issued, July 1866November 1867 and FebruaryApril 1868 (72), is arranged by year and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. The v.also contains circulars issued, FebruaryApril 1868, arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(72) July 1866Nov. 1867 and Feb.Apr. 1868 Special Orders Rcvd The single v.of special orders Rcvd, June 1866April 1868 (73), is arranged chronologically. v.(73) June 1866Apr. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. A1B137 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. A1D132 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. B140B385 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. B251F80 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. B386C221 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. D133F357 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. F358H281 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. F85G106 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. H1H741 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. H218J89 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. J1019K314 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. J250J489 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. J279J523 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. J2J278 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. J524J775 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. J776J1018 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. J90J348 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. JJ249 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. K2L162 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. KO27 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. KO27 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. L2Q 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. M3S58 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. RR348 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. S59Y13 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Jan.Nov. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872. For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. T31 1866 A4B249 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd cover the period March 1866March 1872.For the period March 1866July 1871, the Ltrs are arranged by year, thereunder alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent, and thereunder numerically. For the period July 1871February 1872, they are arranged numerically. Almost all of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Those Ltrs not entered in the Rgstrs are filed after the last entered Ltrs for each year. C223H217 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866December 1868, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (175) mentioned above. Apr. 1866Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, August 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. They are partially Rgstred in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (54) mentioned above. Aug. 1866Sept. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. A3B363 Jan.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. C1G52 Jan.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. H1H490 Jan.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. J164Q9 Jan.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. R2Y Jan.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered.H491J163 Jan.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1867, are arranged chronologically. Some of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above, but most are not. Mar. 1866Dec. 1867 Genl Orders, Special Orders, and Circulars Rcvd Unbound Genl orders, special orders, and circulars Rcvd, February 1866 December 1867, are arranged by type of order and thereunder chronologically. Feb. 1866Dec. 1867 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, May 1866April 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Apr. 1868 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, July 1866April 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866Apr. 1868 Monthly Returns of QrtrMstrs Stores Rcvd and Issued Unbound monthly returns of QrtrMstrs stores Rcvd and issued, June 1866March 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, May 1866May 1867 (160), is arranged chronologically. v.(160) May 1866May 1867 Rgstr of Claimants The single-v.Rgstr of claimants, September 1866July 1868 (159), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. The Rgstr gives the name and address of the claimant, whether he was loyal or disloyal, and the date of the Rprt proving his loyalty. Claimants are white citizens. v.(159) Sept. 1866July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (119) and 2 (120), mentioned above. Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.May 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, MarchJuly 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the Rgstr in Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent (107) mentioned above. Mar.July 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.July 1868 HENDERSON (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, AprilSeptember 1867 and JanuaryJuly 1868 (110), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(110) Apr.Sept. 1867 and Jan.July 1868 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, April 1867July 1868 (111), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(111) Apr. 1867July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, AprilMay 1867 and JanuaryJuly 1868 (108), is arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. v.(108) Apr.May 1867 and Jan.July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryDecember 1866, AugustOctober 1867, and JanuaryJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. Some of the Ltrs are entered in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (108) mentioned above. Feb.Dec. 1866, Aug. Oct. 1867, and Jan. July 1868 Rgstr of Indentures The single-v.Rgstr of indentures, January 1866February 1868 (113), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also includes comments on the loyalty of certain parties in the area (FebruaryMarch 1868) that are arranged chronologically. v.(113) Jan. 1866Feb. 1868 Misc Recs (cont.) Unbound Misc Recs, March 1866July 1868, are arranged by type of Rec and thereunder chronologically. The series includes monthly statistical Rprts of operations (MarchJune 1866); monthly school Rprts (November 1867July 1868); monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired (January 1867June 1868); muster rolls of a detachment (April and June 1868); complaints (April 1868); and a receipt for money (May 1866). May 1866July 1868 HODGINSVILLE (AGENT) Frdmns Contrs The single v.of Frdmns Contrs, January 1866June 1867 (106), is arranged by year and thereunder numerically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of complaints (MarchDecember 1868), which was probably compiled at Louisville, KY. v.(106) Jan. 1866June 1867 and Mar.Dec. 1868 LEBANON (SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MarchJuly 1868 (117), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(117) Mar.July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryJuly 1868 (115), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder chronologically. For Ltrs Rcvd, see the unbound Ltrs Rcvd, MarchJune 1868, mentioned below. v.(115) Feb.July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, MarchJune 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (115) mentioned above. Mar.June 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd Relating to Claims (cont.) The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd relating to claims, March 1868 and June 1868 (114), is arranged chronologically. The Rgstr also contains two Endrsmnts dated June 1868. v.(114) Mar. 1868 and June 1868 Rgstr of Claimants The single-v.Rgstr of claimants, May 1866February 1868 (118), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname for 1866 and arranged Genlly in chronological order for 1867 and 1868. v.(118) May 1866Feb. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, FebruaryJune 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The series includes Rprts of persons and articles hired (FebruaryJune 1868); school Rprts (FebruaryJune 1868); and Rprts of assaults committed on refugees and Frdmn (June 1868). Feb.June 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, November 1866December 1867, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (67) mentioned above. Nov. 1866Dec. 1867 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, October 1865March 1866 and November 1866December 1867, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1865Mar. 1866 and Nov. 1866Dec. 1867 Special Orders Rcvd The single v.of special orders Rcvd, May 1866December 1867 (74), is arranged chronologically. v.(74) May 1866Dec. 1867 Rgstr of Marrs The single-v.Rgstr of Marrs, December 1865January 1866 (79), is arranged alphabetically. v.(79) Dec. 1865Jan. 1866 Accounts (cont.) The single v.of accounts, July 1866February 1867 (76), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a list of bounty claimants, August 1867February 1868, arranged chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(76) July 1866Feb. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, January 1866April 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The series includes special orders (September 1866November 1867), receipts for money (December 1867), affidavits (SeptemberOctober 1867).Also included is a Rgstr of school tickets issued (April 1868), narrative Rprts (January 1866), and Rprts of expenses (January 1866). Jan. 1866Apr. 1868 BRANDENBURG (SUBAsst Commr) Rgstrs of Ltrs Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Rgstr of Ltrs sent and Rcvd, JanuaryJuly 1867 (80), is arranged by type of Rgstr and thereunder chronologically.The v.also includes Ltrs sent from Brandenburg dated September 1866 and a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd at Owensboro (JuneJuly 1868). v.(80) Sept. 1866 and Jan.July 1867 Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MayJune 1868 (82), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. For Ltrs sent September 1866 and a Rgstr of Ltrs sent JanuaryJuly 1867, see the single v.of Rgstrs of Ltrs sent and Rcvd (80) mentioned above. v.(82) MayJune 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, MayJuly 1868 (81), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(81) MayJuly 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, MayJune 1868, are arranged chronologically. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (81) mentioned above. MayJune 1868 BURKSVILLE (SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, October 1866July 1868 (83), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(83) Oct. 1866July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, September 1866June 1868, are arranged chronologically. Sept. 1866June 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Sent The four volumes of Ltrs sent, February 1866December 1868, 1 (122), 2 (123), 3 (124), and 4 (125), are arranged chronologically, and v.1 (122) has a name Index. v.3 (124) Nov. 1867Sept. 1868 v.4 (125) Sept.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Sent The nine volumes of Ltrs sent, March 1866December 1870 and July 1871April 1872, 1 (14), 2 (15), 3 (16), 4 (17), 5 (18), 6 (19), 7 (21), 8 (23), and 9 (26), are arranged chronologically. v.3 (16) Feb.July 1867 v.4 (17) JulyOct. 1867 v.5 (18) Oct. 1867Feb. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Sent The nine volumes of Ltrs sent, March 1866December 1870 and July 1871April 1872, 1 (14), 2 (15), 3 (16), 4 (17), 5 (18), 6 (19), 7 (21), 8 (23), and 9 (26), are arranged chronologically. v.6 (19) Feb.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Sent The nine volumes of Ltrs sent, March 1866December 1870 and July 1871April 1872, 1 (14), 2 (15), 3 (16), 4 (17), 5 (18), 6 (19), 7 (21), 8 (23), and 9 (26), are arranged chronologically. v.7 (21) Jan.Dec. 1869 v.8 (23) Dec. 1869Dec. 1870 v.9 (26) July 1871Apr. 1872)
KY 1865-1872 Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, April 1867July 1868 (173), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(173) Apr. 1867July 1868 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, April 1867 July 1868 (174), is arranged chronologically. v.(174) Apr. 1867July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867June 1868 (170), is arranged chronologically. For a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd at Owensboro dated JuneJuly 1868, see the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs sent and Rcvd, JanuaryJuly 1867 (80), by the subAsst Commr for Brandenburg. v.(170) Jan. 1867June 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867May 1868, are arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. The Ltrs are entered in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (170) mentioned above. Jan. 1867May 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd by Endrsmnt The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd by Endrsmnt, April 1867July 1868 (171), is arranged chronologically. v.(171) Apr. 1867July 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, May 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Marr Certs Issued Unbound Marr Certs issued, June 1866August 1868, are arranged by year and thereunder by initial Ltr of the surname of the family. June 1866Aug. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, October 1865July 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The Recs include affidavits (October 1865 and January 1868), and monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired (MarchJuly 1868). Oct. 1865July 1868 PADUCAH (CHIEF SUPERINTENDENT AND CHIEF SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The three volumes of Ltrs sent, April 1866December 1868, 1 (176), 2 (177), and 3 (178), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index.. v.3 (178) also includes Ltrs sent (SeptemberDecember 1868) by V. H. Echorn, Super of schools of the Western District, which are interfiled with other Ltrs in the volume. v.1 (176) Apr. 1866Jan. 1868 v.2 (177) Jan. 1868Aug. 1868 v.3 (178) Sept.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, April 1866November 1868 (180), is arranged by Endrsmnts sent and Endrsmnts Rcvd and thereunder chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(180) Apr. 1866Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866December 1868 (175), is arranged in chronological order by the date it was Rcvd and numbered. The v.has a name index. v.(175) Apr. 1866Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, March 1862 June 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The series includes orders Rcvd (March 1866March 1868); monthly operations Rprts (July 1866June 1868); monthly school Rprts (May 1866June 1868); monthly Rprts of accounts current and receipts and expenditures (June 1866January 1867); monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired (May 1866June 1868); monthly returns of QrtrMstr stores Rcvd, issued, and remaining on hand (June 1866June 1867); a list of grand and petit jurors (March 186267); a Rprt of unfortunates among Frdmn (June 1867); an affidavit (July 1867); a court statement (no date); and a labor Contr (January 1866). Mar. 1862June 1868 FALMOUTH (AGENT) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, March 1867June 1867 (85), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains Ltrs Rcvd, February 1867, that are duplicated in v.(103) of Ltrs and orders Rcvd September 1866June 1867 mentioned below. v.(85) Mar.June 1867 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs and orders Rcvd, September 1866June 1867 (103), is arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. v.(103) Sept.June 1867 GEORGETOWN (AGENT) Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, July 1866June 1867, are arranged chronologically. July 1866June 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, June 1866June 1867, are arranged by type of Rec. The series includes statistical Rprts of operations (June 1866June 1867); Rprts of receipts and expenditures (June 1866January 1867); monthly school Rprts by district Super (March 1867); and an affidavit (November 1866). June 1866June 1867 GREENSBURG (SUPERINTENDENT AND CHIEF AGENT) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, October 1866February 1868 (104), is arranged chronologically.The v.also contains Ltrs Rcvd (MarchAugust 1867), arranged chronologically by date Rcvd, and a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (August 1867January 1868), arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. v.(104) Oct. 1866Feb. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, October 1866February 1868 (105), is arranged chronologically. v.(105) Oct. 1866Feb. 1868 HENDERSON (CHIEF SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MarchJuly 1868 (109), is arranged chronologically. v.(109) Mar.July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, MarchJuly 1868 (107), is arranged in chronological order and numbered and has a name index. v.(107) Mar.July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Narrative and Statistical School Rprts Unbound monthly narrative and statistical school Rprts, July 1866December 1868 are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are by either the Asst Commr or the Super of education on the number and kinds of schools available for Frdmn in KY and the work of the Bureau in furthering the establishment of schools. July 1866Dec. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Returns of Medical Ofcrs and Rprts of Attendants Unbound monthly returns of medical Ofcrs and Rprts of attendants, July 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866Dec. 1868 Misc Recs and Rprts Unbound Misc Recs and Rprts, August 1866 November 1868, are arranged by type of Rec and thereunder chronologically. This series includes Contrs between the chief medical Ofcr and individuals (August 1866March 1867), inventory and inspection Rprts (SeptemberNovember 1868), and a monthly return of medical Ofcrs serving in the district (May 1867). There is also a monthly Rprt of persons (by name, age, and sex) enrolled in the Genl hospital for refugees and Frdmn (July 1868); a table showing age, sex, and class of unfortunates among the black people (July 1867); a receipt roll of hired men, (May 1867); and an order (February 1867). Aug. 1866Nov. 1868 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES AUGUSTA (SUPERINTENDENTBRACHEN COUNTY) Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryJune 1867, are arranged chronologically. The series includes two Marr licenses/Certs with final dates of Marr of November 1866 and April 1867. Jan.June 1867 BOWLING GREEN (CHIEF SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, July 1866June 1868, 1 (68) and 2 (69), are arranged by year and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.1 (68) has a name index. v.1 (68) July 1866May 1868 v.2 (69) Apr. 1868June 1868 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, JuneJuly 1868 (71), is arranged chronologically and numbered. v.(71) JuneJuly 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Returns of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound monthly returns of receipts and expenditures, March 1866March 1867, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Mar. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, June 1866March 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The Recs include receipt rolls of clothing issued (FebruaryMarch 1868); Rprts of accounts current (June 1866February 1867); a list of stores Rcvd from the QrtrMstr (January 1868); and a list of unfortunates among the Frdmn (May 1867). June 1866Mar. 1868 MT. STERLING (SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The three volumes of Ltrs sent, June 1866July 1868, 1 (161), 2 (162), and 3 (163), are arranged chronologically.The volumes have overlapping dates. v.1 (161) JuneJuly 1866 and June 1866Apr. 1868 v.2 (162) June 1866Mar. 1867 v.3 (163) Apr. 1867July 1868 Rgstr of Contrs The single-v.Rgstr of Contrs, JanuaryJuly 1866 (166), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(166) Jan.July 1866 Marr Certs The two volumes of Marr Certs, 1 (164) and 2 (165), are dated 1866. v.1 (164) covers the period FebruaryApril 1866, is arranged chronologically, and has a name index. The Certs in v.2 (165) are not notated with specific dates, and are unarranged. The v.also includes a divorce Cert (October 1866) and a Rgstr of Marrs dated October 1866May (no date) that is arranged chronologically. v.1 (164) Feb.Apr. 1866 v.2 (165) 1866 Monthly Returns of QrtrMstrs Stores Rcvd and Issued (cont.) Unbound monthly returns of QrtrMstrs stores Rcvd and issued, June 1866June 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866June 1868 Frdmns Contrs The single v.of Frdmns Contrs (167) is dated January 1867. v.(167) Jan. 1867 NICHOLASVILLE (AGENT) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, November 1866October 1867 (168), is arranged chronologically. v.(168) Nov. 1866Oct. 1867 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866July 1867, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866July 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts Rcvd of Sick and Wounded Unbound monthly Rprts Rcvd of sick and wounded, December 1866December 1868, are arranged alphabetically by location of hospital or dispensary and thereunder chronologically. Dec. 1866Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Confiscated or Abandoned Lands in the Possession of the Asst Commr Unbound monthly Rprts of confiscated or abandoned lands in the possession of the Asst Commr, July 1866 December 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Rations, Clothing, and Medicine Issued Unbound monthly Rprts of rations, clothing, and medicine issued, July 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Changes in Ofcrs and Civilians in the Bureau Unbound monthly Rprts of changes in Ofcrs and civilians in the Bureau, September 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts usually list the appointments and transfers of Bureau personnel during the Rprting period. Sept. 1866Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Operations Rcvd from Subordinate Offices Unbound monthly Rprts of operations Rcvd from subordinate offices, March 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Nov. 1868 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, April 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. These are Rprts from subordinate Ofcrs and Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. Apr. 1866Nov. 1868 Monthly Rprts Rcvd from Subordinate Offices of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts Rcvd from subordinate offices of persons and articles hired, April 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Rprts to the Asst Commr (September 1866April 1867) are at the end of the series. Apr. 1866Nov. 1868 Returns of Stores Rcvd and Issued Unbound returns of stores Rcvd and issued, JuneDecember 1866, are arranged chronologically. The returns included those from subordinate offices and those sent to the Asst Commr. JuneDec. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly Rprts of operations, April 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Most of these tabular Rprts give the number of Frdmn at work, under Contr, or apprenticed, and the number of outrages committed in each subdistrict of KY. Some of the Rprts also give the number of arrests, the number of rations, and clothing issued, the number of claims forwarded and collected, and the number of Marr Certs issued. Apr. 1866June 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly Rprts of operations, April 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Most of these tabular Rprts give the number of Frdmn at work, under Contr, or apprenticed, and the number of outrages committed in each subdistrict of KY. Some of the Rprts also give the number of arrests, the number of rations, and clothing issued, the number of claims forwarded and collected, and the number of Marr Certs issued. July 1867Nov. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly Rprts of operations, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes Rprts from subordinate Ofcrs and Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. Jan. 1867Oct. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, July 1866May 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866May 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, July 1866February 1868 (77), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a list of loyal correspondents in Bowling Green District (no date), arranged by county, and a list of bounty claims forwarded, dated August 1867 that are arranged chronologically. v.(77) July 1866 Feb.1868 Rgstr of Cases Tried The single-v.Rgstr of cases tried, July 1866June 1867 (78), is arranged chronologically. v.(78) July 1866June 1867 Monthly Rprts of Money Rcvd and Expended Unbound monthly Rprts of money Rcvd and expended, June 1866October 1867, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Oct. 1867 Accounts The single v.of accounts, JanuaryOctober 1867 (75), is arranged by name of person and thereunder chronologically. v.(75) Jan.Oct. 1867 BOWLING GREEN (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr) Name Index The index is an index to the Ltrs sent, September 1866December 1867 (70), mentioned below. 1 v.(Index to v.70) Sept. 1866Dec. 1867 Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, September 1866December 1867 (70), is arranged by year and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. The name index to this series is mentioned above. v.(70) Sept. 1866Dec. 1867 Name Index The index (66) is an index to the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, December 1866December 1867, 1 (64) and 2 (65). v.(66) Sept. 1866Dec. 1867 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, December 1866December 1867, 1 (64) and 2 (65), are arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. v.1 (64) also contains Endrsmnts, SeptemberDecember 1866, arranged in chronological order and numbered. The name index to this series, v.(66), is mentioned above. v.1 (64) Sept. 1866Sept. 1867 v.2 (65) Sept.Dec. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, September 1866December 1867 (67), is arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. v.(67) Sept. 1866Dec. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, March 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes Rprts from subordinate Ofcrs and Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. Aug. 1867Nov. 1868 Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound Rprts of receipts and expenditures, March 1866April 1867, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Apr. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, December 1865November 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The series includes statistical Rprts of unfortunates (MayJune 1866); Rprts of outrages to Frdmn and Unionists (December 1865November 1866); receipts for money (January 1866November 1868); yearly return of medical and hospital property (December 1866); and court papers, affidavits, and statements (March 1866June 1867). Dec. 1865Nov. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, March 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes Rprts from subordinate Ofcrs and Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. Mar. 1866July 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound monthly Rprts of receipts and expenditures, May 1866February 1867, are arranged chronologically. The series includes monthly Rprts from subordinate offices and Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. May 1866Feb. 1867 Complaints, Affidavits, and Evidence Relating to Court Cases Unbound complaints, affidavits, and evidence relating to court cases, AprilDecember 1866, are arranged by type of Rec. Apr.Dec. 1866 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, April 1866July 1867, are arranged by document type. They include estimates for buildings (AprilJuly 1866); a Rprt of persons murdered or maltreated relating to Frdmn (December 1865October 1866); and tables showing the number of unfortunates among Frdmn (April 1866July 1867). The Recs also contain Marr Certs issued and a list of Marrs as Reced in Paducah (April 1866); vouchers issued relating to services performed for the Bureau (April 1866); and Ab of articles purchased and expended (April 1866). Apr.1866July 1867 PADUCAH (SUPERINTENDENT, CHIEF AGENT, AND SUBAsst Commr, MCCRACKEN COUNTY) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, April 1866July 1868 (179), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(179) Apr. 1866July 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryMay 1867, and Endrsmnts sent, December 1866January 1867 (181), is arranged by type of Rec and thereunder chronologically. The v.also includes a Rgstr of civil cases tried at the Frdmns court at Paducah (September 1865May 1866). v.(181) Feb.May 1867 and Dec. 1866Jan. 1867 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, August 1865July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Aug. 1865July 1868 Circulars and Orders Rcvd (cont.) Unbound circulars and orders Rcvd, July 1865March 1866, are arranged chronologically. July 1865Mar. 1866 Rgstr of Contrs with Frdmn at Paducah The single-v.Rgstr of Contrs with Frdmn at Paducah, September 1865January 1868 (183), is arranged chronologically. v.(183) Sept. 1865Jan. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, September 1865October 1868 (184), is arranged in Genl chronological order. v.(184) Sept. 1865Oct. 1868 Ab of Rations Rcvd and Issued Unbound Ab of rations Rcvd and issued, FebruaryAugust 1867, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Aug. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, May 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes Rprts from subordinate Ofcrs and Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. May 1866Nov. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, September 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr.June 1866 and Sept. 1866Nov. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, February 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound monthly Rprts of receipts and expenditures, March 1866January 1867, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from subordinate Ofcrs. Also included are a few Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. Mar. 1866Jan. 1867 Rgstrs of Complaints The two volumes of Rgstrs of complaints, January 1866January 1867, 1 (151) and 2 (152), are arranged chronologically. The dates of the volumes overlap. v.1 (151) covers the period JanuarySeptember 1866. v.2 (152) covers the period January 1866January 1867. v.1 (151) Jan.Sept.1866 v.2 (152) Jan. 1866Jan. 1867 Proceedings of Frdmns Court (Minutes of Daily Proceedings) The single v.of proceedings of Frdmns Court (Minutes of Daily Proceedings) is dated JanuaryNovember 1867 (153), and is arranged chronologically. v.(153) Jan.Nov. 1867 Affidavits and Recs Relating to Complaints Unbound affidavits and Recs relating to complaints, September 1863 and 186567, are arranged by initial Ltr of the surname of the complainant. AB 18651867)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly Statistical Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly statistical Rprts of operations, September 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Sept. 1866July 1868 Rgstr of Cases in Frdmns Court The single-v.Rgstr of cases in Frdmns Court, October 1866October 1867 (84), is arranged chronologically. v.(84) Oct. 1866Oct. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, May 1866July 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are monthly Rprts of schools (October 1866July 1868); monthly Rprts of accounts current (May 1866March 1867); Rprts of persons and articles hired (February and July 1868); claims for reimbursement (November 1866); and receipts, warrants, and cases tried (OctoberNovember 1866). May 1866July 1868 COLUMBUS (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, June 1866July 1868 (87), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains indentures of apprenticeship (April 1866January 1868) that are arranged chronologically. v.(87) June 1866July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd and a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd and a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866May 1868 (86), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The Ltrs Rcvd are dated March 1866April 1868 and the Rgstr is dated AprilMay 1868. v.(86) Mar. 1866May 1868 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, MarchJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. Several Ltrs are entered in the single v.of Ltrs Rcvd and a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (86) mentioned above. However, most are not. Mar.July 1868 Circulars and Special Orders Rcvd The single v.of circulars and special orders Rcvd, July 1865March 1868 (88), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(88) July 1865Mar. 1868 Contrs The single v.of Contrs, April 1866November 1867 (89), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also includes a Rgstr of Marrs dated May 1866April 1868. v.(89) Apr. 1866Nov. 1867 Proceedings of Frdmns Court The single v.of proceedings of Frdmns Court, AprilJuly 1866 (90), is arranged chronologically. v.(90) Apr.July 1866 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, AprilOctober 1866 and September 1867, are arranged by type of Rec. The series includes a statement of accounts current (April 1866); affidavits (October 1866 and September 1867); and quarterly Rprts of schools (AprilJune 1866). Apr.Oct. 1866 and Sept. 1867 COVINGTON (SUPERINTENDENT) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1866July 1868, 1 (92) and 2 (93), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (92) MayDec. 1866 v.2 (93) Jan. 1867July 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, January 1867July 1868 (94), is arranged chronologically. v.(94) Jan. 1867July 1868 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, December 1866July 1868 (91), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(91) Dec. 1866July 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, JanuaryAugust 1866 (138), is arranged chronologically. The Rgstr also contains names of people applying for bounties and a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd by the Asst Dsbrsg Ofcr at Louisville (JanuaryApril 1871), which is arranged chronologically. v.(138) Jan.Aug. 1866 Accounts The single v.of accounts, JanuaryApril 1866 (95), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a list of men who applied for bounty claims (no date), which is arranged chronologically. v.(95) Jan.Apr. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Monthly and Weekly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound monthly and weekly Rprts of sick and wounded, December 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1866July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Narrative and School Rprts (cont.) Jan.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 OTHER RECORDS Rosters of Ofcrs and Civilians on Duty Unbound rosters of Ofcrs and civilians on duty, March 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866May 1867)
KY 1865-1872 PADUCAH (SUPERINTENDENTSEE COLUMBUS) PARIS (AGENT) Frdmns Contrs The single v.of Frdmns Contrs, MarchJuly 1866 (185), is arranged chronologically. v.(185) Mar.July 1866 RUSSELLVILLE (SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MarchJune 1868 (187), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(187) Mar.June 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, MarchMay 1868 (186), is arranged in chronological order by the date Rcvd and numbered. The v.has a name index. v.(186) Mar.May 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd FebruaryMay 1868, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (186) mentioned above. Feb.May 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, October 1867June 1868, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1867June 1868 Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, AugustSeptember 1866 (188), is arranged in two subseries and thereunder chronologically. v.(188) Aug.Sept. 1866 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, August 1866 and MarchMay 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The Recs include Rprts of schools (MarchMay 1868); a monthly Rprt of persons and articles hired (March 1868); a monthly Rprt of operations (March 1868); and affidavits (August 1866 and May 1868). Aug. 1866 and Mar.May 1868 SMITHLAND (AGENT) Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, ca. March 1866June 1867 (191), is arranged chronologically and has a name index.The v.also contains Ltrs sent and Rcvd (March 1866June 1867), arranged chronologically. v.(191) Mar. 1866June 1867 STANFORD (AGENT) Ltrs Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs sent and Rcvd, MarchNovember 1867 (189), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(189) Mar.Nov. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, November 1866October 1867 (190), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The series also includes orders Rcvd. v.(190) Nov. 1866Oct. 1867 VERSAILLES (AGENT) (cont.) Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, August 1866November 1867, are arranged chronologically. Aug. 1866Nov. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, August 1866October 1867, are arranged by type of Rec. The Recs include Rprts of operations (JanuaryOctober 1867); school Rprts of the district Super (FebruarySeptember 1867); and Rprts of persons and articles hired (August 1866September 1867). Aug. 1866Oct. 1867 WINCHESTER (SUPERINTENDENT) Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, June 1866January 1867 (192), is arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. v.(192) June 1866Jan. 1867 Marr Certs The single v.of Marr Certs, FebruarySeptember 1866 (193), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(193) Feb.Sept. 1866 Contrs The single v.of Contrs, JanuaryJune 1866 (194), is arranged in Genl chronological order. There are also some loose Contrs in the volume. The v.also contains bounty requests (FebruaryApril 1866) arranged chronologically. v.(194) Jan.June 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent (cont.) v.2 (140) Aug. 1866Oct. 1867 Name Index The index (141 ) is an index to the single-v.series of Ltrs sent, JulyDecember 1868 (141), mentioned below. v.(141) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, JulyDecember 1868 (141), is arranged chronologically. v.(141) JulyDec. 1868 Name Index The index, JulyDecember 1868 (144), is a partial index to the two volumes of Endrsmnts sent, August 1865December 1868, 1 (142) and 2 (143), mentioned below. v.(144) JulyDec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent The two volumes of Endrsmnts sent, 1 (142) and 2 (143), cover the period August 1865December 1868. v.1 (142) is arranged in chronological order and numbered and has a name index. v.2 (143) is arranged chronologically. For a name index to v.2 (143), see the index (144) listed above. v.1 (142) Aug. 1865July 1868 v.2 (143) July 1868Dec. 1868 Name Index The index, JulyDecember 1868 (137 ), is a partial index to the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, JulyOctober 1865 and April 1866December 1868, mentioned below. v.(137) JulyDec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The four volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, December 1870April 1872, 1 (24), 2 (25), 3 (28), and 4 (29), are arranged chronologically, and v.4 (29) has a name index. Most of the Ltrs in volumes 3 (28) and 4 (29) have been copied into v.9 (26) of the Ltrs sent, July 1871April 1872, mentioned above. v.1 (24) Dec. 1870May 1871 v.2 (25) MayJuly 1871 v.3 (28) JulyAug. 1871 v.4 (29) Jan. 1871Apr. 1872)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstr of Claimants The single-v.Rgstr of claimants, June December 1868 (44), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. Some of the names in this Rgstr appear in the five volumes of Rgstrs of claimants mentioned above. Since the title on the cover is Case of Major Benj. P. Runkle tried by Genl court martial, exhibit No. 34, it appears that this v.was an exhibit in the trial. v.(44) JuneDec. 1868 Lists of Claimants The five volumes of lists of claimants are dated ca. 187072, 1 (48), 2 (49), 3 (50), 4 (51), and 5 (53). Within each v.the lists are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. Most of the volumes include the name, address, rank, Co, and Reg of the claimant. v.1 (48) ca. 18701872 v.2 (49) ca. 18701872 v.3 (50) 1871Feb. 1872 v.4 (51) 18707 v.5 (53) Mar.Dec. 1870 Receipts of Claimants for Checks Unbound receipts of claimants for checks, MaySeptember 1870, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of the claimant. MaySept. 1870 Postage Accounts The single v.of postage accounts, JulyDecember 1871 (52) is arranged chronologically. v.(52) JulyDec. 1871)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Claimants The five volumes of Rgstrs of claimants, October 1867March 1872, 1 (43), 2 (44), 3 (45), 4 (46), and 5 (47), are arranged by time period. The entries are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant and thereunder chronologically. The entries give the name, address, rank, Co, and Reg of the Soldr; the number of the Treasury Cert; the amount of the claim; and the date it was paid and the amount paid to the claimant. v.1 (43) Oct. 1867Dec. 1868 v.2 (44) Jan.Apr. 1869 v.3 (45) Feb.June 1871 v.4 (46) JulyDec. 1871 v.5 (47) Jan.Mar. 1872)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd 2604 Jan.Dec. 1867 8359 Jan.June 1868 A2T5 Aug.Oct. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (136) and 2 (137), cover the period JulyOctober 1865 and April 1866December 1868. v.1 (136) is arranged numerically and has a name index. v.2 (137) is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. For a name index to v.2 (137), see the index (137) mentioned above; for the Ltrs Rcvd, see the unbound Ltrs Rcvd, August 1865October 1868, mentioned below. v.1 (136) JulyOctober 1865 and April 1866July 1868 v.2 (137) JulyDec. 1868 Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, August 1865October 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (136) and 1 (137), mentioned above. 149 1865 2254 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent The five Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, July 1866July 1868, 1 (59), 2 (60), 3 (61), 4 (62), and 5 (63), are arranged by time period, and volumes 1 (59), 2 (60), and 3 (61) have name indexes. For Ltrs entered in volumes 3 (61), 4 (62), and 5 (63), see the series of unbound Ltrs Rcvd, June 1866June 1868, mentioned below.The entries in volumes 1 (59), 2 (60), and 3 (61) are arranged in chronological order and numbered with a separate numerical sequence for each year. The entries in volumes 4 (62) and 5 (63) are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.1 (59) July 1866Apr. 1867 v.2 (60) MayOct. 1867 v.3 (61) Oct. 1867May 1868 v.4 (62) MayJune 1868 v.5 (63) JuneJuly 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.(10) Jan. 1870Jan. 1871 v.(11) Jan. 1871July 1871 v.(12) July 1871Apr. 1872)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.(5) JL Dec. 1866Jan. 1868 v.(6) BC, G, MN, T, WY Apr. 1867Dec. 1868 v.(7) J, L, RS July 1867Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd v.(8) BC, H, K Aug. 1867Dec. 1868 v.(9) AC, GH, K, N, W July 1868Feb. 1870)
KY 1865-1872 Rosters of Ofcrs and Civilians (cont.) July 1867Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Special Orders Rcvd Unbound special orders Rcvd, June 1866March 1868, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. The series also includes circulars. June 1866Mar. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly Rprts of operations, June 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes both statistical and narrative Rprts from Ofcrs subordinate to the subAsst Commr and retained copies of Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. June 1866July 1868 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, July 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes both statistical and narrative Rprts from Ofcrs subordinate to the subAsst Commr and retained copies of Rprts sent to the Asst Commr. July 1866July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Special Orders and Circulars Rcvd Unbound special orders and circulars Rcvd, March 1866June 1867, are arranged by type of order and thereunder arranged chronologically and numbered. Mar. 1866June 1867 Monthly Statistical Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly statistical Rprts of operations, May 1866October 1867, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Oct. 1867 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, JanuaryNovember 1867 are arranged chronologically. Jan.Nov. 1867 List of Claimants The single-v.list of claimants (169) is not dated and is arranged by type of list. The v.also contains loose copies of indentures (SeptemberOctober 1865, MayJune 1866, and February and May 1867) that are not arranged. v.(169) No dates Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, April 1866April 1867, are arranged by type of Rec. The Recs include cases tried (AprilNovember 1866); receipts and expenditures (July and December 1866); monthly return of QrtrMstrs stores (June 1866); and an affidavit (April 1867). Apr. 1866Apr. 1867 OWENSBORO (SUPERINTENDENT AND SUBAsst Commr) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The single v.of press copies of Ltrs sent, October 1866May 1868 (172), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(172) Oct. 1866May 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868 June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. Apr.May 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868 June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. Feb.Mar. 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868 June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. June 1868Jan. 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868 June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. JuneNov. 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. Dec. 1869Feb. 1870)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. Feb.Apr. 1870)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. MayJune 1870 Rprts Rcvd from Illinois Dec. 1868 and Feb.June 1869 and Oct. 1869June 1870 Rprts Rcvd from Indiana Mar. 1868June 1869)
KY 1865-1872 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Rcvd Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts Rcvd, October 1866June 1870, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts are mainly from teachers in KY, but at the end of the series there are Rprts from teachers in Illinois, December 1868June 1870, and from Indiana, March 1868June 1869. Oct. 1866May 1868)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Oct. 1868 Genl Orders, Special Orders, and Circulars Issued The single v.of orders, special orders, and circulars issued, April 1866 November 1868 (182), is arranged by type of issuance, thereunder by year, and thereunder numerically. The v.does not include all types of issuances for all time periods. v.(182) Apr. 1866Nov. 1868 Genl Orders, Special Orders, and Circulars Rcvd Unbound Genl orders, special orders, and circulars Rcvd, April 1866December 1868, are arranged by type of document and thereunder chronologically. Apr. 1866Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly Rprts of operations, April 1866April 1867, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Apr. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged Chronologically. Jan.Aug. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged Chronologically. JuneDec. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged Chronologically. Mar.Dec. 1868 Genl Orders Issued The single v.of Genl orders issued, FebruaryApril 1866 (134), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. The v.also contains circulars issued (February 1866January 1868), arranged by year and thereunder arranged numerically. v.(134) Feb.Apr. 1866 Special Orders Issued The single v.of special orders issued, March 1866July 1868 (133), is arranged by year and thereunder numerically. v.(133) Mar. 1866July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged Chronologically. Sept. 1867Feb. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1866June 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1866June 1868)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, July 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.Dec. 1868 Special Orders Issued The single v.of special orders issued, April 1866September 1868 (145), is arranged by year and thereunder numerically. v.(145) Apr. 1866Sept. 1868 Genl Orders, Special Orders, and Circulars Rcvd Unbound Genl orders, special orders and circulars Rcvd, July 1865November 1868, are arranged by type of order and thereunder chronologically. July 1865Nov. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound monthly Rprts of operations, March 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Included are Rprts from subordinate Ofcrs and Rprts to the Asst Commr. Mar. 1866Oct. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, July 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1865Dec. 1867)
KY 1865-1872 Warrants Issued in Response to Frdmns Complaints Unbound warrants issued in response to Frdmns complaints cover the period JanuaryDecember 1866. Those covering the period JanuaryDecember 1866 are arranged by initial Ltr of the surname. Warrants covering the period JanuarySeptember 1866 are arranged numerically. 1556 Jan.Sept. 1866)
KY 1865-1872 Weekly Rprts Rcvd of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly Rprts Rcvd of sick and wounded, December 1866December 1868, are arranged alphabetically by location of the hospital or dispensary and thereunder chronologically. Covington Dec. 1866Oct. 1868 Lexington Dec. 1866July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Weekly Rprts Rcvd of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly Rprts Rcvd of sick and wounded, December 1866December 1868, are arranged alphabetically by location of the hospital or dispensary and thereunder chronologically. Louisville Aug.Dec. 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Weekly Rprts Rcvd of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly Rprts Rcvd of sick and wounded, December 1866December 1868, are arranged alphabetically by location of the hospital or dispensary and thereunder chronologically. Louisville Con Hospital Rprts Aug. 1867July 1868)
KY 1865-1872 Weekly Rprts Rcvd of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly Rprts Rcvd of sick and wounded, December 1866December 1868, are arranged alphabetically by location of the hospital or dispensary and thereunder chronologically. Louisville, East JulyDec. 1868 Louisville, West JulySept. 1868 U. S. Genl Hospital June 1866May 1867 Louisville Con Hospital Rprts Dec. 1866July 1867)
LA 1863-1872 [microform]
LA 1863-1872 AMITE CITY (Asst SUPERINTENDENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, August 1865December 1868 (203), is arranged chronologically. The v.includes some Ltrs Rcvd and has a name index. v.(203) Aug. 1865Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866December 1868 (202), includes Endrsmnts and is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(202) Apr. 1866Dec. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, May 1866December 1868, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (202) described above. May 1866Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, August 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Aug. 1865Dec. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, March 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired (cont.) Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, April 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, July 1865March 1866 (204), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains complaints and affidavits, August September 1865, arranged chronologically, and a Rgstr of complaints, August December 1867, arranged chronologically. v.(204) July 1865Mar. 1866 Rgstr of Contrs The single-v.Rgstr of Contrs, June 1865October 1866 (205), is arranged chronologically, and has a name index. v.(205) June 1865Oct. 1866 Indentures Unbound indentures are dated January 1866November 1867, and are unarranged. Jan.Apr. 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Accounts Current (cont.) Apr.June 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Accounts Current and Summary Statements Unbound accounts current and summary statements, April 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Oct. 1868 Misc Recs Relating to Accounts Unbound Misc Recs relating to accounts, January 1866January 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are receipts, due bills, orders for payment of money, and bills of sale. Jan. 1866Jan. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, May 1866August 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are Rprts of indigent Frdmn in West Feliciana Parish, SeptemberOctober 1866; a statement of actual expenses for services rendered, May 1866; a statement of crops, August 1868; and a Cert of rental, Bayou Sara, January 1867. May 1866Aug. 1868 BRAGG HOME COLONY (Asst SUPERINTENDENT OF FREEDMEN) Ltrs, Telegrams, Special Orders, Circulars and Endrsmnts Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs, telegrams, special orders, circulars, and Endrsmnts Rcvd, FebruaryDecember 1865 (168), is arranged chronologically with a name index. v.(168) Feb.Dec. 1865 Rgstr of Arrivals and Departures The single-v.Rgstr of arrivals and departures, AprilNovember 1865 (167), is arranged by arrival or departure and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(167) Apr.Nov. 1865 Rgstr of Rations and Clothing Issued The single-v.Rgstr of rations and clothing issued, MarchNovember 1865 (166), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of clothing issued for Frdmns Home Colony, by R. K. Diossy, MarchNovember 1865, arranged by person to whom clothing was issued and thereunder chronologically. Also included is a Rgstr of clothing issued for Bragg Home Colony, October 1865, arranged by person to whom issued and thereunder chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(166) Mar.Nov. 1865 Rgstr of Marrs (cont.) The single-v.Rgstr of Marrs, MarchSeptember 1865 (165) is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(165) Mar.Sept. 1865 Rgstr of Applications for Laborers The single-v.Rgstr of applications for laborers, MarchOctober (164), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of complaints, MarchOctober, arranged chronologically. No year is given in either Rgstr. v.(164) Mar.Oct. (No Year) BRASHEAR CITY (SEE FRANKLIN) CARROLLTON (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Rgstr of Ltrs Sent The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs sent, JuneDecember 1868 (239), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(239) JuneDec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, MayAugust 1867 and March December 1868, 1 (236), 2 (237), and 3 (238), are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Each v.has a name index. v.2 (237) also contains Ltrs sent, AprilAugust 1867 and March 1868, arranged chronologically, with a name index. v.1 (236) MayAug.1867 v.2 (237) Mar.May 1868 v.3 (238) JuneDec. 1868 Complaints The two volumes of complaints, AprilOctober 1868, 1 (240) and 2 (241), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (240) JuneOct. 1868 v.2 (241) Apr. May 1868 Journal of Business Relating to Complaints and Paperwork The single-v.Journal of Business, April 1867April 1868 (242), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(242) Apr. 1867Apr. 1868 Rgstr of Residents (cont.) The single-v.Rgstr of residents (154) is undated and arranged by initial Ltr of surname and thereunder by resident or nonresident of Carrollton. v.(154) Undated)
LA 1863-1872 Accounts The single v.of accounts, AprilOctober 1868 (72), is arranged by parish, thereunder by name, and thereunder chronologically. v.(72) Apr. Oct. 1868 Account Book of Planters for Supplies Furnished The single-v.account book of planters for supplies furnished, January 1868 May 1869 (73), is arranged by name of planter. v.(73) Jan. 1868May 1869 Misc Rprts and Accounting Recs Unbound Misc Rprts and accounting Recs are dated January 1868 November 1869 and arranged chronologically Jan.June 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Accounts The single v.of accounts, MarchNovember 1867 (533), is arranged by name of person and thereunder chronologically. The v.also contains a time and payroll Rgstr (JanuaryJune 1867), arranged chronologically. v.(533) Mar.Nov. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186568, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are bonds of planters, applications for rations of destitutes, Recs relating to complaints, bills of lading, receipt rolls of clothing issued, accounts current, plantation Rprts, and Recs relating to the settlement of Frdmns accounts. 186568)
LA 1863-1872 Applications for Rations Unbound applications for rations, FebruaryMarch 1868, are arranged by initial Ltr of surname of Appl. Feb.Mar. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Destitutes Requiring Rations Unbound monthly Rprts of destitutes requiring rations, August 1867April 1868, are arranged chronologically. Aug. 1867Apr. 1868 Bills of Lading (cont.) Unbound bills of lading, FebruaryNovember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Nov. 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished The single v.of Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished, January October 1868 (224), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. It has a name index. v.(224) Jan.Oct. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Applications for Rations Unbound applications for rations, MaySeptember 1867 and JanuaryApril 1868, are arranged chronologically. MaySept. 1867; Jan.Apr. 1868 Misc Recs Relating to the Issuance of Rations to Destitutes Unbound Misc Recs relating to the issuance of rations to destitutes, April 1867July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1867July 1868 Monthly Returns of Stores and Rprts of Clothing Issued and Rcvd Unbound monthly returns of stores and Rprts of clothing issued and Rcvd, JanuaryJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.July 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, NovemberDecember 1868 (283), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rprt of indigent and destitute whites and freed people in the Parish of St. Mary, LA, applying for relief, FebruaryMarch 1868, arranged chronologically. For a journal of business, JuneDecember 1867, see v.4 (277) of the Ltrs sent, January 1867December 1868. v.(283) Nov.Dec. 1868 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading, December 1865October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1865Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Taxes Collected for Schools The single-v.Rgstr of taxes collected for schools, AprilDecember 1867 (291), is arranged by school. The v.also includes a Rgstr (undated) arranged by initial Ltr of surname, containing a list of names, acreage and number of family. v.(291) Apr.Dec. 1867 Accounts with Frdmn Relating to Schools (cont.) The single v.of accounts with Frdmn relating to schools, April 1867May 1868 (287), is arranged chronologically. v.(287) Apr. 1867May 1868 Accounts Current Unbound accounts current, January 1865, March 1866, and JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1865; Mar. 1866; Jan.Dec. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, January 1865May 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The Recs include invoices (January 1865August 1866); lists of property (October 1865January 1866); Ab (September 1865February 1868); and a list of clothing issued destitutes (undated). Also included are affidavits (April 1865); receipts (January 1866March 1867); Ltrs sent (September 1865May 1866); lists of children (undated); monthly Rprts of numbers issued rations, clothing, and medicines (August 1866); Rprts of acres under cultivation, number of hands, number of schools (undated); and Rprts of indigents (May 1868). Jan. 1865May 1868)
LA 1863-1872 BATON ROUGE (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The four volumes of Ltrs sent, July 1866December 1868, 1 (217), 2 (218), 3 (219), and 4 (220), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.1 (217) July 1866July 1867 v.2 (218) July 1867May 1868 v.3 (219) MayOct. 1868 v.4 (220) Oct.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (207), 2 (214) and 3 (215), are dated JanuaryMay 1865 and January 1867December 1868. Volumes 1 (207) and 2 (214) are arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. v.3 (215) is arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Volumes 2 (214) and 3 (215) have name indexes. v.1 (207) includes Endrsmnts sent, and v.3 (215) includes Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, dated JuneDecember 1868. v.1 (207) also contains a Rgstr of destitute persons (no date) arranged by initial Ltr of surname and thereunder by race. v.1 (207) Jan.May 1865 v.2 (214) Jan. 1867Apr. 1868 v.3 (215) MayDec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, October 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Some of the Ltrs are Rgstred in the three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd,1 (207), 2 (214), 3 (215), described above. Oct. 1865Apr. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The single v.of press copies of Ltrs sent (70) is dated September 1868April 1869. It is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(70) Sept. 1868Apr. 1869 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd The unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1868June 1869, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1868June 1869 Rec of Supplies Furnished Planters The single-v.Rec of Supplies Furnished Planters for the Subsistence of Employed Freedpeople, Issued under the Provisions of Circular #1 Dated Hqtrs, Bureau of Refugees, Frdmn and Abandoned Lands, District of LA. Jan. 23, 1868 (71), is dated MarchJuly 1868 and MarchNovember 1868. The series is arranged in two lists and thereunder chronologically. The names are numbered, and most of them appear on both lists. The lists partially duplicate each other. v.(71) Mar.July 1868; Mar.Nov. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Court Recs Unbound court Recs, September 1865February 1868, are arranged chronologically. Sept. 1865Feb. 1868 Indentures Unbound indentures, January 1867July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867July 1868 Journal of Business The single v.Journal of Business, June 1867August 1868 (465), is arranged chronologically. v.(465) June 1867Aug. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186568, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are bills of lading, monthly Rprts of money Rcvd and expended, monthly Rprts of abandoned lands, lists of stores, and other Rprts. 186568 ST. MARTINSVILLE (SEE NEW IBERIA) SHREVEPORT (SUBAsst Commr OF THE 7TH SUBDISTRICT) Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867March 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1867Mar. 1868 SHREVEPORT (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, October 1865 December 1868 (439), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(439) Oct. 1865Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs and Special Orders Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs and special orders Rcvd, May 1867 December 1868 (437), is arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered, and it has a name index. v.(437) May 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, January 1865 and January 1866November 1867, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1865, Jan.1866Nov. 1867 School Rprts Unbound school Rprts, November 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Included are property Rprts, teachers and school Supers Rprts, Rprts of receipts and expenditures, and district Supers Rprts. Nov. 1866Nov. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, FebruaryJuly 1867, are arranged chronologically. Feb.July 1867 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, JuneSeptember 1866 (441), is arranged chronologically. v.(441) JuneSept. 1866 Rgstr of Marrs The single-v.Rgstr of Marrs, September 1865January 1866 (442), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(442) Sept. 1865Jan. 1866 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, September 1865June 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are inspection Rprts (JulyOctober 1866 and June 1868); Rprts of numbers of acres overflowed (May 1866); accounts current (February March 1867); receipt rolls of clothing issued (FebruaryMarch 1868); an affidavit (January 1868); Ab (September 1865); bills of lading (MarchApril 1868); final settlement with Frdmn ( January 1867); and a receipt for wages (February [no year]). Sept. 1865June 1868)
LA 1863-1872 EVERGREEN (SEE MARKSVILLE) FRANKLIN (SUBAsst Commr OF THE 3RD SUBDISTRICT) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, June 1867December 1868, 1 (272) and 2 (273), are arranged in chronological order and numbered. There are name indexes for each volume. v.1 (272) JuneDec. 1867 v.2 (273) Jan.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent The three volumes of Endrsmnts sent, June 1867December 1868, 1 (278), 2 (279), and 3 (280), are arranged chronologically. There is a name index in v.1 (278). v.1 (278) JuneDec. 1867 v.2 (279) Jan.June 1868 v.3 (280) JuneDec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867December 1868, 1 (269) and 2 (270), include Endrsmnts. v.1 (269) is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of writer and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.2 (270) is arranged in chronological order and numbered. Both volumes have name indexes. v.1 (269) June 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (270) Jan.Dec. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867December 1868, are arranged as the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867December 1868, described above. AV 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Employee Contrs Unbound employee Contrs, October 1865April 1869, are arranged chronologically. The printed Contrs usually give the name, race, station, and salary of the nurse or hospital attendant. Oct. 1865Apr. 1869 Rgstrs of Assessments of Cargoes for Hospital Tax (cont.) The three volumes of Rgstrs of assessments of cargoes for hospital tax are dated FebruaryJune 1865, 1 (99), 2 (100), and 3 (101). The dates of the volumes overlap: v.1 (99), FebruaryJune 1865; v.2 (100), FebruaryJune 1865; and v.3 (101), MarchJune 1865. The entries within the volumes are arranged chronologically. The entries give the name of the boat, its owner, the cargo, and the amount of tax. v.1 (99) Feb.June 1865 v.2 (100) Feb.July 1865 v.3 (101) Mar.June 1865 Requisitions for Medical Supplies The single v.of requisitions for medical supplies, August 1865June 1869 (85), is arranged chronologically. v.(85) Aug. 1865June 1869)
LA 1863-1872 Endrsmnts Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts Rcvd, AprilMay 1868 (230), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. Entries in the v.cross reference Ltrs sent in v.5 (469) of the five-v.series of Ltrs sent, January 1866 December 1868, described above. v.(230) Apr.May 1868 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, May 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Oct. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Oct. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, April 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Oct. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Cases Tried and Fines Imposed Unbound monthly Rprts of cases tried and fines imposed, SeptemberDecember 1866, are arranged chronologically. Sept.Dec. 1866 Misc Court Recs and Complaints Unbound Misc court Recs and complaints, September 1865November 1868, are arranged by case. Sept. 1865Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, May 1867August 1868 (234), is arranged chronologically. v.(234) May 1867Aug. 1868 Indentures (cont.) Unbound indentures, December 1865May 1868, are unarranged. Dec. 1865May 1868 Misc Recs Relating to Supplies Unbound Misc Recs relating to supplies, March 1867November 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are affidavits of planters desiring supplies, monthly Rprts of supplies issued planters, planters bonds and receipts for supplies, and monthly returns of QrtrMstr stores. Mar. 1867Nov. 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished The single v.of Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished, March November 1868 (232), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. It has a name index. v.(232) Mar.Nov. 1868 Returns of School Property Unbound returns of school property, May 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Oct. 1868 Monthly Returns of Clothing, Camp, and Garrison Equipage Unbound monthly returns of clothing, camp, and garrison equipage, JanuaryJuly 1867, are arranged chronologically. Jan.July 1867 Soldrs Claims for Bounty Seven unbound Soldrs claims for bounty are dated December 1867. Dec. 1867 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading, March 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Nov. 1868 Accounts with Frdmn The single v.of accounts with Frdmn, July 1866November 1867 (233), is arranged by name of Frdmn and thereunder chronologically. v.(233) July 1866Nov. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, August 1865May 1869 (83), is arranged chronologically. At the front of the v.are copies of orders Rcvd by the chief medical Ofcr. v.(83) Aug. 1865May 1869 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, August 1865January 1869 (78), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. For the actual Ltrs Rcvd, see the series of Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd described below. v.(78) Aug. 1865Jan. 1869)
LA 1863-1872 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, JanuaryDecember 1868 (194), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(194) Jan.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867December 1868, 1 (184) and 2 (185), are arranged by initial Ltr of surname of writer and thereunder arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. Both volumes have name indexes. The volumes also include Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd. v.1 (184) Jan.Dec. 1867 v.2 (185) Jan.Dec. 1868 Ltrs, Special Orders, and Circulars Rcvd (cont.) The single v.of Ltrs, special orders, and circulars Rcvd, November 1866August 1868 (186), is arranged chronologically. v.(186) Nov. 1866Aug. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867December 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd 1 (184) and 2 (185) described above. Jan. 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, May 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. May 1865Dec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 GREENVILLE COLONY (SUPERINTENDENT) Rgstr for Contrabands The single-v.Rgstr for contrabands, July 1862December 1863 (169), is arranged numerically. The v.also contains a Rgstr for contrabands (April 13, 1863), an unidentified list (August 1865), and an unidentified Rgstr arranged numerically that contains names and information on number of days worked, amount Rcvd and amount due (undated). In addition there is an unidentified list of names (undated) and a Rgstr of clothing issued, June 1865. v.(169) July 1862Dec. 1863 HAMMOND STATION (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent For Ltrs sent and Rcvd, MayJuly 1866, see v.1 (330) of the Ltrs sent, October 1866December 1868, that also includes these Ltrs. The two volumes of Ltrs sent, July 1867April 1868 and JuneAugust 1868, 1 (298) and 2 (299), are arranged chronologically. v.2 (299) also contains indentures, Contrs, and complaints, MayNovember 1867, arranged chronologically, and a Journal of Business, April 1868, arranged chronologically. v.1 (298) July 1867Apr. 1868 v.2 (299) JuneAug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, JulyNovember 1867 and JuneJuly 1868 (297), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, April 1868, arranged chronologically. v.(297) JulyNov. 1867; JuneJuly 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JulyNovember 1867, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. JulyNov. 1867 Endrsmnts Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts Rcvd, AprilJune 1868 (300), is arranged chronologically. v.(300) Apr.June 1868 Court Cases Settled Unbound court cases settled, April 1866August 1867, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Aug. 1867 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading, JuneOctober 1867, are arranged chronologically. JuneOct. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, AprilJune 1866, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are indentures (AprilJune 1866), and retained monthly inspection Rprts, MayJune 1866. Apr.June 1866 HOMER (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, NovemberDecember 1866 and October 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Nov.Dec. 1866; Oct. 1867Dec. 1868 Misc Recs (cont.) Unbound Misc Recs, October 1867December 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are retained copies of Ltrs sent (MarchDecember 1868), trimonthly narrative Rprts of operations (JanuaryDecember 1868), bills of lading (MayJuly 1868), monthly school Rprts of agents (April and September 1868), and monthly inspection Rprts (May and July 1868). There are also affidavits (October 1867 and January 1868), a list of stores transferred (January 1868), and a list of Frdmn Dschrgd for voting the radical ticket, April 1868. Oct. 1867Dec. 1868 HOUMA (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, December 1865December 1868, 1 (294) and 2 (295), are arranged in chronological order and numbered. Each v.has a name index. v.1 (294) Dec. 1865Aug. 1868 v.2 (295) Sept.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, December 1865October 1868 (292), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains a Rgstr of orders Rcvd, JanuaryOctober 1868. v.(292) Dec. 1865Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, July 1865August 1868 (293), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. For the actual Ltrs Rcvd, see the unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1866October 1867, described below. v.(293) July 1865Aug. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1866October 1867, are arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. The Ltrs are entered in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (293) described above. Jan. 1866Oct. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Indentures (cont.) May 1866Nov. 1867 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading are dated February 1866March 1868 and are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Mar. 1868 Receipts for Supplies Issued Planters Unbound receipts for supplies issued planters, MarchAugust 1868, are arranged by initial Ltr of the surname of the planter. Mar.Aug. 1868 Accounts The single v.of accounts, MarchSeptember 1868 (206), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(206) Mar.Sept. 1868 Misc Recs (cont.) Unbound Misc Recs, September 1865December 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are accounts current, JulyDecember 1867; monthly Rprts of supplies issued to planters, MarchMay 1868; monthly school Rprts of the district Super, NovemberDecember 1868; affidavits, June 1866; an appearance bond, September 1865; and Recs of QrtrMstr stores, September 1865March 1867. Sept. 1865Dec. 1868 BATON ROUGE (SUBAsst Commr OF THE 2ND SUBDISTRICT) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, May 1867December 1868 (216), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(216) May 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The six volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd cover the period May 1867 December 1868. All volumes include Endrsmnts sent. Volumes 1 (208), 2 (209), and 3 (210) are arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. Volumes 4 (211), 5 (212), and 3 (213) are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. There are name indexes in Volumes 2 (209), 3 (210), 4 (211) 5 (212), and 6 (213). v.1 (208) MayJuly 1867 v.2 (209) JuneDec. 1867 v.3 (210) Dec. 1867Feb. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Indentures Unbound indentures, March 1866May 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866May 1868 Applications for Rations Unbound applications for rations, March 1867July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1867July 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, JanuaryDecember 1867 (315), is arranged chronologically. v.(315) Jan.Dec. 1867 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies furnished, April September 1868 (316), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. It has a name index. v.(316) Apr.Sept. 1868 Frdmns Accounts Settled Unbound Frdmns accounts settled, January 1866October 1867, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1866Oct. 1867 Cash Receipts for Blank Forms (cont.) The receipts for blank forms, February 1866November 1868 (317), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains agreements with Frdmn (Contrs), 1866, arranged numerically. v.(317) Feb. 1866Nov. 1868 Accounts Current Unbound accounts current, March 1866February 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Feb. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, April 1866July 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are Ab, vouchers, and returns. Apr. 1866July 1868 MCHATTON HOME COLONY Ltrs Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs sent and Rcvd, AugustDecember 1865 (170), is arranged chronologically. v.(170) Aug.Dec. 1865 Rgstr of Arrivals and Departures The single-v.Rgstr of arrivals and departures, 186465 (159), is arranged by arrival or departure. The v.also contains arrivals and departures at Rost Home Colony, 1866, arranged by arrival or departure. v.(159) 186465 MADISONVILLE (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The three volumes of Ltrs sent, October 1866December 1868, 1 (330), 2 (331), and 3 (332) are arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.3 (332) has a name index. v.1 (330) also contains complaints (November 1866 January 1867), arranged chronologically, and Ltrs Rcvd (October 1866), arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.1 (330) also contains various Recs for the parish of Livingston at Springfield: Ltrs sent (MayJuly 1866), arranged in chronological order and numbered; complaints (May 1866), arranged chronologically; and Ltrs Rcvd (MayJune 1866), arranged in chronological order and numbered. There is a complete table of contents to 1 (330). v.1 (330) Oct. 1866Apr. 1867 v.2 (331) May 1867Apr. 1868 v.3 (332) MayDec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Indentures Unbound indentures, MarchNovember 1867, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Nov. 1867 Rgstr of Sick and Wounded Frdmn The single-v.Rgstr of sick and wounded Frdmn, November 1867 August 1868 (354), is arranged numerically. v.(354) Nov. 1867Aug. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, June 1867November 1868 (351), is arranged chronologically. v.(351) June 1867Nov. 1868 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading, FebruaryAugust 1867, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Aug. 1867 Misc Recs (cont.) Unbound Misc Recs, September 1865November 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are Rprts of indigents and helpless (October December 1866 and January 1868); accounts current (December 1866January 1867 and August 1868); monthly school Rprts of the district Super (JuneNovember 1868); monthly school Rprts of teachers (November 1868); monthly Rprts of cases tried and fines imposed (SeptemberOctober 1865); Ltrs sent (April 1866January 1867); invoices (April 1867); a list of stores (May 1866); a receipt (August 1867); and affidavits (December 1867). Sept. 1865Nov. 1868 MONTGOMERY (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, June 1867September 1868 (356), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(356) June 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867August 1868 (355), is arranged chronologically by date Rcvd and has a name index. v.(355) June 1867Aug. 1868 Trimonthly Rprts The single v.of trimonthly Rprts, June 1867August 1868 (357), is arranged chronologically. v.(357) June 1867Aug. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, September 1867August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Sept. 1867Aug. 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies furnished, AprilOctober 1868 (358), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(358) Apr.Oct. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, August 1867August 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are monthly school Rprts of the district Super (August 1868); trimonthly Rprts of operations (August 1867); monthly Rprts of supplies Rcvd (MayAugust 1868); and bonds and affidavits (March 1868). Aug.1867Aug. 1868 MOSSY FARM PLANTATION (SEE TRINITY) (cont.) NAPOLEONVILLE (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1867March 1868 and JuneNovember 1868, 1 (380) and 2 (381) are arranged chronologically. v.1 (381) also contains complaints, May and JulyAugust 1867, arranged chronologically. v.1 (380) May 1867Mar. 1868 v.2 (381) JuneNov. 1868 Ltrs Sent Unbound Ltrs sent, December 1866May 1867, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1866May 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, MaySeptember 1867 (378), is arranged in Genl chronological order and has a name index. The v.includes Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd. v.(378) MaySept. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867February 1868 (379), is arranged in Genl chronological order and has a name index. v.(379) May 1867Feb. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, May 1865December 1867, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. May 1865Dec. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 KENILWORTH PLANTATION (SEE NEW ORLEANS) LABATUTS LANDING (SEE NEW ROADS) LAKE PROVIDENCE (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The four volumes of Ltrs sent, February 1866December 1868, 1 (310), 2 (311), 3 (312), and 4 (313), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. The last Ltrs in v.1 (310) are duplicated in v.2 (311). v.1 (310) Feb. 1866Apr. 1867 v.2 (311) Jan. 1867Sept. 1867 v.3 (312) Sept. 1867Apr. 1868 v.4 (313) Apr. Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, JanuarySeptember 1868 (314), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. v.(314) Jan.Sept. 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd from the Asst Commr and His Staff The three volumes of Ltrs and orders Rcvd from the Asst Commr and his staff, January 1866December 1868, 1 (305), 2 (307), and 3 (309), are arranged chronologically and each v.has a name index. v.1 (305) Jan.Dec. 1866 v.2 (307) Jan.1867June 1868 v.3 (309) JuneDec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd from Local Citizens (cont.) The three volumes of Ltrs Rcvd from local citizens, February 1866 December 1868, 1 (304), 2 (306), and 3 (308), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.1 (304) Feb.Oct. 1866 v.2 (306) Jan.Oct. 1867 v.3 (308) Sept. 1867Dec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 LIST OF BOOK RECORDS OF OFFICERS State of LA The single-v.list of Recs of Ofcrs in LA (no date) is arranged by office, with Recs of the staff Ofcrs of the Asst Commr 1st, followed alphabetically by locations of the subdistrict office. Included in the list of book Recs are the type of Rec in each book or volume, the dates of the volume, and the v.number. Throughout this introductory material and in the Table of Contents, the Adjutant Genls Office (AGO) v.number appears in parentheses in the series titles of the Recs. The Adjutant Genls Office (AGO) of the War Dept assigned the v.numbers shown in parentheses after the Recs came into its custody. The v.numbers not in parentheses were assigned by the National Archives and Recs Administration. 1 v.OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS BOUNTY AGENT Rgstrs of Claims Rcvd The three volumes of Rgstrs of claims Rcvd, April 1866April 1870, 1 (60), 2 (61), and 3 (62), are arranged in two overlapping subseries and thereunder chronologically, and there are name indexes for volumes 1 (60) and 3 (62). v.1 (60) also contains a Rgstr of Dschrgs Rcvd from agents (December 1866March 1867) and a Rgstr of Certs Rcvd from Wash (June 1866April 1868). v.1 (60) Apr. 1866Mar. 1867 v.2 (61) Jan. 1867June 1868 v.3 (62) Apr. 1866Apr. 1870 Rgstrs of Claimants The two volumes of Rgstrs of claimants, May 1867March 1872, (1) 67 and 2 (68), are arranged by time period. The entries are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of claimant. The entries give the name, Reg, and Co of claimant; number of Cert; name and fees of attorney; and amount of claim. v.1 (67) May 1867May 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Avoyelles, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Caldwell and Carroll 186668)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Catahoula, Claiborne, Concordia, DeSoto, East Baton Rouge 186668)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Franklin, Iberville 186468)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Iberville, Jefferson, Lafayette 186468)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Lafayette, La Fourche, Livingston, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Orleans, Ouchita, Plaquemines, Pt. Coupee 186668)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Point Coupee, Rapides, Sabine 186568)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. Landry 186568)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) St. Martin and St. Marys 186568)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Tensas, Terrabonne, Vermilllion, Wash, West Baton Rouge 186568)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) Unbound labor Contrs (agreements with Frdmn), 186468, are arranged alphabetically by parish. Ascension and Assumption 186468)
LA 1863-1872 Labor Contrs (Agreements with Frdmn) West Feliciana and Winn 186568 Misc Agreements 186468)
LA 1863-1872 Lists of Contrs with Frdmn The two volumes of lists of Contrs with Frdmn, 1 (94) and 2 (95), are dated 1865. The entries in the volumes are arranged by parish and thereunder numerically, and each v.contains a name index to the parishes. Each entry gives the number of the Contr, the number of laborers, the name of the lessee or owner, and the plantation. v.1 (94) ca. 1865 v.2 (95) ca. 1865 Daily Rec of Cotton Picked on the Corondolet Plantation The single-v.daily Rec of cotton picked on the Carondolet Plantation, NovemberDecember 1863 (121), is arranged by month and thereunder by initial Ltr of the name of the cotton picker. The v.also contains accounts, 1864, arranged by name of person and thereunder chronologically. v.(121) Nov.Dec. 1863 Rgstr of Payrolls of Frdmn on Plantations The single-v.Rgstr of payrolls of Frdmn on plantations (96) is undated. It is arranged by parish and thereunder numerically and has a name index to parishes. The entries give the name of the planter, the name of the plantation, and the amount of the payroll. v.(96) Undated Cash Account Books (cont.) The two volumes of cash account books are dated 186466, 1 (97) and 2 (122). Each book is arranged by name of planter with whom there was an account and thereunder chronologically. v.1 (97) 186465 v.2 (122) 1866 Ledger of Accounts The single-v.ledger of accounts, FebruaryJune 1865 (33), is arranged by account and has a name index. v.(33) Feb.June 1865 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES ABBEVILLE (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, June 1867June 1868 (173), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(173) June 1867June 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867July 1868 (172), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. For an unduplicated Rgstr for the same period, see the single-v.scrapbook of Ltrs Rcvd (171) described below. v.(172) May 1867July 1868 Scrapbook of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.scrapbook of Ltrs Rcvd, MayOctober 1867 (171), is arranged chronologically. The v.includes a few circulars and extracts of special orders. The v.also contains a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (June 1867 July 1868), arranged chronologically with a name index. The Ltrs Rcvd are Rgstred in either this Rgstr or in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (172) described above. v.(171) MayOct. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryApril 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Apr. 1868 Narrative Rprts (cont.) The single v.of narrative Rprts, November 1867June 1868 (174), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(174) Nov. 1867June 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, September 1867June 1868, are arranged chronologically. Sept. 1867June 1868 Monthly Returns of Stores Unbound monthly returns of stores, June 1867June 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1867June 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, June 1867June 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. The Recs include subvouchers (June 1868); special orders Rcvd, (December 1867); bills of lading (June 1867April 1868); Contrs (March 1868); and Ab (AprilJune 1868). June 1867June 1868 ALEXANDRIA (Asst SUPERINTENDENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, March 1866December 1868, 1 (179) and 2 (180), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.2 (180) also contains a Rgstr of Contrs for Parish Rapides, 1865. Information in the v.includes date, termination, and parties to the Contr; class of laborers (men, women, or children); average wages; number at work for support only; number of acres in plantation; how cultivated; and the witnesses to the Contr. There is also a Rgstr of Contrs for Parish Avoyelles, 1865, which includes the same information as for Parish Rapides. v.1 (179) Mar. 1866Sept. 1868 v.2 (180) Sept.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) The three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867October 1868, 1 (176), 2 (177), and 3 (178), are arranged by time period. There are name indexes for volumes 2 (177) and 3 (178). The entries in volumes 1 (176) and 2 (177) are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. Entries in v.3 (178) are arranged chronologically and include Endrsmnts. v.1 (176) Jan.Dec. 1867 v.2 (177) Jan.Aug. 1868 v.3 (178) Sept.Oct. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Apr.Nov. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, August 1866September 1868, are arranged chronologically. Aug. 1866Sept. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of the District Super (cont.) Unbound monthly school Rprts of the district Super, MarchNovember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Nov. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, November 1867October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Nov. 1867Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, April 1867October 1868 (476), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a list of names (September October 1868), arranged chronologically. v.(476) Apr. 1867Oct. 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies furnished, April December 1868 (474), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. It has a name index. v.(474) Apr.Dec. 1868 Accounts Unbound accounts, April 1867 (475), are arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a list of indigent and destitute Frdmn, undated and unarranged. v.(475) Apr. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186768, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are accounts current, bills of lading, monthly returns of QrtrMstr stores, receipts, Ab, and invoices. 186768 TRENTON (SEE MONROE) TRINITY (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, JulyOctober 1867 and AugustDecember 1868 (478), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(478) July 1867Oct. 1867 Aug.Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, NovemberDecember 1868 (477), is arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. The v.also contains trimonthly and special Rprts (July 1867November 1868), arranged chronologically. There is a name index to the entire volume. v.(477) Nov.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. May 1867Dec. 1868 Complaints The single v.of complaints, AugustNovember 1868 (479), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a journal of business, (November December 1868), arranged chronologically. v.(479) Aug.Nov. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, March 1867November 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are copies of Ltrs sent (November 1867November 1868); monthly returns of stores (August 1868); monthly inspection Rprts (December 1867February 1868); monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired (June 1867November 1868); monthly Rprts of plantation supplies (May 1868); Ab (MarchOctober 1868); receipt rolls of clothing (AugustOctober 1868); a list of articles lost or destroyed (no date); requisitions (no date); Ab (May 1867April 1868); receipts (August 1867July 1868); and statements and affidavits (no date). Mar. 1867Nov. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Jan.Dec. 1868 Special Orders and Circulars Rcvd The single v.of special orders and circulars Rcvd, November 1865 October 1866 (527), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a journal of business (AprilOctober 1867), arranged chronologically. v.(527) Nov. 1865Oct. 1866 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations Unbound trimonthly Rprts of operations, March 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Aug. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Mar.Dec. 1868 Circulars Issued The single v.of circulars issued, May 1867December 1868 (350), is arranged chronologically. v.(350) May 1867Dec. 1868 Orders and Circulars Rcvd (cont.) Unbound orders and circulars Rcvd, April 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1867Dec. 1868 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading, May 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1867Nov. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, August 1867February 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included is a Rprt of Frdmn claims prepared and forwarded (February 1868); a Rprt of civilians employed (no date); and an abstract (August 1867). Aug. 1867Feb. 1868 MONROE (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, June 1867December 1868, 1 (348) and 2 (349), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (348) has a complete name index, and v.2 (349) has a partial name index. v.2 (349) also contains a list of Dschrgd Soldrs and sailors in Parish Ouachita who have not Rcvd their arrears of bounty money, AprilAugust 1865, arranged numerically. v.1 (348) June 1867June 1868 v.2 (349) JuneDec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, July 1867December 1868 (346), is arranged by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. The v.includes Endrsmnts. v.(346) July 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Orders and Circulars Rcvd Unbound orders and circulars Rcvd, February 1866June 1867, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Feb. 1866June 1867 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations (cont.) Unbound trimonthly Rprts of operations, AprilDecember 1866, are arranged chronologically. Apr.Dec. 1866 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866March 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs The single-v.Rgstr of Contrs, JanuaryAugust 1866 (353), is arranged and numbered by date forwarded. The v.also contains several lists relating to Contrs (March 1866January 1867), arranged by type of list; a Rgstr of Contrs (JanuaryJune 1867), arranged and numbered by date forwarded; a Rgstr of Contrs approved (JanuaryFebruary 1868); a list of names of indigent freed people in Parish Ouachita (JanuaryMarch 1868); a list of Clrd destitutes to whom supplies have been issued (no date); a list of rations issued to destitute freed people (JanuaryJuly 1868); a list of indigent and destitute freed people applying for relief (July 1868); and a list of indigent whites in Parish Ouachita (JanuaryJuly 1868). v.(353) Jan.Aug. 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) May 1867June 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, March 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Aug. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, February 1866April 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Apr. 1868 Misc Rprts Unbound Misc Rprts, May 1867April 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are Rprts showing numbers, sex, and age of unfortunates, May 1867, and retained monthly education Rprts of the agent, FebruaryApril 1868. May 1867Apr. 1868 Indentures Unbound indentures, October 1866August 1867, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1866Aug. 1867 Applications for Rations for Destitutes Unbound applications for rations for destitutes, MayJune 1867 and FebruaryApril 1868, are arranged chronologically. MayJune 1867 and Feb.April 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186668, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are accounts current and summary statements, affidavits, complaints, bills of lading, receipts, and a list of QrtrMstr stores. 186668 COVINGTON (SEE MADISONVILLE) DE CROS STATION (SEE JESUITS BEND) DONALDSONVILLE (AGENT) (cont.) Ltrs Sent by the Agent for the Parish of Ascension The two volumes of Ltrs sent by the agent for the Parish of Ascension, June October 1866, 1 (260) and 2 (261), are arranged chronologically. There is a name index in v.2 (261). v.1 (260) also contains Rgstrs of applications for relief from destitute whites and blacks (undated); a Rgstr of applications for relief (Oct. 1866June 1868); a Rgstr of Dschrgs (Feb. 1865Apr. 1866); a Rgstr of Marr licenses (Aug. 1863Feb. 1864) and orders issued (Jan.Aug. 1863). v.261 also contains a Rgstr of indigents (1868), a Rgstr of Dschrgs (1867), a Rgstr of indentures (undated), and a complaint (Sept. 1868). v.1 (260) JuneAug. 1866 v.2 (261) Aug.Oct. 1866 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryOctober 1866, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Oct. 1866 Rprts of Cases Tried and Fines Imposed Unbound Rprts of cases tried and fines imposed, MarchOctober 1866, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Oct. 1866 Recs of Industrial Farm at Miles Taylor Plantation The single v.of Recs of the industrial farm at Miles Taylor Plantation, April 1864July 1865 (268), is arranged by type of Rec. Included are Ltrs and orders Rcvd, Ltrs sent, and weekly work Rprts, Incl field, carpentry, and blacksmith work. Mr. T. M. Bentley was in charge. v.(268) Apr. 1864July 1865)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) MayDec. 1868 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, January 1867October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Oct. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Oct. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, January 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Nov. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Supplies Issued Frdmn (cont.) Unbound monthly Rprts of supplies issued Frdmn, FebruaryOctober 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Oct. 1868 Court Papers Unbound court papers, October 1866 and June 1867, are arranged by name of case. Most of the papers relate to the case of Tousey and Roberts v. Frdmn on the McHatton Plantation. Oct. 1866 and June 1867 Affidavits Unbound affidavits, February and June 1867, are arranged chronologically. Feb. and June 1867 Rgstrs of Complaints The three volumes of Rgstrs of complaints, January 1867May 1868, 1 (222), 2 (223), and 3 (223), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (222) Jan.Aug. 1867 v.2 (223) Aug.Nov. 1867 v.3 (223) Dec. 1867May 1868 Indentures Unbound indentures, June 1867 and January 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1867 and Jan. 1868 Recs Relating to Murphy Schoolhouse Unbound Recs relating to Murphy schoolhouse, MarchJune 1867, are arranged chronologically. Included are descriptions and dimensions of the schoolhouse, a cost estimate for repairs, and a value estimate. Mar.June 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Oct. 1867Dec. 1868 Trimonthly Narrative Rprts of Operations Unbound trimonthly narrative Rprts of operations, May 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, May 1867April 1868, are arranged chronologically. Included are school Rprts of the district Super, receipts, and expenditures. Arranged chronologically. May 1867Apr. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, May 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Oct. 1868 Rprts of Indigents Unbound Rprts indigents, October 1866March 1868, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1866Mar. 1868 Indentures Unbound indentures, July 1866November 1868, are unarranged. July 1866Nov. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, December 1867November 1868 (321), is arranged chronologically. v.(321) Dec. 1867Nov. 1868 Misc Recs Relating to the Issuance of Supplies to Planters Unbound Misc Recs relating to the issuance of supplies to planters, FebruaryNovember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Included are monthly Rprts of supplies Rcvd and issued, lists of planters receiving supplies, bonds of planters for supplies, receipts of supplies, and affidavits. Feb.Nov. 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished (cont.) The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies furnished, April December 1868 (323), are arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(323) Apr.Dec. 1868 Accounts The single v.of accounts, March 1866August 1867 (322), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains one Ltr sent on May 28, 1868. v.(322) Mar. 1866Aug. 1867 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, January 1867December 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Jan. 1867Dec. 1868 MERRITTS PLANTATION (SEE NEW ORLEANS) MILLIKENS BEND (PROVOST MARSHAL AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1867December 1868, 1 (339) and 2 (340), are arranged chronologically. v.2 (340) has a name index. v.1 (339) May 1867May 1868 v.2 (340) JulyDec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Feb. 1866Oct. 1868 Orders and Circulars Rcvd Unbound orders and circulars Rcvd, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Oct. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, March 1866October 1867, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Oct. 1867 Misc School Rprts Unbound Misc school Rprts, MayOctober 1866, are arranged chronologically. MayOct. 1866 Land Rprts Unbound land Rprts, FebruarySeptember 1866, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Sept. 1866 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, April 1867March 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1867Mar. 1868 Narrative Trimonthly Rprts of Complaints (cont.) Unbound narrative trimonthly Rprts of complaints, AugustDecember 1867, are arranged chronologically. Aug.Dec. 1867 Monthly Rprts of Destitutes Unbound monthly Rprts of destitutes, May 1867July 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1867July 1868 Recs Relating to Court Cases Unbound Recs relating to court cases, February 1866March 1867, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are complaints, affidavits, trials, powers of attorney, paroles, and leases. Feb. 1866Mar. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd The three volumes of Ltrs and orders Rcvd, April 1867December 1868, 1 (500), 2 (502), and 3 (504), are arranged chronologically. There is a name index in v.2 (502). Ltrs in volumes 1 (500) and 2 (502) are entered and crossreferenced in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, May 1867 December 1868 (described above), as L. R. B vol. 1 and L. R. B vol. 2, respectively. v.1 (500) Apr.Aug. 1867 v.2 (502) Sept. 1867Jan. 1868 v.3 (504) Jan. 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd Unbound Ltrs and orders Rcvd, June 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Some of these are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent (May 1867December 1868) described above or copied in the series of Ltrs and orders Rcvd, April 1867December 1868. June 1867Dec. 1868 Circulars Issued The single v.of circulars issued, May 1867December 1868 (526), is arranged chronologically. v.(526) May 1867Dec. 1868 Rprts of Asst SubAsst Commr in the 6th Subdistrict Rcvd and Forwarded The single v.of Rprts of Asst subAsst Commrs in the 6th subdistrict Rcvd and forwarded, November 1867November 1868 (503), is arranged chronologically. v.(503) Nov. 1867Nov. 1868 VIDALIA (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) (cont.) Ltrs Sent The six volumes of Ltrs sent, August 1865December 1868, 1 (497), 2 (511), 3 (512), 4 (513), and 5 (514), and 6 (515), are arranged chronologically. There are name indexes in volumes 2 (511)-6 (515). v.1 (497) also contains Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd for the period MarchApril 1866; an unidentified three-entry Rgstr; and Ltrs Rcvd (FebruaryApril 1866), which were copied in v.1 (498) of the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866 December 1868, described below. v.2 (511) also contains a Rgstr of complaints (September 1865December 1866). v.1 (497) Aug. 1865Feb. 1867 v.2 (511) Mar.Nov. 1867 v.3 (512) Nov.Dec. 1867 v.4 (513) Jan.Mar. 1868 v.5 (514) Mar.July 1868 v.6 (515) JulyDec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Misc Recs (cont.) May 1867Aug. 1868 VERMILLIONVILLE (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, February 1866December 1868, 1 (487) and 2 (488), are arranged chronologically, and both volumes have name indexes. v.1 (487) also contains Genl orders Rcvd (July 1866), unarranged, and an unidentified list (May 1868). v.2 (488) also contains trimonthly Rprts (AprilDecember 1868). The name index in v.2 (488) is to the entire volume. v.1 (487) Feb. 1866Apr. 1868 v.2 (488) MayDec. 1868 Ltrs Sent Relating to Complaints (cont.) The single v.of Ltrs sent relating to complaints, MayOctober 1866 (489), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of Contrs approved (1866); trimonthly Rprts (April 1866April 1868); a Rgstr of indigent and helpless Frdmn (JanuaryAugust 1867); a Rgstr of indigent and destitute whites and freed people, Parish Lafayette (1868); a Rgstr of Contrs approved (1867); a Rgstr of complaints (FebruaryJuly 1866); a Rgstr of blanks sold (186667); a Rgstr of Soldrs Dschrgs Rcvd and forwarded (186667); a Rgstr of freedchildren apprenticed (no date); a list of tuition tickets (SeptemberDecember 1866), arranged chronologically; and an official roster (January 1, 1868). v.(489) MayOct. 1866 Endrsmnts Sent The two volumes of Endrsmnts sent, March 1866December 1868, 1 (490) and 2 (491), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. The last entries in v.1 (490) are duplicated in v.2 (491). v.1 (490) Mar. 1866June 1868 v.2 (491) Jan.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, 1 (485) and 2 (486), are arranged chronologically. The last entries in v.1 (485) are duplicated in v.2 (486). Both volumes have name indexes. For Ltrs Rcvd, see the series of Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866 December 1868, described below. v.1 (485) Mar. 1866Aug. 1868 v.2 (486) Jan.Dec. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, are arranged and numbered in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. The Ltrs are entered in the two-v.series of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866 December 1868, described above. Mar. 1866Dec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186668, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are accounts current, monthly returns of rations issued, receipts, monthly returns of stores, Ab, and Rprts. 186668 NEW IBERIA (Asst SUBAsst Commr) (cont.) Ltrs Sent The three volumes of Ltrs sent cover the period February 1866October 1867 and AugustDecember 1868. v.1 (383) is arranged in chronological order and numbered. Volumes 2 (447) and 3 (448) are arranged chronologically. There is a name index in v.1 (383). v.1 (383) also contains receipts of school tax (August 1866January 1867), arranged chronologically; a name list of tickets sold (JuneNovember [no year]), arranged chronologically; a Rgstr of destitute people applying for relief (JuneJuly [no year]), arranged chronologically; and accounts (JulyAugust [no year]), arranged chronologically. v.1 (383) Aug.Dec. 1868 v.2 (447) Feb. 1866Apr. 1867 v.3 (448) Apr.Oct. 1867 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, March 1866December 1868 (382), is arranged chronologically. v.(382) Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868 (446) is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains a Rgstr of special orders Rcvd (February 1866November 1867). v.(446) Feb. 1866Dec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186768, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are statements of clothing Rcvd, bills of lading, court Recs, and inspection Rprts. 186768 VIDALIA (SUBAsst Commr OF THE 6TH SUBDISTRICT) Name Index to Ltrs Sent The single-v.undated name index is an index to the two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1867December 1868 (496), described below. v.(496) Undated Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1867December 1868, 1 (509) and 2 (510), are arranged chronologically. For a name index to this series, see the index (496) described above. v.1 (509) May 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (510) Jan.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent The five volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, 1 (499), 2 (517), 3 (518), 4 (519) and 5 (520), cover the period May 1867 December 1868, Entries in v.1 (499) are arranged chronologically; others are arranged within each initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. There are name indexes in all volumes except v.3 (518). v.1 (499) is cross-referenced in other volumes as v.E. v.1 (499) MayNov. 1867 v.2 (517) Sept. 1867Jan. 1868 v.3 (518) Jan.May 1868 v.4 (519) MayAug. 1868 v.5 (520) Aug.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Rcvd (cont.) The single v.of Endrsmnts Rcvd, MayNovember 1867 (516), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. This v.parallels v.1(499) of the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent described above and cross-references that E. v.(516) is cross-referenced in v.1 (499) as D. v.(516) MayNov. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, March 1865November 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are monthly inspection Rprts (November 1868); monthly school Rprts of receipts and expenditures (August 1867 and May 1868); returns of school property (October 1867); Rprts of indigents and destitutes (December 1867); Rprts of rations issued (July 1866); police jury Rprts of rations issued (July 1866 and May 1867); bills of lading (August 1867); tax rolls (March 1865); payrolls (December 1865); receipts (April 1866); and bounty claims (May 1868). Mar. 1865Nov. 1868 NATCHITOCHES (SUBAsst Commr OF THE (cont.) 4TH SUBDISTRICT) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, June 1867December 1868, 1 (361) and 2 (362) are arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.2 (362) has a name index. v.1 (361) June 1867Oct. 1868 v.2 (362) Oct.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent The three volumes of Endrsmnts sent, June 1867December 1868, 1 (366), 2 (367), and 3 (368), are arranged in chronological order and numbered. There are name indexes in volumes 2 (367) and 3 (368). v.1 (366) June 1867Oct. 1868 v.2 (367) Oct.Dec. 1868 v.3 (368) June 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867December 1868 (359), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(359) June 1867Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, FebruaryDecember 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Feb.Dec. 1868 Journal of Business The two volumes of Journals of Business, July 1867December 1868, 1 (371) and 2 (372), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (371) July 1867Aug. 1868 v.2 (372) Sept.Dec. 1868 NATCHITOCHES (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The three volumes of Ltrs sent, July 1867December 1868, 1 (363), 2 (364), and 3 (365), are arranged chronologically and each v.has a name index. v.1 (363) July 1867May 1868 v.2 (364) MayNov. 1868 v.3 (365) Nov.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Sent (cont.) Unbound Ltrs sent, AprilOctober 1866, are arranged chronologically. Apr.Oct. 1866 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, November 1867November 1868 (369), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. It has a name index. v.(369) Nov. 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, July 1867November 1868 (360) is arranged in chronological order and numbered. The v.has a name index. v.(360) July 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, July 1867November 1868, are arranged as entered in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (360) described above. July 1867Mar. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Misc Rprts (cont.) July 1868Nov. 1869 PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL OF FREEDMEN Ltrs and Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Ltrs and Endrsmnts sent, August 1865January 1867 (128), is arranged by type of Rec and thereunder chronologically. The Ltrs sent are dated AugustSeptember 1865, and the Endrsmnts are dated September 1865January 1867. v.(128) Ltrs Sent Aug.Sept. 1865 Endrsmnts Sent Sept. 1865Jan. 1867 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The two volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, June 1865December 1866, 1 (126) and 2 (127), are arranged chronologically and have name indexes. The dates of the volumes overlap. Some of the Ltrs are duplicated in the single v.of Ltrs and Endrsmnts sent (128) described above. v.1 (126) JuneOct. 1865 v.2 (127) Aug. 1865Dec. 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Monthly Returns of School Property Unbound monthly returns of school property, April 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Oct. 1868 Rprts of Indigents and Helpless Unbound Rprts of indigents and the helpless, June 1866February 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Feb. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, April 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, July 1867July 1868 (374), is arranged chronologically. v.(374) July 1867July 1868 Indentures Unbound indentures, January 1866April 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1866Apr. 1868 Rgstr of Indigent and Helpless Frdmn The single-v.Rgstr of indigent and helpless Frdmn, November 1867 (377), is arranged numerically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of indigent and destitute whites, Parish Natchitoches, arranged by month, (FebruaryJune 1868); a Rgstr of indigent and destitute freed people, Parish Natchitoches, arranged by month (FebruaryJune 1868); a resister or indigent and destitute whites, Parish Sabine, arranged by month, (FebruaryJune 1868); and a Rgstr of indigent and destitute freed people, Parish Sabine, arranged by month, (February and May 1868). v.(377) Nov. 1867 Rgstr of Supplies and Clothing Issued to Destitutes (cont.) The single v.of Rgstrs of supplies and clothing issued to destitutes, July 1867July 1868 (376), is arranged separately by supplies (July 1867July 1868) and clothing (Mar.June 1868), and thereunder arranged chronologically. v.(376) July 1867July 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies, MarchOctober 1868 (375), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. v.(375) Mar.Oct. 1868 Recs Relating to Planters Supplies Unbound Recs relating to planters supplies, 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are monthly Rprts of supplies issued to planters, planters applications for supplies, and planters bonds for supplies. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, July 1867December 1868 (373), is arranged chronologically. v.(373) July 1867Dec. 1868 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading, June 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Oct. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Monthly Returns of School Property Unbound monthly returns of school property, June 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Aug. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound monthly school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, June 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Dec. 1868 Recs Relating to Supplies Unbound Recs relating to supplies, dated 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are applications and affidavits of planters for supplies, bonds of planters for supplies, monthly Rprts of supplies issued planters, and receipts for supplies. 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies furnished, MarchOctober 1868 (253), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. It has a name index. v.(253) Mar.Oct. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, April 1867October 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are a statement of crops on plantations, undated; bills of lading, April 1867 and JulyOct. 1868; and indentures, April 1868. Apr. 1867Oct. 1868 COLUMBIA (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The four volumes of Ltrs sent, February 1866September 1868, 1 (254), 2 (255), 3 (256), and 4 (257), are arranged chronologically. There are name indexes in volumes 3 (256) and 4 (257). v.2 (255) also contains a Rgstr of Contrs, 1866, arranged by name of plantation. v.4 (257) also contains complaints, 1868, unarranged; and v.1(254) also contains a day book of accounts with Frdmn, 1867, arranged by name of Frdmn and thereunder chronologically. v.1 (254) Feb. 1866Aug. 1867 v.2 (255) Aug. 1867June 1868 v.3 (256) June 1868Sept. 1868 v.4 (257) Sept. 1415, 1868 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866June 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Feb. 1866Apr. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Monthly Returns of Stores Rcvd and Issued Unbound monthly returns of stores Rcvd and issued, May 1866March 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Mar. 1868 Proceedings Before Provost Court (cont.) Unbound proceedings before the provost court, AugustNovember 1865 and May December 1867, are arranged chronologically. Aug.Nov. 1865; MayDec. 1867 Rgstr of Court Trials The two-v.Rgstr of court trials, February 1866November 1868, 1 (197) and 2 (198), are arranged in chronological order and numbered. Included in the volumes are the testimonies of trials. v.2 (198) also contains affidavits, December 1867November 1868, arranged chronologically. v.1 (197) Feb. 1866July 1867 v.2 (198) July 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstrs of Black Persons Unbound Rgstrs of black persons are undated and unarranged. Undated Rgstr of Military Tax to Repair Levee at McDonoughville The single-v.Rgstr of military tax to repair the levee at McDonoughville (201) is dated May 15, 1865 and arranged by initial Ltr of surname of taxed persons and thereunder numerically. Included in the a copy of Circular Number 5, dated November 1, 1865, exempting certain persons from paying the levee tax. The v.also contains Ltrs sent and summonses to appear at the agents office, August 1866August 1867, arranged chronologically; a Rgstr of summonses to appear at the agents office, August 1867November 1868, arranged chronologically; a Rgstr of indigent and destitute freed people applying for relief, JanuaryAugust 1868, arranged chronologically; a Rgstr of indigent and destitute white people applying for relief, JanuaryJuly 1868, arranged chronologically; and a list of persons promising to pay at stated periods, apparently to pay either court costs, fines, or money owed following a court case, August 1867July 1868, arranged chronologically. v.(201) May 15, 1865 Journal of Business Transacted The two-v.journal of business transacted, April 1867December 1868, 1 (199) and 2 (200), is arranged chronologically. The journal entries cover mainly visitors complaints, the paperwork performed, and visits made. v.1 (199) Apr. 1867June 1868 v.2 (200) JuneDec. 1868 Rprts of Accounts Current (cont.) Unbound Rprts of accounts current, July 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866July1868 Misc Accounts The single v.of Misc accounts, May 1865November 1868 (196), is arranged by type of account and thereunder chronologically. Included are accounts concerning Frdmn schools, Provost Marshal Dept, tuition, and levies. v.(196) May 1865Nov. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs dated November 1864November 1868 are unarranged. Nov. 1864Nov. 18)
LA 1863-1872 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, May 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1867Dec. 1868 Court Recs (cont.) Unbound court Recs, MayDecember 1864, are unarranged. MayDec. 1864 Rgstr of Rations Rcvd at the Van Buren Hospital for Frdmn The single-v.Rgstr of rations Rcvd at the Van Buren Hospital for Frdmn, JanuaryMarch 1864 (343), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a list of nurses for the small pox hospital, and a list of patients at Frdmns Genl Hospital No. 2, Branch No. 2 (MarchApril 1864). v.(343) Jan.Mar. 1864 List of Persons to Whom Rations Have Been Issued The single-v.list of persons to whom rations have been issued, January February 1868 (341), is arranged chronologically by date issued. The v.also includes a list of destitute persons (JanuaryAugust 1868), unarranged. v.(341) Jan.Feb. 1868 Misc Recs Relating to Rations Issued Unbound Misc Recs relating to rations issued, MayAugust 1868, are unarranged. Included are monthly returns of stores issued to destitutes, Ab, and vouchers. MayAug. 1868 Misc Recs Relating to Issuance of Supplies to Planters Unbound Misc Recs relating to issuance of supplies to planters, MarchOctober 1868, are unarranged. Mar.Oct. 1868 Certs Permitting Occupation and Cultivation of Plantations Unbound Certs permitting occupation and cultivation of plantations, March 1865, are arranged numerically. Mar. 1865 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, May 1867December 1868 (342), is arranged chronologically. v.(342) May 1867Dec. 1868 Bills of Lading (cont.) Unbound bills of lading, MayDecember 1867 and September and November 1868, are arranged chronologically. MayDec. 1867; Sept. & Nov. 1868 Accounts Current Unbound accounts current, MaySeptember 1867 and March 1868, are arranged chronologically. MaySept. 1867; Mar. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, July 1867September 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are affidavits, bonds, and Ab. July 1867Sept. 1868 MONROE (SUBAsst Commr OF 5TH SUBDISTRICT) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MayDecember 1867 (347), is arranged chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(347) MayDec. 1867 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent, June 1867December 1868, 1 (344) and 2 (345), are arranged by time period. The entries are arranged by initial Ltr of surname of writer and thereunder arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.2 (345) has a name index. v.1 (344) June 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (345) Jan.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, March 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Mar. 1867Mar. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 NEW ORLEANSAsst SUBAsst Commr FOR ORLEANS PARISH LEFT BANK (See Microfilm Publication M1483, Recs of the New Orleans Field Offices, Bureau of Refugees, Frdmn, and Abandoned Lands, 18651869) NEW ORLEANSHOSPITAL (See M1483) NEW ORLEANSAsst SUBAsst Commr FOR FOR ST. BERNARD AND PLAQUEMINE PARISHES (See M1483) NEW ROADS (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, March 1866September 1868, 1 (390) and 2 (391) are arranged chronologically. There is a name index in each volume. v.1 (390) also contains a list of contributors and amount given to The Lincoln Land Association (1867); accounts with Frdmn (1867); and a list of laborers employed on Frisbie Place (December 1867). v.1 (390) Mar. 1866June 1868 v.2 (391) JuneSept. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, December 1866September 1868, 1 (387) and 2 (388), are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Both volumes include Endrsmnts, and each has a name index. v.1 (387) Dec. 1866Feb. 1868 v.2 (388) Feb.Sept. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, AprilDecember 1867 (389), is arranged according to their entry in the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (387) and 2 (388), described above. The v.has a name index. v.(389) Apr.Dec. 1867 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, December 1866August 1868, are arranged and numbered in chronological order by date Rcvd and by date and page number of which Rgstred. The Ltrs are entered in the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (387) and 2 (388), described above. Dec. 1866Aug. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, October 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Oct. 1866Oct. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Name Index The index (66) is an index to v.2 (65) of the two Rgstrs of payments, January 1868March 1872, listed below. It may be only a partial index. v.(66) Undated Rgstrs of Payments The two volumes of Rgstrs of payments, 1 (64) and 2 (65), are dated JulyOctober 1867 and January 1868March 1872, respectively. v.1 (64) is arranged chronologically. v.2 (65) is arranged in chronological order and numbered by payment number. For a name index to v.2 (65), see the index (66) described above. v.1 (64) JulyOct. 1867 v.2 (65) Jan. 1868Mar. 1872 Rgstr of Payments The single-v.Rgstr of payments, ca. 1868 (63), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of claimant. The Rgstr gives the name, Co, and Reg, and amount paid to each claimant. The names of these claimants are not duplicated in the two volumes of Rgstrs of payments described above. v.(63) ca. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 PLAQUEMINE (See M1483) PLAQUEMINE PARISH (See M1483) POINT COUPEE (SEE NEW ROADS) PORT HUDSON (SEE CLINTON) PRAIRIE LANDING (SEE TRINITY) ROST HOME COLONY Rgstr of Arrivals and Departures The single-v.Rgstr of arrivals and departures, February 1865July 1866 (158), is arranged by arrival or departure and thereunder by year. The year 1865 is arranged chronologically, and 1866 is unarranged. v.(158) Feb. 1865July 1866 Recs of Births and Deaths The single-v.Rec of births and deaths, FebruaryNovember (161), is undated and arranged by birth or death and thereunder chronologically. The year is not listed. v.(161) Feb.Nov. (No year) Rgstr of Applications for Laborers The single-v.Rgstr of applications for laborers, FebruaryApril (162), is undated and arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of complaints (FebruaryApril), arranged chronologically. The year is not listed for either Rgstr. v.(162) Feb.Apr. (No year) Rgstr of Sick and Wounded Refugees and Frdmn The single-v.Rgstr of sick and wounded refugees and Frdmn, SeptemberDecember 1866 (163), is arranged by month and thereunder by adult male, adult female, male child, or female child. v.(163) Sept.Dec. 1866 Accounts of Rations and Clothing Issued at Rost Home Colony, Parish of St. Charles, By J. W. Horton The single v.of rations and clothing issued at Rost Home Colony, Parish of St. Charles, by J. W. Horton, FebruaryDecember 1865 (160), is arranged chronologically and thereunder separately for rations and clothing. v.(160) Feb.Dec. 1865 ST. BERNARD (See Microfilm Publication M1483) (cont.) ST. FRANCISVILLE (SEE BAYOU SARA) ST. JAMES (SEE DONALDSONVILLE) ST. JOSEPHSUBAsst COMISSIONER FOR 6TH SUBDISTRICT (SEE VIDALIA) ST. JOSEPH (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The five volumes of Ltrs sent, August 1865September 1868, 1 (461), 2 (462), 3 (455), 4 (463), and 5 (464), are arranged chronologically. Each v.has a name index. v.3 (455) also contains a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent (AprilMay 1867) and circulars issued (July 1866March 1867). v.1 (461) also contains Endrsmnts sent (NovemberDecember 1865) and Ltrs sent by the agent at East Pascagoula, MS (FebruaryMarch 1866). v.1 (461) Aug. 1865Mar. 1866 v.2 (462) Jan. 1866Apr. 1867 v.3 (455) Apr.May 1867 v.4 (463) June 1867July 1868 v.5 (464) Aug.Sept. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, February 1866March 1867 (454), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains a Rgstr of complaints (June 1866May 1867), arranged chronologically. For Endrsmnts, NovemberDecember 1865, see the series of Ltrs sent in v.1 (461), described above. v.(454) Feb. 1866Mar. 1867 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, May 1867August 1868, 1 (457), 2 (458) and 3 (460) are arranged by time period. The entries in v.1 (457) are arranged chronologically. Those in volumes 2 (458) and 3 (460) are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. v.1 (457) also contains Ltrs Rcvd (JuneJuly 1868). v.1 (457) May 1867July 1868 v.2 (458) June 1867Aug. 1868 v.3 (460) JulyAug. 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd (cont.) The four volumes of Ltrs and orders Rcvd, August 1865September 1866, May 1867May 1868, and JulyAugust 1868, 1 (452 ), 2 (453), 3 (456), and 4 (459), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (452) also contains Genl orders issued, (August 1865) and a Rgstr of blacks (no date). v.1 (452) Aug. 1865Mar. 1866 v.2 (453) Feb.Sept. 1866 v.3 (456) May 1867May 1868 v.4 (459) JulyAug. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Planters Receipts for Supplies Unbound planters receipts for supplies, MarchNovember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Nov. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, March 1868 and JulyNovember 1868 (221), is arranged chronologically. The March 1868 section relates to business transacted by those who had complaints concerning labor, labor Contrs, and crime. The JulyNovember 1868 section relates to daily office paperwork. v.(221) Mar. 1868 and JulyNov. 1868 Misc Receipts and Certs of Payment Unbound Misc receipts and Certs of payment, August 1866February 1868, are unarranged. Aug. 1866Feb. 1868 Monthly Statements of Accounts Current Unbound monthly statements of accounts current, January 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Nov. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, December 1865October 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are returns of school property (October 1868); a special order (April 1868); and a Rprt of sick and wounded (December 1865). Dec. 1865Oct. 1868 BAYOU SARA (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) (cont.) Rgstrs of Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs sent, May 1867June 1868, 1 (231) and 2 (470) are arranged chronologically. Ltrs entered in the volumes are in v.2 (228) and 5 (469) of the Ltrs sent, January 1866December 1868, described below. v.1 (231) May 1867Mar. 1868 v.2 (470) Mar.June 1868 Ltrs Sent The five volumes of Ltrs sent, 1 (227), 2 (228), 3 (468), 4 (229), and 5 (469), cover the period January 1866December 1868. Entries in v.1 (227) are arranged in chronological order and numbered, and the remaining entries are arranged chronologically. Each v.has a name index. Entries in v.2 (228) also cross reference a case book, which is a single-v.Rgstr of complaints, May 1867August 1868 (234), described below. v.4 (229) also contains a list of Contrs for 1868 arranged numerically, and a Rgstr of complaints dated January 1866May 1867, arranged numerically by case number. The name index to Ltrs sent in this v.also indexes the complaints. v.1 (227) Jan. 1866May 1867 v.2 (228) MayDec. 1867 v.3 (468) Dec. 1867Apr. 1868 v.4 (229) Jan. 1866Mar. 1867 Feb.Mar. 1868 v.5 (469) Mar.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Sent Unbound Ltrs sent, September 1866July 1867, are unarranged. Sept. 1866July 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs and Circulars Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs and circulars Rcvd, JanuaryApril 1867 (466), is arranged chronologically. This v.also contains Ltrs sent, October 1867April 1868, that relate to Contrs with Frdmn. These Ltrs are not duplicated in the five-v.series of Ltrs sent described above. v.(466) Jan.Apr. 1867 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867November 1868, 1 (226) and 2 (467), are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd, and each v.has a name index. v.1 (226) also contains a Rgstr of property issued, MarchJune 1868, arranged chronologically. v.1 (226) May 1867June 1868 v.2 (467) Apr.Nov. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstr of Contrs The single-v.Rgstr of Contrs dated 1868 (130) is arranged by parish. v.(130) 1868 Morning Rprts of Refugees The single v.of morning Rprts of refugees dated March 1865March 1866 (143) is arranged chronologically. v.(143) Mar. 1865Mar. 1866 Receipt Book for Money (cont.) The single-v.receipt book for money dated September 1865January 1866 (141) is arranged chronologically. v.(141) Sept. 1865Jan. 1866 Accounts The single v.of accounts dated 185966 (145) is arranged in Genl chronological order and has a name index. v.(145) 185966 QUARTERMASTER Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, July1867January 1868 (57), is arranged by month and thereunder numerically. v.(57) July 1867Jan. 1868 Rgstr of Vouchers Issued The single-v.Rgstr of vouchers issued, July 1865April 1866 (54), is arranged by month. The entries give the date the voucher was issued, name of person to whom issued, amount, and purpose of expenditure. Most vouchers are for rent of buildings. v.(54) July 1865Apr. 1866 Accounts Current of Capt W. B. Armstrong Unbound accounts current of Capt W. B. Armstrong dated MarchJune 1866 are arranged chronologically. Mar.Apr. 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryOctober 1865 and February 1867 (125), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. v.(125) Jan.Oct 1865; Feb. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (Transmittal Book) The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd titled Transmittal Book(21) is dated ca. 1866 and arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically (no dates actually stated). The EB numbers given in the left column refer to page numbers in the Endrsmnt section of the single v.of Ltrs and Endrsmnts sent (128) described above. v.(21) ca. 1866 Ltrs Rcvd by G. W. Foster (cont.) The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd by G. W. Foster, Asst provost marshal Genl of Frdmn, SeptemberNovember 1865 (98), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of school taxes dated MarchApril 1866. v.(98) Sept. 1865Apr. 1866 Special Orders Rcvd The single v.of special orders Rcvd, August 1865June 1866 (129), is arranged chronologically. v.(129) Aug. 1865June 1866 Rgstrs of Proceedings in Frdmns Court The two volumes of Rgstrs of proceedings in Frdmns court are dated November 1864October 1868 and September 1865March 1866, 1 (134) and 2 (135), respectively. The entries in each v.are arranged chronologically, but the dates of each v.overlap. Both volumes have name indexes. The entries in the volumes give the name of the accused, nature of charge, the date tried, and the sentence of findings or the court. v.1 (134) Nov. 1864Oct. 1868 v.2 (135) Sept. 1865Mar. 1866 Rgstrs of Complaints The three volumes of Rgstrs of complaints, 1 (136), 2 (137), and 3 (140), cover the period 186568. The entries within the Rgstrs are arranged chronologically although the dates of the volumes overlap. The entries consist of the Frdmns name, residence, and a summary of the complaint. v.1 (136) Jan.Dec. 1868 v.2 (137) Aug. 1865Jan. 1868 SeptOct. 1868 v.3 (140) Mar. 1865Jan. 1866 Complaints The two volumes of complaints, FebruaryMarch 1863, OctoberDecember 1864, and JanuaryDecember 1865, 1 (138) and 2 (139), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (138) also contains a Rgstr of passes, MarchJuly 1865, and a few Ltrs sent by the Super of Negro Labor, Dept of the Gulf, March 1863. v.1 (138) Feb.Mar 1863; OctDec. 1864; Jan.Dec. 1865 v.2 (139) Aug.Sept. 1865)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, July 1867December 1868 (329), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of writer and thereunder chronologically. v.(329) July 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, July 1867October 1868, are arranged by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. July 1867Oct. 1868 Misc Monthly Rprts Unbound Misc monthly Rprts, November 1867December 1868, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are inspection Rprts, November 1867 and AugustOctober 1868, and Rprts of persons and articles hired, OctoberDecember 1868. Nov. 1867Dec. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, April 1867September 1868 (333), is arranged chronologically. v.(333) Apr. 1867Sept. 1868 MANSFIELD (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MayDecember 1868 (325), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(325) MayDec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, JuneJuly 1868 (324), is arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. The v.also contains Ltrs Rcvd, September November 1868, arranged chronologically by date Rcvd and a name index. v.(324) JuneJuly 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, July 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. July 1867Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints (cont.) The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, MayNovember 1868 (327), is arranged chronologically. v.(327) MayNov. 1868 Rgstr of Marrs The single-v.Rgstr of Marrs, SeptemberNovember 1865 (328), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(328) Sept.Nov. 1865 List of Indigents The single-v.list of indigents, JanuaryMay (326), is undated and arranged by initial Ltr of surname of indigent and thereunder chronologically. There is no year given in the volume. v.(326) Jan.May (No year) Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, August 1867October 1868, are arranged by type of Rec and thereunder chronologically. Included are monthly inspection Rprts (February and October 1868); monthly school Rprts of the district Super, (September 1868); monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired (February 1868); estimate of clothing (undated); indentures (August 1867); and affidavits and applications of planters for supplies (FebruaryMay 1868). Aug. 1867Oct. 1868 MARKSVILLE (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, July 1866October 1867 and MayDecember 1868, 1 (319) and 2 (320), are arranged chronologically and have name indexes. v.1 (319) July 1866Aug. 1867 v.2 (320) Aug.Oct. 1867; MayDec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868 (318), is arranged chronologically and includes Endrsmnts. The v.has a name index. v.(318) Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Some of the Ltrs are entered in the singlev.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (318) described above. Mar. 1866Oct. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstred Ltrs (cont.) Jan.Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Jan. 1865Apr. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstred Ltrs (cont.) Mar.Nov. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1866Dec. 1868 Special Orders Issued The single v.of special orders issued, July 1866July 1867 (370), is arranged by year and thereunder numerically. It has a name index. v.(370) July 1866July 1867 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations Unbound trimonthly Rprts of operations, April 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Aug. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, April 1866September 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Sept. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of the (cont.) District Super Unbound monthly school Rprts of the district Super, MarchOctober 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Oct. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound monthly school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, April 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Aug. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) 12801 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, MarchDecember 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Mar.Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts The single v.of monthly Rprts, June 1867March 1868 (284), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains one special Rprt, June 14, 1868. v.(284) June 1867Mar. 1868 Monthly and Special Rprts The single v.of monthly and special Rprts, MayDecember 1868 (285), is arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically and has a name index. v.(285) MayDec. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, June 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1867Dec. 1868 Journal of Business Transacted The single-v.Journal of Business transacted, June 1867May 1868 (282), is arranged chronologically. v.(282) June 1867May 1868 FRANKLIN (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The four volumes of Ltrs sent, 1 (274), 2 (275), 3 (276), and 4 (277), cover the period January 1867December 1868. v.1 (274) is arranged chronologically. Volumes 2 (275), 3 (276), and 4 (277) are arranged in chronological order and numbered. There are name indexes in volumes 1 (274), 3 (276), and 4 (277). v.4 (277) also contains a Journal of Business (JuneDecember 1867), arranged chronologically. v.1 (274) Jan.June 1867 v.2 (275) JulyDec. 1867 v.3 (276) Jan.Sept. 1868 v.4 (277) Sept.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd (cont.) The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, June 1867December 1868 (281), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(281) June 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, July 1867December 1868 (271), is arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. There is a name index in the volume. The v.includes Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867. v.(271) July 1867Dec. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867December 1868, are arranged as the Rgstrs in v.(271) described above. June 1867Jan. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged as Rgstred in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (446) described above. Feb. 1866Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, December 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1865Dec. 1868 Trimonthly Rprts The single v.of trimonthly Rprts, October 1867October 1868 (384), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(384) Oct. 1867Oct. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts (cont.) Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Oct. 1868 Misc Rprts Relating to Schools Unbound Misc Rprts relating to schools, 186667, are arranged by type of Rprt. Included are school Rprts of teachers and district Supers, school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, and Rprts of school property. 186667)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867August 1868, are arranged by year, thereunder by initial Ltr of surname of writer, and thereunder arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. The Ltrs are Rgstred in three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd described above. Jan. 1867Aug. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Mar. 1866Dec. 1868 Ltrs and Circulars Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs and circulars Rcvd, MarchNovember 1866 (175), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains special orders and circulars Rcvd, July 1865November 1866, arranged chronologically. v.(175) MarNov. 1866 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations Unbound trimonthly Rprts of operations, June 1867February 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1867Feb. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867June 1868, are arranged numerically by page number. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd described above. May 1867June 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Feb. 1866Dec. 1868 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations Sent (cont.) The two volumes of trimonthly Rprts of operations sent, January 1867February 1868, 1 (249) and 2 (250), are arranged in chronological order and numbered. Each v.has a name index. v.1 (249) Jan.Dec. 1867 v.2 (250) Jan.Feb. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, May 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Nov. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of District Super Unbound monthly school Rprts of the district Super, February 1867 October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1867Oct. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of Agent Unbound monthly school Rprts of the agent, FebruaryNovember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Nov. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, May 1866September 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, JanuaryApril 1868 (252) is arranged chronologically and has a name index. For a Rgstr of complaints dated October December 1867, see v.1 (245) of the four volumes of Ltrs sent May 1867 December 1868, described above. v.(252) Jan.Apr. 1868 Daily Journal of Business Relating to Complaints and Paperwork The single-v.daily journal of business relating to complaints and paperwork, MayOctober 1867 (251), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(251) MayOct. 1867 Monthly Rprts of Indigents and Destitutes (cont.) Unbound monthly Rprts of indigents and destitutes, October 1866May 1868, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1866May 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, September 1865Sept 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd described above. Sept. 1865Sept. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, July 1865May 1869, are arranged chronologically. July 1865Dec. 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Ascension and Assumption 186567)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Assumption 186567)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Assumption and Carroll 186567)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Concordia, East Baton Rouge, Iberville 186567)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Iberville, Jefferson, Lafayette, Madison, Natchitoches 186468)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Point Coupee, Sabine, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James 186468)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations St. John de Baptiste, St. Martin, St. Mary, Tensas 186468)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Terre Bonne, West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana 186468 Frdmns Labor Contrs The single v.of Frdmns labor Contrs, September 1863December 1864 (93), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains an employment Rgstr that was probably compiled in 1864. v.(93) Sept. 1863Dec. 1864)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on Plantations Unbound Rgstrs and payrolls of Frdmn employed on plantations, 186468, are arranged alphabetically by parish. The Rgstrs give the names, ages, sex, and class of the laborer; names of former owners; and former residences of Frdmn. The payrolls give similar information except that they include the Frdmns monthly wages, the number of days worked, amount of money Rcvd, and signatures or X. Ascension Parish 186467)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs and Payrolls of Frdmn Employed on PlantationsSt. James 186466)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs of Black Persons Rgstrs (cont.) v.8 (117) OP v.9 (118) QR v.10 (119) ST v.11 (120) WZ Frdmns Employment Rgstrs The two volumes of Frdmns employment Rgstrs are dated April 1864April 1865, 1 (91) and 2 (92). The Rgstrs overlap in dates: v.1 (91) is dated April 1864January 1865 and v.2 (92), June 1864April 1865. The entries within the Rgstrs are arranged chronologically. Each entry Recs for the Frdmn the name, age, and sex; the names of former owners; former residence; and the name and residence of the employer. v.1 (91) Apr. 1864Jan. 1865 v.2 (92) June 1864Apr. 1865)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs of Black Persons v.3 (112) EF v.4 (113) GH v.5 (114) IJ v.6 (115) KL v.7 (116) MN )
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs of Claimants The two volumes of Rgstrs of claimants, May 1867March 1872, (1) 67 and 2 (68), are arranged by time period. The entries are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of claimant. The entries give the name, Reg, and Co of claimant; number of Cert; name and fees of attorney; and amount of claim. v.2 (68) July 1868Mar. 1872)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs of Houses Occupied by Soldrs Families The four volumes of Rgstrs of houses occupied by Soldrs families, 1 (146), 2 (147), 3 (148), and 4 (149), are dated ca. 1865. Volumes 1 (146) and 4 (149) are arranged by house. Volumes 2 (147) and 3 (l48) are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of owner of the house. v.1 (146) 1865 v.2 (147) Feb.Aug. 1865 v.3 (148) Feb.Oct. 1865 v.4 (149) 1865 Rgstrs of Conscripts The three volumes of Rgstrs of conscripts, 1 (131), 2 (132), and 3 (133) cover the period 186468. The entries in the Rgstrs are arranged by parish. The names of the Frdmn often appear in all three volumes. There are lists of parishes in each Rgstr. v.1 (131) 186468 v.2 (132) 186466 v.3 (133) 186465 Rgstr of Refugees The single-v.Rgstr of refugees covers the period 186467 (142). Entries covering the periods MarchApril and JulySeptember 1865 are arranged numerically and are of refugees at the Commercial and Western Verandah Hotels, New Orleans. Entries covering the periods October 1865February 1866 and June 1866 are arranged chronologically and are of the Refugees Home, which in February 1866 became the Refugees Home at the US Frdmns Hospital. v.(142) 186467 Indentures for Orphan Children The single-v.of indentures for orphan children, October 1865February 1867 (144), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. The v.has a name index. v.(144) Oct. 1865Feb. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs (cont.) v.4 (211) Feb.May 1868 v.5 (212) MayJuly 1868 v.6 (213) JulyDec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. May 1867Dec. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, MayJune 1867 and February 1868, are arranged chronologically. MayJune 1867 and Feb. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The eight volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (498), 2 (501), 3 (505), 4 (521), 5 (522), 6 (523), 7 (524), and 8 (525), cover the period March 1866 December 1868. There is no discernible arrangement in volumes 1 (498), 2 (505), and 4 (521). Volumes 2 (501) and 8 (525) are arranged chronologically, and volumes 5 (522)7 (524), by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. There are name indexes in volumes 1 (498), 2 (501), and 3 (505). For the period March to October 1866, the complete Ltr was Reced. v.1 (498) Mar. 1866May 1867 v.2 (501) JulyNov. 1867 v.3 (505) Feb. 1866Dec. 1867 v.4 (521) Jan.Nov. 1867 v.5 (522) Nov.Dec. 1867 v.6 (523) Jan.Aug. 1868 v.7 (524) JulyAug. 1868 v.8 (525) JulyDec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd The three volumes of Ltrs Rcvd, November 1867December 1868, 1 (506), 2 (507), and 3 (508) are arranged chronologically and each v.has a name index. For Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and for complete Ltrs dated March October 1866, see the series of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866 December 1868, described above. v.1 (506) Nov.Dec. 1867 v.2 (507) Jan.June 1868 v.3 (508) JuneDec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Some of these are entered in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866December 1868, described above. Feb. 1866Dec.1867)
LA 1863-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, May 1867December 1868, 1 (336), 2 (337), and 3 (338), are arranged by time period. Each v.has a name index. The entries are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. v.1 (336) May 1867Feb.1868 v.2 (337) Mar.Aug. 1868 v.3 (338) Aug.Dec. 1868 Ltrs and Orders Rcvd The two volumes of Ltrs and orders Rcvd, May 1867December 1868, 1 (334) and 2 (335), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.1 (334) May 1867Oct. 1868 v.2 (335) Oct.Dec. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867December 1868, are arranged by v.number and thereunder according to their entry in volumes 1 (334) and 2 (335) of the two volumes of Ltrs and orders Rcvd described above. Also, some are arranged according to their entry in volumes 2 (337) and 3 (338) of the three volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd and Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, described above. May 1867Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, June 1867September 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. June 1867Sept. 1868 Circulars Rcvd Unbound circulars Rcvd, April 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1866Dec. 1868 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations Unbound trimonthly Rprts of operations, MarchDecember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Dec. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, May 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly School Rprts Unbound monthly school Rprts, JanuaryDecember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.Dec. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound monthly school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, May 1867January 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1867Jan. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Rprts of Indigents and Destitutes Unbound Rprts of indigents and destitutes, October 1866May 1868, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1866May 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, May 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Dec. 1868 Complaints The single v.of complaints, AugustOctober 1865 (452), is arranged by initial Ltr of the name of the complainant. v.(452) Aug.Oct. 1865 Indentures Unbound indentures, AprilDecember 1866, are arranged chronologically. Apr.Dec. 1866 Rgstr of Subsistance Stores Issued to Destitute Citizens The single-v.Rgstr of subsistance stores issued to destitute citizens, April June 1867 (451), is arranged chronologically by date issued. The v.also contains a Rgstr of blank Contrs (FebruaryApril 1867), arranged chronologically by date delivered, and accounts (February 1866February 1867), arranged chronologically. v.(451) Apr.June 1867 Applications for Rations Unbound applications for rations, April 1867April 1868, are unarranged. Apr. 1867Apr. 1868 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished (cont.) The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies furnished, January December 1868 (386), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(386) Jan.Dec. 1868 Journals of Business The two volumes of Journal of Business, April 1867December 1868, 1 (385) and 2 (449), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (385) Mar.Dec. 1868 v.2 (449) Apr. 1867Mar. 1868 Accounts The single v.of accounts, February 1866June 1868 (450), is arranged in Genl chronological order. v.(450) Feb. 1866June 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186668, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are Recs relating to the issuance of rations to destitutes, accounts current, Recs relating to the issuance of supplies to planters, invoices, Ab, vouchers, and Rprts. 186668)
LA 1863-1872 Rprts of Rations Issued Unbound Rprts of rations issued, October 1865May 1869, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1865May 1869 Morning Rprts of the Asst Surg at Birney Plantation Unbound morning Rprts of the Asst Surg at Birney Plantation, January 1864February 1865, are arranged chronologically. The Rprts show the number of Frdmn who were sick, the number who died, the number Dschrgd, and the number remaining. Jan. 1864Feb. 1865 Misc Rprts Unbound Misc Rprts dated August 1865September 1868 are arranged chronologically. Aug. 1865Sept. 1868 Other Recs Rgstr of Patients The single-v.Rgstr of patients, July 1865April 1869 (86), is arranged in chronological order by date of admission and numbered. v.(86) July 1865Apr. 1869)
LA 1863-1872 SHREVEPORT (SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION) Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The single v.of press copies of Ltrs sent, September 1869September 1870 (440), is arranged chronologically. v.(440) Sept. 1869Sept. 1870 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, November 1869March 1870 (438), includes Endrsmnts and is arranged chronologically. v.(438) Nov. 1869Mar. 1870 SHREVEPORT (HOSPITAL) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, July 1865November 1868 (410), is arranged chronologically. v.(410) July 1865Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, February 1867 and November 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1867, Nov. 1867Nov. 1868 Rprts of Numbers Issued Rations, Medicines and Clothing Unbound Rprts of numbers issued rations, medicines, and clothing, January May 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.May 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, June 1867August 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1867Aug. 1868 Morning Rprts The single v.of morning Rprts, July 1865December 1867 (443), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a scale of destitutes or Frdmns rations (no date and unarranged). v.(443) July 1865Dec. 1867 Hospital Rgstr The Rgstr, JulyDecember 1865 (444), is arranged chronologically. The v.includes such information as name, date admitted, date Dschrgd or died, age, sex, and disease. The v.also contains a Rgstr of sick and wounded (JanuaryOctober 1866), arranged chronologically; a list of prices of can fruits (February 1868), unarranged; a Rgstr of deaths (July September 1865), arranged chronologically; and a Frdmns Hospital, Shreveport, La., Form 50 (December 1867May 1868), relating to provisions. v.(444) JulyDec. 1865 Rgstr of Sick and Wounded The single v.Rgstr of sick and wounded, November 1865May 1868 (445), is arranged chronologically by date admitted and numbered. v.(445) Nov. 1865May 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, June 1867October 1868, is arranged by type of Rec. Included are Ab of issues to hospital (December 1867); monthly Rprts of attendants employed (December 1867March 1868); statements of hospital fund (JanuaryMay 1868); Ab (June 1867June 1868); receipts (April 1867April 1868); a list of stores Rcvd (January 1868); invoices of medicine and hospital supplies (April 1868); bills of lading (FebruaryOctober 1868); and requests (JanuaryJune 1868). June 1867Oct. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 SPARTA (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, FebruaryNovember 1868 (434), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains what may be a Rgstr of Ltrs sent (June 1867January 1868), arranged chronologically. v.(434) Feb.Nov. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs and Issuances Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs and issuances Rcvd, March 1866January 1868 (433), is arranged by type of Rec and thereunder chronologically. The v.also contains a list of nine Contrs for 1868. v.(433) Mar. 1866Jan. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, MarchOctober 1868 (432), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also includes Endrsmnts. v.(432) Mar.Oct. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867February 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Feb. 1868 Rgstr of Contrs The single-v.Rgstr of Contrs, March 1866April 1867 (436), is arranged by year and thereunder numerically. The v.also contains complaints relating to cases of cruelty (AugustOctober 1866), arranged chronologically; complaints relating to differences between Frdmn and employers (AugustOctober 1866), arranged chronologically; a list of indigent and helpless Frdmn (October 1866); and a list of indigent and helpless whites (SeptemberOctober 1866). v.(436) Mar. 1866Apr. 1867 Indentures Unbound indentures, December 1865November 1866, are unarranged. Dec. 1865Nov. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, April 1867November 1868 (435), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(435) Apr. 1867Nov. 1868 Affidavits (cont.) Unbound affidavits, September 1866 and SeptemberOctober 1867, are arranged chronologically. Sept. 1866, Sept.Oct. 1867 SPRINGFIELD (SEE HAMMOND STATION) THIBODEAUX (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, MarchDecember 1868 (472), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(472) Mar.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, April 1867August 1868 (473), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (SeptemberOctober 1868), arranged chronologically. v.(473) Apr. 1867Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867April 1868 (471), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (March May 1867), arranged chronologically by date Rcvd; a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, (AprilDecember 1868), arranged chronologically by date Rcvd; a Rgstr of circulars Rcvd (March 1866May 1867), arranged Genlly chronologically; and a numerical list of Genl and special orders and circulars Rcvd (1867), arranged by issuing office and thereunder by type of order. There is a name index to the entire volume. v.(471) May. 1867Apr. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, January 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Jan. 1867Apr. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 SURGEON IN CHIEF Corr Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent dated August 1865May 1869, 1 (81) and 2 (82), are arranged chronologically. There is a name index in v.2 (82). v.1 (81) Aug. 1865Mar. 1868 v.2 (82) Apr. 1868May 1869 Ltrs Sent (cont.) Unbound Ltrs sent, August 1865June 1867, are arranged chronologically. Most of the Ltrs were copied into v.1 (81) of the Ltrs sent described above. Aug. 1865June 1867)
LA 1863-1872 School Rprts Unbound school Rprts, January 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Nov. 1868 Returns of School Property Unbound returns of school property, August 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Aug. 1866Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Receipts and (cont.) Expenditures of Schools Unbound monthly Rprts of receipts and expenditures of schools, January 1867 August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Aug. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Oct. 1868 Rprts of Indigent and Helpless Frdmn and Whites Applying for Relief The single-v.of Rprts of indigent and helpless Frdmn and whites applying for relief, August 1867January 1868 (182), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains complaints dated June 1866September 1868. v.(182) Aug. 1867Jan. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, July 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866Aug. 1868 Monthly Returns of Rations Issued and Stores Unbound monthly returns of rations issued and stores, JanuaryJune 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.June 1868 Rprts of Supplies Issued Planters Unbound monthly Rprts of supplies issued planters, MarchSeptember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Sept. 1868 Indentures Unbound indentures, December 1865December 1866, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1865Dec. 1866 Misc Lists Relating to Bounties The single v.of Misc lists relating to bounties, 186567 (181), is arranged by type of list. v.(181) 186567 Accounts with Planters for Stores Supplied The single v.of accounts with planters for stores supplied, MarchSeptember 1868 (183), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(183) Mar.Sept. 1868 Bills of Lading Unbound bills of lading, April 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Apr. 1867Dec. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, August 1865November 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Aug. 1865Nov. 1868 ALGIERS (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The five volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1866December 1868, 1 (187), 2 (188), 3 (189), 4 (190), and 5 (191), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.1 (187) also contains memorandums, June 1865April 1866, and v.4 (190) also contains Endrsmnts, MayJune 1867. v.1 (187) May 1866Sept. 1867 v.2 (188) Apr. 1867Feb. 1868 v.3 (189) Mar.Sept. 1868 v.4 (190) Sept. Nov. 1868 v.5 (191) Nov.Dec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Scrapbook of Telegrams Rcvd The single-v.scrapbook of telegrams Rcvd, AugustNovember 1865 (80), is arranged chronologically. v.(80) Aug.Nov. 1865 Special Orders and Extracts of Special Orders Rcvd Relating to the Medical Office The single v.of special orders and extracts of special orders Rcvd relating to the medical office, August 1865April 1869 (79), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. A few Ltrs Rcvd that relate to personnel are included. v.(79) Aug. 1865Apr. 1869 Rprts (cont.) Chief Medical Ofcrs Annual and Monthly Rprts of Operations Unbound chief medical Ofcrs annual and monthly Rprts of operations, 1866 69, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. The annual Rprts are dated October 1866September 1868, and the monthly ones, March 1868March 1869. Annual Rprts Oct. 1866Sept. 1868 Monthly Rprts Mar. 1868Mar. 1869 Monthly Returns of Medical Ofcrs in LA Unbound monthly returns of medical Ofcrs in LA, July 1865May 1869, are arranged chronologically. The returns list the names of the Surgs, their stations, ranks, the nature of their duties, and the dates of their commission or Contr. July 1865May 1869 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, December 1865May 1869, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1865May 1869)
LA 1863-1872 Special Orders and Circulars Issued The single v.of special orders and circulars issued, March 1866December 1867 (195), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains indentures (April 1866), arranged chronologically, and one circular Rcvd (March 14, 1866). v.(195) Mar. 1866Dec. 1867 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations The two volumes of trimonthly Rprts of operations, January 1867December 1868, 1 (192) and 2 (193), are arranged chronologically. There is a name index to v.2 (193) dated 1868. v.1 (192) Jan.Dec. 1867 v.2 (193) Jan.Dec. 1868 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations Unbound trimonthly Rprts of operations, JanuaryDecember 1866, are arranged chronologically. Jan.Dec. 1866 School Rprts Unbound school Rprts, May 1866December 1867, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Dec. 1867 Monthly Returns of School Property (cont.) Unbound monthly returns of school property, May 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Nov. 1868 Rprts of Asst Inspector of Frdmn Unbound Rprts of the Asst inspector of Frdmn, January 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Included are quarterly Con Rprts. Jan. 1866Nov. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, November 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Nov. 1866Dec. 1868 Monthly Returns of Public Animals Unbound monthly returns of public animals, May 1866December 1867, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Dec. 1867 Returns of Ord and Ord Stores Unbound returns of Ord and Ord stores, May 1866December 1867, are arranged chronologically. The Recs also include invoices of stores. May 1866Dec. 1867 Monthly Rprts of Numbers Issued Rations, Clothing and Medicines Unbound monthly Rprts of numbers issued rations, clothing, and medicines, FebruaryApril 1866, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Apr. 1866 Monthly Returns of Provisions Issued Destitutes Unbound monthly returns of provisions issued destitutes, JanuaryJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.July 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Tax Receipts The single v.of tax receipts (151) is dated 1864 and arranged numerically. v.(151) 1864 CHOFIELD PLANTATION (SEE NEW ORLEANS) CLINTON (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The four volumes of Ltrs sent, JuneAugust 1866, May 1867June 1868, and AugustDecember 1868, 1 (245), 2 (246), 3 (247), and 4 (248), are arranged in chronological order and numbered. Each v.has a name index. The Ltrs dated August 8September 26, 1868, numbered 83125, are duplicated in v.4 (248). Also in v.1 (245) are Ltrs sent, JuneAugust 1866; Endrsmnts sent, MayJuly 1868; and a Rgstr of complaints, OctoberDecember 1867. v.1 (245) JuneAug. 1866 v.2 (246) MayDec. 1867 v.3 (247) Jan.June 1868 v.4 (248) Aug.Dec. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867July 1868, 1 (243) and 2 (244), are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd, and each v.has a name index. v.1 (243) also has Endrsmnts Rcvd. v.1 (243) May 1867Jan. 1868 v.2 (244) Jan.July 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Tax Rolls Unbound tax rolls are dated ca. 1865 and are unarranged. ca. 1865 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186566, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are inspection Rprts, accounts current, bills of lading, returns of school property, Rprts of persons and articles hired, and payrolls of laborers employed. 186566 DONALDSONVILLE (AGENT AND Asst SUBAsst (cont.) Commr) Ltrs Sent The three volumes of Ltrs sent, April 1866December 1868, 1 (262), 2 (263), and 3 (264) are arranged chronologically and each v.has a name index. v.1 (262) also contains Ltrs Rcvd, May 1866Apr. 1867, which are arranged chronologically. v.1 (262) Apr. 1866Apr. 1867 v.2 (263) Apr. 1867Apr. 1868 v.3 (264) Apr.Dec. 1868 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd is dated April 1867 September 1868 (265). Entries dated April 1867February 1868, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. Entries dated MarchSeptember 1868 are arranged chronologically. The v.has a name index. v.(265) Apr. 1867Sept. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs Rcvd, April 1867September 1868 (258), are arranged chronologically and the v.has a name index. For Ltrs Rcvd, May 1866April 1867, see v.1 (262) of the three-v.series of Ltrs sent, April 1866December 1868 described above. For a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, SeptemberDecember 1868, see the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (259) described below. v.(258) Apr. 1867Sept. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, SeptemberDecember 1868 (259), includes Endrsmnts and is arranged chronologically. The v.has a name index. For Ltrs Rcvd, see the unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, September December 1868, described below. For other Ltrs Rcvd, see v.1 (262) of Ltrs sent and v.(258) Ltrs Rcvd listed above. The v.also contains a Rgstr of Contrs approved, 1866, arranged numerically; a Rgstr of payrolls approved, 1866, arranged chronologically by date approved; accounts of the agent with the QrtrMstr department, June 1866March 1867, arranged chronologically; complaints, 1867, arranged numerically; and accounts of planters, December 1866February 1867, arranged chronologically. v.(259) Sept.Dec. 1868 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, SeptemberDecember 1868, are arranged numerically by page number. The Ltrs are entered in the single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (259) described above. Sept.Dec. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Apr. 1866Oct. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Trimonthly Rprts (cont.) Sept. 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Nov. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, February 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Dec. 1868 Recs Relating to Schools Unbound Recs relating to schools, 186668, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are school Rprts of receipts and expenditures. 186668 Rgstrs of Complaints The two volumes of Rgstrs of complaints, MarchJune 1867 and MayJune 1868, 1 (528) and 2 (542), are arranged chronologically. For a Rgstr of complaints dated September 1865December 1866, see v.2 (511) of the sixv.series of Ltrs sent, described above. v.1 (528) also contains a journal of business, October 1867July 1868, arranged chronologically. v.1 (528) Mar. June 1867 v.2 (542) MayJune 1868 Rgstr of Indigents (cont.) The single-v.Rgstr of indigents (530) is undated and arranged by initial Ltr of given name or surname. v.(530) Undated Rgstr of Blank Forms Furnished to Planters The single-v.Rgstr of blank forms furnished to planters, FebruaryApril 1866 (531), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains a list of indigents, a list of destitutes, and a list of indigents and destitutes. v.(531) Feb.Apr. 1866 Rgstr of Leased Plantations The single-v.Rgstr of leased plantations, 1865 (532), is arranged by initial Ltr of surname of leasee. The v.also contains lists of Contrs approved, Dschrgd Soldrs applying for bounty, weekly rations issued to indigents and Frdmn, and a list of planters and plantations. v.(532) 1865 Accounts with Planters for Supplies Furnished The single v.of accounts with planters for supplies furnished, March September 1868 (529), is arranged by name of planter and thereunder chronologically. It has a name index. v.(529) Mar.Sept. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Trimonthly and Special Rprts The two volumes of trimonthly and special Rprts, April 1866September 1868, 1 (392) and 2 (393), are arranged chronologically and each v.has a name index. v.1 (392) Apr. 1866May 1868 v.2 (393) MaySept. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, March 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Aug. 1868 Misc Rprts Relating to Schools Unbound Misc Rprts relating to schools, 186668, are arranged by type of Rprt. Included are monthly school Rprts of the district Super, monthly school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, and Rprts of school property. 186668 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired (cont.) Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, July 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866Aug. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Indigents and Destitutes Unbound monthly Rprts of indigents and destitutes, FebruaryApril 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb.Apr. 1868 Indentures Unbound indentures, April 1866February 1868, are unarranged. Apr. 1866Feb. 1868 Complaints The single v.of complaints, March 1866August 1868 (396), is arranged chronologically. v.(396) Mar. 1866Aug. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.Journal of Business, May 1867September 1868 (395), is arranged chronologically. v.(395) May 1867Sept. 1868 Misc Lists and Rgstrs The single-v.of Misc lists and Rgstrs (397) covers the period 186668. The v.contains accounts, a Rgstr of Soldrs claims, a Rgstr of Contrs, a Rgstr of Frdmn, a Rgstr of rations, and lists of expenses. v.(397) 186668 Accounts The single v.of accounts, May 1867September 1868 (394), is arranged chronologically. v.(394) May 1867Sept. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186568, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are accounts current, bills of lading, monthly returns of QrtrMstr stores, receipts, Ab, affidavits, bonds, and applications for rations by destitutes. 186568)
LA 1863-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Jan. 1867May 1869)
LA 1863-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Jan.Dec. 1868 Genl and Special Orders Issued The single v.of Genl and special orders issued, June 1866May 1867 (266), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains an unidentified name index and accounts with schoolteachers, May 1866August 1868, arranged chronologically. v.(266) June 1866May 1867 District Supers School Rprts Unbound district Supers school Rprts, JanuaryOctober 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.Oct. 1868 Rgstrs of Black Persons Unbound Rgstrs of black persons are undated and arranged by parish. Undated Court Cases The single v.of court cases, November 1866 (267), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. The v.also contains a Journal of Business, April 1867December 1868, arranged chronologically, and a Rgstr of rations, June 1866 and July 1867, arranged in Genl chronological order. v.(267) Nov. 1866 Misc Recs Relating to Court Cases Unbound Misc Recs relating to court cases, April 1866February 1868, are unarranged. Apr. 1866Feb. 1868 Misc Recs (cont.) Unbound Misc Recs, 186668, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are inspection Rprts, receipts relating to school property, Rprts of persons and articles hired, bills of lading, accounts current, papers relating to the issuance of rations to destitutes, requisitions for forage, indentures, and Ab. For a Rgstr of applications for relief, see v.1 (260). For a Rgstr of indigents, a Rgstr of Dschrgs, a Rgstr of indentures, and complaints, see v.2 (261) above. 186668)
LA 1863-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) May 1867Dec. 1868 Narrative Trimonthly Rprts of Business Transacted Unbound narrative trimonthly Rprts of business transacted, JanuaryMay 1866, are arranged chronologically. Jan.May 1866 Trimonthly Rprts The single v.of trimonthly Rprts, JulyDecember 1868 (286), is arranged chronologically, and has a name index. v.(286) JulyDec. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, March 1866 and February 1867December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866; Feb. 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of (cont.) District Supers Unbound monthly school Rprts of district Supers, January 1867 December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Dec. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of Agents Unbound monthly school Rprts of agents, MarchDecember 1868, are arranged chronologically. Mar.Dec. 1868 Monthly School Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound monthly school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, October 1866 September 1868, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1866Sept. 1868 Property Rprts of Schools Unbound property Rprts of schools, November 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically. Nov. 1865Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, May 1866May 1867, are arranged chronologically. May 1866May 1867 Court Recs Unbound court Recs, July 1864November 1867, are unarranged. July 1864Nov. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, FebruaryJune 1867 (288), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. The v.also contains accounts with the school at Bayou Cypres Mort, AugustDecember 1867, arranged chronologically; accounts with the school at Franklin, AprilDecember 1867, arranged chronologically; and a list of Bureau stationary allowance undated and unarranged. v.(288) Feb.June 1867 Rgstrs of Complaints The two volumes of Rgstrs of complaints, June 1867July 1868, 1 (289) and 2 (290), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (289) June 1867July 1868 v.2 (290) Feb.May 1868 Indentures (cont.) Unbound indentures cover the period November 1865July 1868 and are arranged chronologically. Nov. 1865July 1868)
LA 1863-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, December 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Dec. 1865Dec. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Inspection (cont.) Unbound monthly Rprts of inspection, December 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1867Nov. 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, December 1867November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1867Nov. 1868 Rprts of Indigents and Destitutes Unbound Rprts of indigents and destitutes, JanuaryJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan.July 1868 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, August 1868 (296), is unarranged. v.(296) Aug. 1868 Journal of Business The single-v.journal of business, May 1867November 1868 (295), is arranged chronologically. v.(295) May 1867Nov. 1868 JEFFERSON CITY (SEE CARROLLTON) JESUITS BEND (PROVOST MARSHAL, AGENT, AND Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs and Orders Sent and Rcvd The single v.of Ltrs and orders sent and Rcvd, January 1863November 1865 (540), is arranged chronologically. The v.also contains other Misc lists and Rgstrs, such as a Rgstr of lessees of plantations and lists of paroled prisoners. v.(540) Jan. 1863Nov. 1865 Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, JanuaryAugust 1868 (302), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(302) Jan.Aug. 1868 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (534) and 2(301), cover the period December 1865August 1868. The entries in v.1 (534) are arranged chronologically. Those in v.2 (301) are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of correspondent and thereunder chronologically. v.2 (301) also contains Endrsmnts sent (August 1864November 1865) and some Misc lists. v.1 (534) Dec. 1865May 1868 v.2 (301) Feb.Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, June 1865August 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Some of the Ltrs are entered in volumes 1 (534) and 2 (301) of the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd described above. June 1865Aug. 1868 Inspection Rprts Unbound inspection Rprts, November 1866 and April 1868, are arranged chronologically. Nov. 1866; Apr. 1868 Returns of School Property Unbound returns of school property, January 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1866Aug. 1868 School Rprts of Receipts and Expenditures Unbound school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, MayAugust 1866, April June 1867, and JanuaryJuly 1868, are arranged chronologically. MayAug. 1866; Apr.June 1867; Jan.July 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, MayJuly 1867 and JanuaryApril 1868, are arranged chronologically. MayJuly 1867; Jan.Apr. 1868 Monthly Returns of QrtrMstr Stores Unbound monthly returns of QrtrMstr stores, September 1866 and May 1867, are arranged chronologically. Sept. 1866; May 1867 Journal of Business (cont.) The single-v.Journal of Business, JanuaryAugust 1868 (303), is arranged chronologically. v.(303) Jan.Aug. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs dated December 1866February 1867 consist of three items. Dec. 1866Feb. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, December 1865December 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Dec. 1865Dec. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, February 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Feb. 1866Aug. 1868 Trimonthly Rprts of Operations Unbound trimonthly Rprts of operations, February 1866August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Aug. 1868 Monthly Inspection Rprts Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866September 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Sept. 1868 Misc Rprts Relating to Schools Unbound Misc Rprts relating to schools, 186668, are arranged by type of Rprt. Included are monthly school Rprts of the district Super, monthly school Rprts of receipts and expenditures, and monthly returns of school property. 186668 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, February 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866July 1868)
LA 1863-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, January 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically by date Rcvd. Jan. 1866Oct. 1868 Rgstr of Circulars Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of circulars Rcvd, May 1865December 1867 (492), is arranged by issuing office, thereunder by year, and thereunder numerically. The v.also contains orders Rcvd (December 1867), arranged numerically. v.(492) May 1865Dec. 1867 Monthly Inspection Rprts (cont.) Unbound monthly inspection Rprts, February 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Oct. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired Unbound monthly Rprts of persons and articles hired, February 1866November 1867, are arranged chronologically. Feb. 1866Nov. 1867 Journals of Business The two volumes of Journals of Business, March 1867December 1868, 1 (493) and 2 (494), are arranged chronologically. v.2 (494) also contains a Rgstr of complaints (March 1867January 1868), arranged chronologically. Both volumes have name indexes. v.1 (493) Aug.Dec. 1868 v.2 (494) Mar. 1867July 1868 Accounts with a Planter for Supplies Furnished The single v.of accounts with a planter for supplies furnished, June December 1868 (495), is arranged chronologically. v.(495) JuneDec. 1868 Misc Recs Unbound Misc Recs, 186668, are arranged by type of Rec. Included are accounts current, applications for rations, monthly returns of QrtrMstr stores, school Rprts, lists of destitutes, and bills of lading. 186668 VERNON (Asst SUBAsst Commr) Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1867September 1868, 1 (481) and 2 (482), are arranged chronologically. Both volumes have name indexes. v.1 (481) May 1867May 1868 v.2 (482) MaySept. 1868 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867September 1868 (480), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(480) May 1867Sept. 1868 Orders and Circulars Rcvd (cont.) Unbound orders and circulars Rcvd, NovemberDecember 1866 and May 1867 August 1868, are arranged chronologically. Nov.Dec. 1866 May 1867Aug. 1868 Journals of Business The two volumes of Journals of Business, May 1867September 1868, 1 (483) and 2 (484), are arranged chronologically. v.2 (484) also contains accounts, May 1867August 1868, arranged chronologically. There is a name index in v.2 (484) to journal of business. v.1 (483) May 1867July 1868 v.2 (484) May 1867Sept. 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly Rprts Rcvd from Surgs Concerning Cholera Cases Unbound weekly Rprts Rcvd from Surgs concerning cholera cases, July 1867February 1868, are arranged chronologically. The Surgs listed the names and ages of cholera victims and dates of attack, recovery, or death on tabular Rprts. July 1867Feb. 1868 Monthly Rprts of Attendants Employed Unbound monthly Rprts of attendants employed, August 1865May 1869, are arranged chronologically. Included are Rprts from subordinates and retained copies of those sent to Bureau Hqtrs in Wash, DC. Aug. 1865May 1869)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. Apr.Oct. 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. Aug. 1864June 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. Aug. 1868May 1869)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. Jan.July 1868)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. July 1865Mar. 1866)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. July 1867May 1869)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. JulyDec. 1867)
LA 1863-1872 Weekly and Monthly Rprts of Sick and Wounded Unbound weekly and monthly Rprts of sick and wounded, August 1864May 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. Included are both Rprts from Surgs and copies of the chief medical Ofcrs Rprts sent to Wash. Nov. 1866June 1867)
Maryland and Delaware
MD,DE 1865-1872 Asst Commrs Monthly Rprts of Rations Issued Unbound Asst Commrs monthly Rprts of rations issued, June 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866July 1868 Asst Commrs Rprts of Ofcrs on Duty and Monthly Rprts of (cont.) Changes in Personnel Unbound Asst Commrs Rprts of Ofcrs on duty and monthly Rprts of changes in personnel, June 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866July 1868 Rprts of Persons and Articles Hired, QrtrMstr Stores Used by the Bureau in MD, and Trimonthly Returns of Public Animals Unbound Rprts of persons and articles hired, QrtrMstr stores used by the Bureau in MD, and trimonthly returns of public animals, June 1866April 1869, are arranged by type of Rprt and thereunder chronologically. The series includes Rprts made by the Dsbrsg Ofcr that were forwarded to Wash, DC. June 1866Apr. 1869 Asst Commrs Rprts of Transportation Ordered Unbound Asst Commrs Rprts of transportation ordered, June 1867July 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1867July 1868 Rprts Rcvd from the Shenandoah Division Unbound Rprts Rcvd from the Shenandoah Division, JuneAugust 1866, are arranged chronologically. The series includes Rprts of operations, rations issued, land Rprts, Rprts of persons and articles hired, and QrtrMstr returns. JuneAug. 1866 OTHER RECORDS Ltrs of Recommendation and Appointment and Oaths of Office of Clerks and Agents Unbound Ltrs of recommendation and appointment and oaths of office of clerks and agents, April 1867August 1868, are arranged by type of Rec. Apr. 1867Aug. 1868 Rgstr of Complaints of Illegal Apprenticeships The single-v.Rgstr of complaints of illegal apprenticeships (21) is dated ca. 1868. The complaints appear to be the result of an investigation or Rprt of Edward Petheridge, agent in Baltimore. The v.has a name index. v.(21) circa 1868Misc Recs Relating to Construction of School Buildings (cont.) Unbound Misc Recs relating to construction of school buildings, October 1866July 1868, are arranged by town. The series consists of school plans, Contrs, and bills for construction or repair of buildings. Oct. 1866July 1868 Misc Rprts and Papers Unbound Misc Rprts and papers, July 1866October 1868, are arranged chronologically. The series includes a copy of the apprenticeship law of DE, a Rprt by the Dsbrsg Ofcr of moneys Rcvd and disbursed in December 1866, and a Rprt in the case of a Dr. Somers. July 1866Oct. 1868 OFFICES OF STAFF OFFICERS CHIEF QUARTERMASTER AND DISBURSING OFFICER Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, November 1866June 1867, 1 (28) and 2 (29), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (28) has a name index. v.2 (29) also contains a Rgstr of orders for transportation (January 1867). v.1 (28) Nov. 1866May 1867 v.2 (29) May 1867June 1867)
MD,DE 1865-1872 COMPLAINT DIVISION The Complaint Division of the Office of the Asst Commr was apparently mainly responsible for complaints relating to the filing and processing of claims, although it also dealt with complaints arising from illegal apprenticeship of children. After the abolishment of the Office of the Asst Commr in August 1868, Corr relating to complaints of claimants was continued in these series. Press Copies of Ltrs Sent (cont.) The two volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, April 1868April 1872, 1 (19) and 2 (20), are arranged chronologically and each v.has a name index. v.1 (19) Apr. 1868Dec. 1869 v.2 (20) Jan. 1870Apr. 1872)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Case Files for Claims for Bounty and Pay Arrearages GL 186772)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Case Files for Claims for Bounty and Pay Arrearages MS 186772)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Case Files for Claims for Bounty and Pay Arrearages TY 186772 Rgstr of Claimants for Pensions The single-v.Rgstr of claimants for pensions, June 1866March 1872 (25), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. The entries give the name, rank, Co, Reg, and address of claimant; the dates the claim was Rcvd and filed; the type or nature of the claim; and remarks. For case files of some of the claimants entered in this Rgstr, see the series of case files of pension claims (186772) mentioned below. v.(25) June 1866Mar. 1872)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Case Files for Claims for Bounty and Pay Arrearages Unbound case files for claims for bounty and pay arrearages, 186772, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. The case files consist of jackets giving the name, rank, Co, Reg, and address of claimant and the dates when the claim was forwarded and returned. The jackets often contain Corr relating to the claim. AF 186772)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Case Files of Pension Claims (cont.) HR 186772)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Case Files of Pension Claims (cont.) SY 186772 Rgstr of MD Bounty Claims Filed-Hugh L. Bond The single-v.Rgstr of MD bounty claims filed-Hugh L. Bond, MayNovember 1868 (24), is arranged numerically by Reg. The entries give the name, Co, and Reg of claimant; the dates the papers were forwarded; the amount of the claim; and the date it was paid. v.(24) MayNov. 1868 Rgstr of Claims Not Originally Filed-the Baltimore Office The single-v.Rgstr of claims not originally filed-the Baltimore office, March 1867January 1872 (22), is arranged chronologically. The entries give the name, rank, Co, Reg, and address of the claimant; when and from whom the claim was Rcvd; the action required; and the date and to whom returned. v.(22) Mar. 1867Jan. 1872 Rgstr of Loyal Slaveowners, MD,WV The single-v.Rgstr of loyal slaveowners in MD,WV (24) is undated and arranged alphabetically by the initial Ltr of the surname of the slaveowner. The entries also give the name of the slave. v.(24) Undated Names and Addresses of Claimants The two volumes of names and addresses of claimants, 1 and 2, are undated, and each is arranged alphabetically, AY. v.1 Undated v.2 Undated)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Case Files of Pension Claims Unbound case files of pension claims, 186772, are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of surname of claimant. The files consist of a jacket giving the name, Co, rank, and Reg of claimant; the address of claimant; and the dates the claim was Rcvd and filed. The jackets often contain Corr relating to the claim. AG 186772)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Check Stubs The five volumes of check stubs, July 1866December 1867, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.1 July 1866Feb. 1867 v.2 Feb.June 1867 v.3 JuneAug. 1867 v.4 Aug.Oct. 1867 v.5 Oct.Dec. 1867 SUBORDINATE OFFICES CLAIM DIVISION The Claim Division was originally a division of the Office of the Asst Commr. After the abolishment of that Office in 1868, a claims agent remained in Baltimore until 1872. Many of the Ltrs in these series were addressed to the Asst Commr but all of them relate to claims. Ltrs Sent (cont.) The two volumes of Ltrs sent, September 1866September 1867, 1 (5) and 2 (6), are arranged chronologically, and both volumes have name indexes. v.1 (5) Sept.Dec. 1866 v.2 (6) Jan.Sept. 1867)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Entered in v.2 (18) numbers 2417 Jan.Dec. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Entered in v.2 (18) numbers 3180 Jan. 1869Mar. 1872 SUBORDINATE FIELD OFFICES The Recs of the offices described below were not subordinate to the Asst Commr for MD, but because they are listed in the List of Book Recs for MD, they appear here as the subordinate offices in MD. The offices in Annapolis, Bladensburg, and Rockville were subordinate to the Asst Commr for the DC. The Ofcr in Wilmington was a claims agent. ANNAPOLIS (Dsbrsg Ofcr) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, June 1866March 1868 (48), is arranged chronologically. v.(48) June 1866Mar. 1868 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent (cont.) The single v.of press copies of Ltrs sent, March 1868September 1870, (49), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(49) Mar. 1868Sept. 1870 Endrsmnts Sent The single v.of Endrsmnts sent, July 1866September 1868 (47), is arranged chronologically. v.(47) July 1866Sept. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 LIST OF BOOK RECORDS States of MD,DE The single-v.list of book Recs of Ofcrs in MD (no date) is arranged by office, with Recs of the Asst Commr 1st, followed alphabetically by locations of the subdistrict office. Included in the list of book Recs are the type of Rec in each book or volume, the dates of the volume, and the v.number. In the Table of Contents below, the Adjutant Genls Office (AGO) v.number appears in parentheses in the series descriptions. The Adjutant Genls Office (AGO) of the War Dept assigned the v.numbers shown in parentheses after the Recs came into its custody. The v.numbers not in parentheses were assigned by the National Archives and Recs Administration. 1 v.OFFICE OF THE Asst Commr CORRESPONDENCE Ltrs Sent The two volumes of Ltrs sent, May 1866December 1868, 1 (3) and 2 (4), are arranged chronologically. v.1 (3) May 1866July 1868 v.2 (4) JulyDec. 1868 Name Index to Ltrs Sent The index (14) is an index to the Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, April 1866December 1869, listed below. v.(14) Endrsmnts Sent & Rcvd The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, April 1866December 1869 (13), is arranged chronologically. For a name index, see the single index (14) mentioned above. The Endrsmnts after December 1868 were sent or Rcvd by the Ofcr in charge of claims. v.(13) Apr. 1866Dec. 1869 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866December 1868, (1) and (2), are arranged by time periods. The entries within each time period are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent and thereunder chronologically. For Ltrs Rcvd, see the unbound Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866December 1868, listed below. v.(2) also contains a Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd relating to claims, JanuaryAugust 1868, that are arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the correspondent. v.1 (1) Apr. 1866Aug. 1868 v.2 (2) Jan.Dec. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd (cont.) 1868 BLADENSBURG (Super) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, June 1866September 1867 (50), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(50) June 1866Sept. 1867 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, May 1866December 1867, are arranged chronologically. May 1866Dec. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, June 1866September 1867 (51), is arranged chronologically and has a name index. v.(51) June 1866Sept. 1867 ROCKVILLE (Super) Ltrs Sent The single v.of Ltrs sent, June 1866October 1867 (53), is arranged chronologically. v.(53) June 1866Oct. 1867 Endrsmnts Sent and Rcvd (cont.) The single v.of Endrsmnts sent and Rcvd, July 1866September 1867 (54), is arranged chronologically. The cross-referenced to the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (52) mentioned below. v.(54) July 1866Sept. 1867 Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd The single-v.Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd, March 1866September 1867 (52), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. v.(52) Mar. 1866Sept. 1867)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd 435799 Oct. 1867Feb. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd GZ 186668)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, April 1866December 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. AF 186668)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, JanuaryAugust 1868, are arranged according to their entry in v.(2) of the Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd among the Recs of the Office of the Asst Commr mentioned above. Jan.Aug. 1868 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, May 1866May 1872, are arranged chronologically. Some of these Ltrs appear to be entered in a Rgstr, but the Rgstr has not been located. May 1866Dec. 1867)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, June 1866December 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866Dec. 1867)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The six volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, July 1867June 1872, 1 (7), 2 (8), 3 (9), 4 (10), 5 (11), and 6 (12), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.1 (7) July 1867Mar. 1868 v.2 (8) Mar.Oct. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The six volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, July 1867June 1872, 1 (7), 2 (8), 3 (9), 4 (10), 5 (11), and 6 (12), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.3 (9) Oct. 1868Mar. 1869 v.4 (10) Mar. 1869Nov. 1869)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The six volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, July 1867June 1872, 1 (7), 2 (8), 3 (9), 4 (10), 5 (11), and 6 (12), are arranged chronologically, and each v.has a name index. v.5 (11) Nov. 1869May 1871 v.6 (12) May 1871June 1872)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent The ten volumes of press copies of Ltrs sent, July 1867June 1872, 1 (30), 2 (31), 3 (32), 4 (33), 5 (34), 6 (35), 7 (36), 8 (37), 9 (38), and 10 (39), are arranged chronologically, and there are indexes in every v.except 10 (39). v.1 (30) JulyNov. 1867 v.2 (31) Nov. 1867Feb. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.3 (32) Feb.June 1868 v.4 (33) JuneSept. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.5 (34) Sept.Dec. 1868 v.6 (35) Dec. 1868Apr. 1869)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.7 (36) Apr. 1869Feb. 1870)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Press Copies of Ltrs Sent v.8 (37) Feb. 1870Feb. 1871 v.9 (38) Feb. 1871May 1872 v.10 (39) MayJune 1872)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Receipts for Certs (cont.) RZ 186670 Bills Paid Unbound bills paid, 186768, are arranged chronologically. 186768)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Receipts for Pay, Bounty, and Pension Certs Unbound receipts for pay, bounty, and pension Certs, dated 186670, are arranged alphabetically by the initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. AR 186670)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Rgstred Ltrs Rcvd, May 1866September 1867, are arranged in chronological order and numbered. The Ltrs are Rgstred in the Rgstr of Ltrs Rcvd (52) mentioned above. May 1866Sept. 1867 Rgstr of Complaints The single-v.Rgstr of complaints, June 1866September 1867 (55), is arranged chronologically. v.(55) June 1866Sept. 1867 WILMINGTON, DE Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, May 1867July 1870, are arranged chronologically. May 1867July 1870 Rgstr of Claimants for Bounties The single-v.Rgstr of claimants for bounties, November 1867July 1869 (56), is arranged chronologically. The entries give the name and address of claimant, information about the time of filing of claim, and the service of claimant. v.(56) Nov. 1867July 1869 Rgstr of Claims for Pensions The single-v.Rgstr of claims for pensions, March 1867March 1868 (57), arranged chronologically by the date of the application. The Rgstr gives the date of the application, name of pensioner, residence, number of Cert, and date and amount of payment. v.(57) Mar. 1867Mar. 1868 Rgstr of Payments The single-v.Rgstr of payments, January 1867December 1868 (58), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. The entries give the name, rank, Reg, and Co of the claimant; the date payment was Rcvd; the number of the Treasury Cert; and the amount of payment. v.(58) Jan. 1867Dec. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Complaints The two volumes of Rgstrs of complaints, 1 (17) and 2 (18), cover the period July 1866March 1872. Vol. 1 (17) is arranged chronologically and thereunder by page number. v.2 (18) is arranged in chronological order and numbered. Each v.has a name index. The entries give the name of the complainant, an abstract of the nature of the complaint, and notations relating to actions taken in the case. v.1 (17) July 1866Feb. 1868 v.2 (18) Jan. 1868Mar. 1872 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, July 1866March 1872, are arranged according to their entry in the Rgstrs of complaints 1 (17) and 2 (18) mentioned above. Entered in v.1 (17) pages 297 July 1866Feb. 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd The two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, November 1866August 1868, 1 (26) and 2 (27), are arranged in chronological order by date Rcvd and numbered. There are name indexes in both volumes. For the actual Ltrs Rcvd, see the series of Ltrs Rcvd, November 1866February 1868, mentioned below. v.1 (26) Nov. 1866Oct. 1867 v.2 (27) Oct. 1867Aug. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd Unbound Ltrs Rcvd, November 1866February 1868, are arranged according to their entry in the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd, 1 (26) and 2 (27), mentioned above. 1434 Nov. 1866Oct. 1867)
MD,DE 1865-1872 Special Orders Issued The single v.of special orders issued, May 1866August 1868 (16), is arranged by year and thereunder numerically. The v.includes a name index. v.(16) May 1866Aug. 1868 Genl and Special Orders and Circulars Rcvd (cont.) Unbound Genl and special orders and circulars Rcvd, March 1866April 1867, are arranged chronologically. Mar. 1866Apr. 1867 REPORTS Narrative Rprts from the Asst Inspector Genl, the Super of Education, and the Ofcr in Charge of the Complaint Division Unbound narrative Rprts from the Asst inspector Genl, the Super of education, and the Ofcr in charge of the complaint division, October 1866June 1868, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1866June 1868 Asst Commrs Quarterly Rprts of Operations Unbound Asst Commrs quarterly Rprts of operations, October 1866 July 1867, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1866July 1867 Asst Commrs Monthly Land Rprts Unbound Asst Commrs monthly land Rprts, July 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. July 1866July 1868 Teachers Monthly School Rprts Unbound teachers monthly school Rprts, 1866 and May 1869April 1870, are arranged chronologically. 1866, May 1869Apr. 1870 Asst Commrs and Super of Educations Monthly Statistical School Rprts Unbound Asst Commrs and Super of educations monthly statistical school Rprts, June 1866July 1868, are arranged chronologically. June 1866July 1868)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Apr.Dec. 1869)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Jan. 1868Mar. 1869)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Jan.Sept. 1870)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Mar.Aug. 1869)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) May 1871May 1872 Ltrs Rcvd Relating to the Claims of Loyal Slaveowners (cont.) Unbound Ltrs Rcvd relating to the claims of loyal slaveowners, December 1866March 1867, are arranged chronologically. Dec. 1866Mar. 1867 Rgstr of Claimants for Bounties and Pay Arrearages The single-v.Rgstr of claimants for bounties and pay arrearages, June 1866March 1872 (23), is arranged alphabetically by initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. The entries give the name, rank, Co, and Reg of the claimant; the dates the claim was Rcvd and filed; the address of the claimant; the type of claim; and remarks. For case files of many of the claimants entered in the Rgstr, see the series of case files for claims for bounty and pay arrearages (186772) mentioned below. v.(23) June 1866Mar. 1872)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Oct. 1870Apr. 1871)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs (cont.) Sept. 1869July 1870 Special Orders and Circulars Rcvd Unbound special orders and circulars Rcvd, January 1867April 1869, are arranged chronologically. Jan. 1867Apr. 1869 Rgstr of Claimants The single-v.Rgstr of claimants, JanuaryApril 1872 (44), is arranged alphabetically by the initial Ltr of the surname of the claimant. The entries give the name of the claimant, the date the vouchers were Rcvd, and the date the funds were Rcvd. There are very few entries in the Rgstr. v.(44) Jan.Apr. 1872 Rgstrs of Cash Rcvd and Disbursed The three volumes of Rgstrs of cash Rcvd and disbursed, November 1866June 1872, 1 (41), 2 (42), and 3 (43), are arranged chronologically. Each v.has a name index. The entries give the date and amount of money Rcvd, from whom it was Rcvd and to whom it was paid, the name of the claimant, the signature of the recipient, and the name of the witness. v.1 (41) contains receipts of papers by claimants and others dated November 1866August (cont.) 1868. v.1 (41) Nov. 1866Aug. 1868 v.2 (42) May 1868May 1871 v.3 (43) May 1871June 1872 Rgstr of Disbursements The single-v.Rgstr of disbursements, March 1868October 1871 (44), is arranged chronologically. The entries give the name of the person, date, and amount paid. v.(44) Mar. 1868Oct. 1871)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, October 1865November 1868, are arranged chronologically. Some of the Ltrs appear to be entered in a Rgstr, but they are not entered in the two volumes of Rgstrs of Ltrs Rcvd mentioned above. Oct. 1865Nov. 1868 Ltrs Rcvd by Lt Col William P. Wilson, Acting Asst Commr Unbound Ltrs Rcvd by Lt. Col. William P. Wilson, Acting Asst Commr, OctoberDecember 1865, are arranged chronologically. Oct.Dec.1865 ISSUANCES Genl Orders Issued The single v.of Genl orders issued, JuneNovember 1866 (15), is arranged in chronological order and numbered. The v.includes a name index. v.(15) JuneNov. 1866)
MD,DE 1865-1872 UnRgstred Ltrs Rcvd Unbound unRgstred Ltrs Rcvd, October 1868July 1870, are arranged chronologically. Oct. 1868Feb. 1869)